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Vol 159 No 1

Vol 156
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Studying the spatial distribution patterns of ore mineralization of the Aganozero-Burakovskaya intrusion using quantitative interpretation in a three-dimensional environment

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The aim of the presented work is to analyze the spatial patterns of distribution of geochemical halos of platinoids and chromium using the Micromine software system, which is usually used for compiling spatial geological models of deposits and calculating reserves. The spatial separation of the geochemical halos of chromium and platinum was established, the first of which is practically continuous within the Aganozersky block of the Burakovsky massif and is limited from below by the main chromite horizon, and the second is spatially located directly above the chromium halo and breaks up into a number of fragments. In the first approximation, the main halo of elevated platinum contents is located directly above the supply channel of the Aganozero intrusion, assumed on the basis of geophysical studies.

How to cite: Apukhtina I.V. Studying the spatial distribution patterns of ore mineralization of the Aganozero-Burakovskaya intrusion using quantitative interpretation in a three-dimensional environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 7-9.
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Mathematical modeling of acrylic-based flushing fluids parameters

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The principles of application of mathematical statistics in the development of compositions of flushing fluids are stated. One example of data processing by Statgraphics program and obtained results are shown.

How to cite: Dernov D.A., Lukiyanov M.V. Mathematical modeling of acrylic-based flushing fluids parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 10-12.
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Wallrock metasomatites of the Pavlovskoye polymetallic deposit (Novaya Zemlya Archipelago)

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The results of studies of wallrock hydrothermal-metasomatic processes at a large polymetallic deposit located in the central part of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago are considered. The geological position and control factors of mineralization, pre-ore and wallrock metasomatites are shown. The material composition of metasomatites has been studied in detail, and rare minerals, such as zinc-bearing dolomite, kimrites, and barium-bearing mica, among others, have been discovered and described, and specific morphology and composition have been revealed for those. According to the structure and material composition of metasomatites and some minerals, the formation conditions are defined as low-temperature near-surface.

How to cite: Ilchenko V.O., Antonov A.V. Wallrock metasomatites of the Pavlovskoye polymetallic deposit (Novaya Zemlya Archipelago) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 13-16.
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Peculiarities of bauxite reserves calculation at one of the Vezha-Vorykvinsky deposit sites

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A computer model of one of the Vezha-Vorykvinsky deposit areas was built using Micromine software, reserves were calculated and the results were compared with the data approved by the SCR. Within the boundaries of the ore body approved by the SCR, the results of reserves calculation based on the computer model slightly differ from those approved by the SCR, but the model more accurately reflects the structure of reserves. In the context of the transition to computer technology for calculating reserves, the proposed approach makes it possible to avoid procedures for re-approving reserves.

How to cite: Kostyakhina A.V. Peculiarities of bauxite reserves calculation at one of the Vezha-Vorykvinsky deposit sites // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 17-19.
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Engineering-geoecological analysis of the conditions of construction and operation of the Beregovaya compressor station (Blue Stream gas pipeline, Gelendzhik region)

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The engineering and geological conditions of the site of the projected Beregovaya compressor station are analyzed, with special attention paid to endogenous and exogenous geological processes and phenomena that will determine the safe operation of the station. The features of physical and mechanical properties of the flysch strata are considered, and the weakest and most water-resistant rock varieties - marl - are highlighted. It is shown that in marl sediments with their additional moistening the most probable formation of landslide sliding surfaces. Examples of possible measures for providing compressor station protection from dangerous geological processes are given.

How to cite: Kotyukov P.V. Engineering-geoecological analysis of the conditions of construction and operation of the Beregovaya compressor station (Blue Stream gas pipeline, Gelendzhik region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 20-22.
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Heavy metal distribution trends in the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland

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The main trends of heavy metals distribution in bottom sediments of the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland are considered. The studies are based on own field and laboratory observations. Average concentrations of elements in different areas of the Neva Bay have been estimated. Factor analysis has been performed. Elemental associations, their spatial distribution have been studied and the main regularities of bottom sediment chemistry have been characterized. The role of geo-ecological monitoring as a way of revealing, studying and forecasting the negative consequences of human economic activity is shown.

