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Vol 158
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Environmental and economic assessment of the negative impact of mining and metallurgical waste on air and land

N. V. Pashkevich1
M. A. Pashkevich2
T. A. Petrova3
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 3 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The analysis of technogenic impact of waste of mineral complex on atmospheric air and land was carried out. It was established that the environmental and economic risk of negative impact is determined by the probability of environmental and economic damage. The probability of damage from land pollution in the zone of impact of technogenic massifs was analyzed. The research work was supported by the American Foundation for Civilian Research and Development.

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  1. Горлов В.Д. Оценка социально-экологических издержек от запыленных сельхозугодий, прилегающих к отвальному массиву / В.Д.Горлов, Ю.В.Горлов // Горный журнал. 1999. № 7.
  2. Голодковская Г.А. Геологическая среда промышленных регионов / Г.А.Голодковская, Ю.Б.Елисеев. М.: Недра, 1989.

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