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Yu. S. Shakhidzhanov
Yu. S. Shakhidzhanov
I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas



Environmental monitoring
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About organization of geo-ecological safety on objects of oil and gas complex, exposed to nuclear influence

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As a result of nuclear explosions, a large amount of uncontrolled radioactive waste was formed in the subsurface of oil and gas fields. The main channels of migration of radioactive waste into water-bearing complexes and to the day surface are presented and it is shown that the cavities formed as a result of nuclear explosions are highly permeable. Nuclear explosions carried out in salts have broken the tightness of the cover of gas condensate deposits. Measures to organize geo-ecological safety of nuclear facilities are proposed.

How to cite: Shakhidzhanov Y.S., Kiryukhina N.N. About organization of geo-ecological safety on objects of oil and gas complex, exposed to nuclear influence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 135-137.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of a methodology and information-analytical system for monitoring the environment of oil and gas-bearing regions with nuclear explosion cavities

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The character of underground nuclear explosions conducted for industrial purposes in the regions of oil and gas resources development is analyzed. The main channels of radionuclide migration into oil reservoirs, aquifer complexes, and to the surface, as well as the condition of process wells and nuclear explosion cavities, are considered. Nuclear facilities where radionuclide migration from a nuclear explosion cavity has been recorded are shown.

How to cite: Shakhidzhanov Y.S. Development of a methodology and information-analytical system for monitoring the environment of oil and gas-bearing regions with nuclear explosion cavities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 139-141.