How to cite: Panteleeva Y.G. Heavy metal distribution trends in the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 23-25.
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Using fractal analysis to characterize the structure of the Alexandrinskoye ore deposit (Southern Urals)

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A method for characterizing the structure of copper-zinc sulfide ores by means of fractal dimensionality is presented. Fractal dimensionality allows to quantify the complexity of mineral grain boundaries in ore. This information can be the basis for predicting the disintegration of ores during concentration. The material for the research was polished thin sections of copper-zinc ores from the Alexandrinsky deposit (Ural). Measurements of fractal dimensionality were carried out by the step method on a personal computer using the programs Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and FractShop. This method is used for sulfide ores for the first time.

How to cite: Petrov D.A. Using fractal analysis to characterize the structure of the Alexandrinskoye ore deposit (Southern Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 26-28.
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Organization of the monitoring system of the Peter and Paul Cathedral on the basis of engineering-geological and geo-environmental analysis of the conditions of its functioning

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Engineering-geological and geo-ecological conditions of the territory of the architectural and historical complex of the Peter and Paul Fortress located on Hare Island have been analyzed. Historical and ecological analysis of the peculiarities of the development of the territory of the fortress, including the construction and operation of the Peter and Paul Cathedral was carried out. The main pollutants of the underground space of the island that have a negative influence on the condition and properties of the sandy-clay soil at the base of the cathedral, underground water and construction materials have been singled out. Calculation of Stability of the Peter and Paul Cathedral was carried out. It is shown that the development of long-term and uneven settlements of the cathedral is caused by the transformation of soils at its base and the destruction of the foundation. The organization of the object monitoring system of the Peter and Paul Cathedral is proposed.

How to cite: Shidlovskaya A.V. Organization of the monitoring system of the Peter and Paul Cathedral on the basis of engineering-geological and geo-environmental analysis of the conditions of its functioning // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 29-31.
Development of mineral deposits
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Prevention of coal spontaneous ignition during mining of thick steep seams in Kuzbass

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The factors that have the greatest impact on the probability of occurrence of endogenous fires in the mining of powerful steep seams of the Prokopyevsko-Kiselevskoye field of Kuzbass have been established. The differentiation of endogenous fires by reservoirs in the conditions of Prokopyevskugol Management Company LLC was carried out. The influence of the main mining and technical factors on the probability of spontaneous ignition of strata was studied. It was concluded that during the mining of thick steep seams, the main cause of spontaneous ignition is the abandonment of interstory coal pillars, which are concentrated accumulations of destroyed coal. The principles of designing technological schemes for mining seams prone to spontaneous ignition are formulated. A method of mining powerful steep seams prone to spontaneous ignition that excludes leaving inter-story coal pillars and ensures reliable isolation of the mined area is proposed.

How to cite: Glushenkov E.V., Sidorenko A.A. Prevention of coal spontaneous ignition during mining of thick steep seams in Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 32-35.
Development of mineral deposits
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Economic assessment of the process of storing rock - pit waste during the formation of technogenic deposits

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Considered one of the most pressing problems of modern mining science - purposeful formation of man-made deposits by storing rocks - waste of the quarry. A more modern definition of technogenic deposits is introduced. Considered possible designs of stockpiles of rocks - waste quarry, their advantages and disadvantages in the formation and development. For economic evaluation of stockpiles, it is proposed to use only additional costs for the transition from the dump to the stockpile, the results of calculations with regard to the Kostomuksha Mining and Processing Division. An analysis of the costs of overburden and stockpiled rocks is presented, proving the profitability of the proposed project to abandon the outdated technological process of dumping in favor of promising storage of waste rock and temporarily unused rocks.

How to cite: Gridina E.B. Economic assessment of the process of storing rock - pit waste during the formation of technogenic deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 36-39.
Development of mineral deposits
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Ways to recycle and dispose of toxic industrial waste

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Intensive growth and development of industry leads to the formation and accumulation of a variety of wastes. As a result of movement and storage of these wastes there is a formation of technogenic massifs. The impact of technogenic massifs on the natural environment is global due to, firstly, the ubiquitous spread of the massifs, and secondly, the poor quality of safety systems, protective and reclamation activities carried out in the areas of their location. The evaluation and analysis of the main ways of industrial waste processing was carried out. On the example of enterprise Krasny Bor landfill the technologies of neutralization and utilization of toxic wastes are considered, their positive and negative sides are revealed.

How to cite: Eldina E.V. Ways to recycle and dispose of toxic industrial waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 40-42.
Development of mineral deposits
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Protection against wind erosion and improvement of bioproductivity of bulk dumps and reclaimed areas

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One of the main sources of hazardous air pollution of the territories of mining, metallurgical and enrichment complexes and adjacent areas is the dusty surfaces of bulk dumps. As a result of wind erosion fine fractions, the most dangerous in terms of respiratory hazards, are easily carried away from the surface over long distances. A method ensuring a decrease in dust formation and dust transfer of fine materials, an increase in the bioproductivity of bulk dumps and fast reclamation is proposed. The results of tests of the protective coating for resistance to air flow and the results of bioproductivity of the treated surfaces of the dumps are given.

How to cite: Ilchenkova S.A., Gaspariyan N.A. Protection against wind erosion and improvement of bioproductivity of bulk dumps and reclaimed areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 43-46.
Development of mineral deposits
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Rationale for the development of the working area of the quarry with a variable direction of deepening at maximum speed

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Determination of productive capacity of open-pit mines is the main problem in designing field development by the open-cut mining method. Direction of mining operations in open-pits and characteristics of working area development in horizontal direction greatly influence result consistency in establishing productive capacity basing on mining and engineering parameters, especially when economic and mathematical methods are used.

How to cite: Ishkulova I.A. Rationale for the development of the working area of the quarry with a variable direction of deepening at maximum speed // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 47-49.
Development of mineral deposits
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Technogenic eutrophication of hydro-ecosystems: quantitative bio-indication, risk analysis and prediction of consequences

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The regularities of technogenic eutrophication of rivers under the impact of mining facilities are studied. The main specific features of succession during anthropogenic eutrophication were analyzed. Methods of quantitative bioindication and risk-analysis of these successions for the river ecosystems are developed. This takes into account a variety of alternatives for the possible development of environmentally dangerous events. As a result, the most likely environmental damage is estimated and given its cost equivalent. This opens up the possibility of forecasting and managing the situation on a quantitative basis. Developments allow forecasting the level of technogenic impact on the ecosystem, to determine and regulate the most likely technogenic ecological damage.

How to cite: Maksimova T.V., Shuiskii V.F. Technogenic eutrophication of hydro-ecosystems: quantitative bio-indication, risk analysis and prediction of consequences // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 50-53.
Development of mineral deposits
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Results of quantitative analysis of the synergy of environmental factors in their combined effects

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The summation and isobolic methods of assessing the impact of factors of different nature on environmental components are considered. Despite the simplicity of the summation formula, which is included in many normative documents, we came to the conclusion that it is more appropriate to apply the isobolic model.

How to cite: Nesterenko E.G., Ivanova O.S. Results of quantitative analysis of the synergy of environmental factors in their combined effects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 54-56.
Development of mineral deposits
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Study of new ways to process combustible solid waste from mining industries

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One of the main directions of changing the country's fuel and energy balance is to increase the share of coal, as well as the rational use of combustible waste of extractive industries (coal, shale, forestry, etc.). Up to 10% (coal) and up to 70% (timber) of the extracted raw materials are not only not used, but also cause significant damage to the environment, polluting it. Creation of technologies of processing and ennoblement of products, obtaining environmentally clean, high-calorie combustibles, will save labor and get a serious environmental effect, will increase the efficiency of fuel and energy resources use.

How to cite: Nikulin A.N. Study of new ways to process combustible solid waste from mining industries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 57-59.
Development of mineral deposits
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Methods to reduce acidification of groundwater and surface water

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The technogenic load of the mining and processing industry enterprise causing pollution of water resources is assessed. The analysis of samples taken at the technogenic massif on a scanning electron microscope, as well as laboratory analysis according to the European standard using an atomic absorption spectrometer, which allowed to determine the processes of formation of halos and flows of pollution, the intensity of the technogenic load in the area of sulfide waste storage was carried out. A methodology for assessing the environmental hazard of technogenic massifs was created and a method of economically feasible and safe waste storage was developed.

How to cite: Parshina M.V. Methods to reduce acidification of groundwater and surface water // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 60-63.
Development of mineral deposits
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Comprehensive assessment of the environmental condition of territories in the impact area of mining and metallurgical enterprises on the basis of geographic information systems

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The choice of geographic information systems (GIS) for processing and management of environmental information is justified. The possibilities of using GIS in the conjugate analysis of heterogeneous data are disclosed. An algorithm for creating a GIS-based software system of comprehensive assessment of the environment in the areas of impact of mining and metallurgical complex enterprises is proposed.

How to cite: Petrova T.A. Comprehensive assessment of the environmental condition of territories in the impact area of mining and metallurgical enterprises on the basis of geographic information systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 64-66.
Development of mineral deposits
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Improvement of personal protective equipment for miners in the North

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The majority of mining enterprises in Russia are located in the northern regions. In this connection the high level of traumatism and occupational diseases of miners is caused not only by the influence of the main production factors (dustiness, noise, insufficient illumination, etc.) but also by the influence of negative temperatures. An effective way to reduce the risk of injuries and occupational diseases is to improve the working parameters of personal protective equipment.

How to cite: Poltorykhin S.P. Improvement of personal protective equipment for miners in the North // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 67-69.
Development of mineral deposits
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Justification of investments in quarry construction to replenish the raw material base of OAO Karelsky Okatysh

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The technical and economic assessment of the development of open pits to replenish the raw material base of Karelsky Okatysh OJSC is presented. The calculation of economic risk and assessment of the feasibility of deposit development are carried out.

How to cite: Semenov A.S. Justification of investments in quarry construction to replenish the raw material base of OAO Karelsky Okatysh // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 70-72.
Development of underground space
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Mechanism of influence of spatial conditions of land use on the results of economic activity of enterprises

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Proposals on improvement of assessment of spatial conditions of land use are developed. For this purpose classification of spatial conditions was carried out, their influence on the results of production activity was determined and realization of advantages related to the best location, availability of real estate, energy supply, etc., by the main directions of activity of enterprises was shown.

How to cite: Bykova E.N. Mechanism of influence of spatial conditions of land use on the results of economic activity of enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 73-76.
Development of underground space
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Photo-planimetric survey of mine workings

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One of the main tasks of the surveying service is the survey of the sections of mine workings of different sizes, which can be carried out by photoplanimetric method. The essence of the method is presented, the description of the instrumental part and the measurement methods of the surveying of horizontal, vertical and inclined mine workings is given. The issues of improving this type of survey by using digital cameras and software systems for automated processing of survey results are also considered.

How to cite: Voluevich N.M. Photo-planimetric survey of mine workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 77-79.
Development of underground space
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Influence of temperature on the stress-strain state of the "pillar-mass" system

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The problem of temperature stress distribution around underground radioactive waste storage facilities is formulated. Blue clays in the Northwest region of Russia were taken as geological formations. The problem is solved by the finite element method. The effect of the temperature factor on the stress-strain state of the "pillar-mass" system was found out. The character of surface rise as a function of temperature in the chamber has been established. The emergence of pronounced tensile zones in the massif caused by temperature stresses has been noted. The character of stress distribution σ x and σ y in the massif and tunnel lining has been analyzed.

How to cite: Karasev M.A. Influence of temperature on the stress-strain state of the "pillar-mass" system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 80-82.
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Regularities of stress and rock displacement distribution in the contour zone for layered massifs

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On the basis of the measurements and computer modeling the dependences of the formation of the expected stresses on the contour of preparatory mine workings have been established. The main regularities of mine workings displacement depending on their location relative to the coal seam are taken into account. Graphs of displacement of roof rocks and soil are given. The questions of stresses redistribution in the vicinity of mine workings are considered and the ways of their stability are determined on the basis of analysis of methods and means of impact on the contour massif.

How to cite: Raevskii D.I. Regularities of stress and rock displacement distribution in the contour zone for layered massifs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 83-85.
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Improvement of deep borehole construction technology by drilling and blasting

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The analysis of the current state of construction of deep vertical shafts and the technology of their equipment is presented. The issues of improving the drilling and blasting complex on the example of smooth contour blasting and the calculation of the effectiveness of this method compared with conventional. The carried out researches allowed to make suggestions on improvement of the technology of shaft construction by means of drilling and blasting.

How to cite: Reznikov E.P. Improvement of deep borehole construction technology by drilling and blasting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 86-88.
Development of underground space
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Tunnel construction with the use of a microtunnel boring complex to build an advance protective screen of pipes

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The article considers the technology of advance protective screen construction using microtunnel boring complex for shallow tunnel construction. A concrete example of the tunnel construction in Perm using the equipment of the German company Herrenknecht AG is given.

How to cite: Saitgareev M.R. Tunnel construction with the use of a microtunnel boring complex to build an advance protective screen of pipes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 89-91.
Development of underground space
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Selection of a site for land use with the help of geographic information systems

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The solution of many urban cadastre tasks requires a significant amount of diverse information from geodesy, land management, environmental protection, etc. Effective processing of such information is possible only with the use of geographic information systems (GIS), which can simultaneously process descriptive and numerical data, analyze the results of created models and form scenarios of situations. On the example of a specific land use the methodology of selecting a site for land use with the help of GeoMedia Professional GIS is considered.

How to cite: Safaralieva T.G. Selection of a site for land use with the help of geographic information systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 92-94.
Development of underground space
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Environmental security of the region: the concept and content

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Theoretical aspects of ecological security of the region are described. The most important factors of anthropogenic impacts on biosphere resources are considered. Based on the study of scientific literature are given definitions of such concepts as nature management, rational and irrational use of nature, environmental security. The technogenic and biospheric concepts of ecological safety according to which the system of measures to protect the environment is defined, are considered. The main directions of measures to ensure environmental security in the region are described, and the system of actions that need to be taken to ensure a sustainable state of environmental protection is considered.

How to cite: Smirnova D.N. Environmental security of the region: the concept and content // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 95-97.
Development of underground space
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Retrospective analysis of cadastral valuation of land

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The article analyzes the historical development of cadastral valuation of land. It analyzes the main stages of cadastral valuation formation. The development of cadastral valuation in Russia, taking into account the socio-economic and political influences of each era, is considered in more detail. The moment of the emergence of qualitative assessment, which takes into account the fertility and yield of various lands, is highlighted. The contribution of Russian scientists, in particular Professor V.V. Dokuchaev, in the development of cadastral valuation. The necessity to develop methods of cadastral valuation taking into account all properties of land was substantiated.

How to cite: Shanina K.S. Retrospective analysis of cadastral valuation of land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 98-100.
Mining electromechanics
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Application of electrical technologies for thermal methods of heavy oil production

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Thermal stimulation methods play a leading role in the development of high-viscosity oil fields. Modern thermal technologies involve combustion of part of the extracted hydrocarbons for their own production with a positive balance. Despite the improvement of methods such indicators as oil recovery factor, environmental impact and rational use of resources cannot be considered as acceptable. It is possible to increase efficiency of thermal influence by reducing energy losses both at the stage of its production and during delivery to the bottomhole zone. The use of electrical energy makes it possible to avoid losses in energy transfer, to obtain one hundred percent conversion into heat and, most importantly, to obtain heat at the expense of replenishable energy sources. The electro-thermal complex for thermal influence on a layer of heavy oil is offered. Expediency of development of theory and methods of electrothermal influence on productive formation of high-viscosity oil is shown.

How to cite: Bataev S.N. Application of electrical technologies for thermal methods of heavy oil production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 101-104.
Mining electromechanics
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Influence of the spacer plate position on the wear of the liner plates of jaw crushers with complex moving jaw

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The results of kinematic analysis of the mechanism of jaw crusher with complex moving jaw are presented. The relation between the angle of inclination of the crusher's spreading plate and the wear of the liner plates is shown. It is established, that the friction path made by the point which belongs to the middle of the movable jaw working surface, is less at a negative angle of inclination of the spreading plate, than at a positive angle, and decreases with the increase of the negative angle. Theoretical estimation of wear is given. All necessary calculations are made in the program Microsoft Excel 2002. Input data for the calculation are taken from the drawing of the jaw crusher SCHDS 150 × 80. The review material has been prepared on the basis of the information obtained from the Internet.

How to cite: Golikov N.S. Influence of the spacer plate position on the wear of the liner plates of jaw crushers with complex moving jaw // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 105-107.
Mining electromechanics
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Assessment of the allowable contribution to the deterioration of electricity quality by industrial electrical consumers

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The electric power quality of the electrical complex of OOO Kirishinefteorgsintez. refinery was investigated. Measurements were carried out in conditions of operating equipment at distribution substations of the enterprise and at the interface with the power system. On the basis of existing methods of measurement, control and analysis of electric power quality the allowable contribution to electric power quality deterioration by electric consumers of the refinery at the interface with the power system was estimated. Assessment of allowable contribution to deterioration of power quality showed that when increasing the installed capacity of drives based on frequency converters over 12% of the total installed capacity of electrical consumers of the refinery will exceed the maximum allowable values of the distortion factor of the voltage curve sinusoidal at the interface with the power system.

How to cite: Gulkov Y.V. Assessment of the allowable contribution to the deterioration of electricity quality by industrial electrical consumers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 108-110.
Mining electromechanics
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Simulation of steady state operation of the air duct section

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The basic calculation dependences determining the mathematical model of the steady-state mode of compressed air flow through pipelines for driving pneumatic mechanisms and devices at coal mines and mines are considered. Existing and applied methods of calculation of compressed air pipelines are based on use of empirical dependences and do not fully correspond to real processes arising during operation of pneumatic networks at underground enterprises. In this connection, in most cases, compressor stations operate with insufficient or excessive values of operating pressure and flow rate. An attempt has been made to model the process of compressed air movement through pipelines using differential equations of motion, continuity and internal energy taking into account thermodynamic parameters of compressed air state as a real gas.

How to cite: Zavertkin P.S. Simulation of steady state operation of the air duct section // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 111-113.
Mining electromechanics
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Structure of the electromechanical part and synthesis of the stepper machine motion control algorithm for deep-sea research

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The Russian Federation is one of the largest miners and exporters of natural resources worldwide. The mineral reserves at the bottom of the world's oceans are many times greater than those on land, which makes it necessary to develop fundamentally new equipment for their extraction. One of the most interesting solutions to this problem is a double-supported walking machine. The issues devoted to the development of the structure and algorithm of controlling the motion of the walking machine for mining minerals from the seabed are considered. A mathematical model of the electromechanical drive for turning the chassis during stepping is proposed, technical requirements to the electromechanical drives of the machine are stated and the control algorithm of the non-contact electric drive is described.

How to cite: Ivanov A.S. Structure of the electromechanical part and synthesis of the stepper machine motion control algorithm for deep-sea research // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 114-116.
Mining electromechanics
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Reduction of energy consumption for pumping water by mine dewatering plants during parallel operation of pumps with frequency-controlled drive

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For deep coal mines, parallel operation of dewatering pumps on one pipeline allows to considerably reduce equipment cost and operation expenses, which provides reduction of total costs of water pumping. However, wide application of parallel operation of pumps is prevented by difference of their pressure characteristics during operation. The expediency of correction of pressure characteristics by means of regulation of rotation frequency of electric drives of pump units is considered.

How to cite: Lisitskii A.V. Reduction of energy consumption for pumping water by mine dewatering plants during parallel operation of pumps with frequency-controlled drive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 117-118.
Mining electromechanics
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Monitoring of current status of power units of wheel type machine

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The object of the research is a power plant of heavy-duty dump trucks and methods of diagnostics of its current state. Based on the analysis of experimental data on failures of elements and systems of the power plant the main elements, the analysis of which allows to determine the current state of the object of research are highlighted. The structural diagram of the dumper power plant is considered. The paper contains the results of the analysis of modern diagnostic methods and systems, allowing to estimate the current state of the power plant. The structure of monitoring system for the modern enterprise, which uses heavy duty dump trucks is developed. The peculiarity of the monitoring system is automation of processing of the received information and data base forming. The effectiveness of the proposed monitoring system is justified.

How to cite: Pavlova V.N. Monitoring of current status of power units of wheel type machine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 119-122.
Mining electromechanics
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Assessing the influence of the converter load on current and voltage curve distortions

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The influence of converter load on distortion of current and voltage curves is evaluated. The indicators of electric power quality, on which the higher harmonics of converters have the greatest influence, including current curves for 6- and 12-pulse converters, are considered. The results of their Fourier series decomposition are obtained. The harmonic spectrum of these curves is analyzed. Relations reflecting the dependence of the order of harmonics on the converter pulses and allowing the selection of appropriate filters to reduce the negative influence of the converter harmonics on the operation modes of electric networks are given.

How to cite: Sychev Y.A. Assessing the influence of the converter load on current and voltage curve distortions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 123-125.
Mining electromechanics
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Prospects for improving vibrating jaw crushers

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The current problems associated with the recycling of waste reinforced concrete, and ways to solve them are considered. The analysis of designs of existing crushers is presented. Particular importance is given to the new vibrating jaw crusher with vertical and inclined execution of the crushing chamber. Such advantages of the crusher as dynamic equilibrium, the ability to pass non-crushing bodies through the crushing chamber, the ability to destroy materials superior in strength to the material of the crusher's armor are considered. The growth of productivity in 2 times in comparison with the vertical execution is revealed at the inclined execution of a crushing chamber, what substantiates the necessity of more profound research of the vibrating crusher of the given type. The main stages of the research of new vibrating equipment, which will provide the necessary information for the development of vibratory jaw crushers of a new technical level and different sizes for use in cyclic-flow technologies, are defined.

How to cite: Tyagushev M.Y. Prospects for improving vibrating jaw crushers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 126-128.
Mining electromechanics
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Compensation of higher harmonics in distribution networks with active filters

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Reliability and efficiency of electrical equipment depends on the quality of electrical energy in distribution networks. The key issue of power quality assurance is the problem of higher harmonics. The problem arose due to the widespread introduction of power electronics as the most effective means of ensuring the required modes of operation of electromechanical and electrotechnological complexes. In this paper the influence of higher harmonics on the power quality is analyzed by means of MATLAB Simulink system, the principle of parallel active filter based on the algorithm of direct current control is considered.

How to cite: Shonin O.B., Rogov P.A. Compensation of higher harmonics in distribution networks with active filters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 129-133.
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Evaluating the efficiency of the working volume of mixing devices

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A method of assessing the efficiency of using the working volume of a tubular apparatus with a flow regime close to the ideal one has been proposed. Analytical dependences allowing to calculate the optimal values of the model parameters corresponding to the case of achieving the maximum value of the coefficient of using the volume of the apparatus, as well as the Peckle criterion, are obtained.

How to cite: Aleksandrov S.V. Evaluating the efficiency of the working volume of mixing devices // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 134-136.
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Selection of optimal PI controller parameters

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The control loop of the second-order object for the synthesis of optimal PI-regulator parameters, providing a minimum of the integral quadratic criterion, is investigated. A calculation method is proposed and the area of application is evaluated.

How to cite: Anikin M.K. Selection of optimal PI controller parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 137-139.
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Influence of pulp temperature on zinc flotation performance

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The influence of pulp oxidation by acute steam on zinc flotation parameters is investigated. The pulp heating before the main and the 1st refining flotation operations allows to increase zinc extraction into the final concentrate from 73.9 to 78.5 %.

How to cite: Arustamyan A.M. Influence of pulp temperature on zinc flotation performance // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 140-141.
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Improvement of nepheline speck leaching technology based on the use of combined coagulants-flocculants of the carboaluminate-alklar type

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The problem under consideration includes the solution of secondary losses of alumina and alkali during aluminate sinter leaching and improvement of technical and economic performance of nepheline slurry thickening and washing processes through the use of combined coagulant-flocculant additives of carbon-aluminate-alklars type. In accordance with the set tasks an analytical review was carried out, patent research was carried out and directions of further research were substantiated.

How to cite: Vinogradov S.A. Improvement of nepheline speck leaching technology based on the use of combined coagulants-flocculants of the carboaluminate-alklar type // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 142-144.
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Modeling of apparatuses for carbonization of aluminate solutions

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The process of carbonization of aluminate solutions is one of the main in the hardware and technological schemes of alumina production from nepheline and low-grade bauxite. Total energy costs for this process are determined by the power consumed by agitating devices and spent on gas supply to the apparatus. The value of the latter depends on the hydraulic resistance of carbonizers and gas flow rate. Varying geometrical parameters of the mixing device and liquid level in the apparatus, we were able to select the best operating modes of carbonizer, as well as to study the effect of gas speed and speed of the mixing device on the mass transfer coefficient.

How to cite: Davydov V.I. Modeling of apparatuses for carbonization of aluminate solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 145-147.
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Physical and chemical features of briquetted copper-nickel concentrate processing

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Due to the upcoming changes in the composition of raw materials processed in the ore-thermal furnaces of Pechenganickel's smelting shop (Kola MMC) and the transition to melting of unburnt briquetted flotation concentrate, the content of non-ferrous metals in slag was assessed. For this purpose, the indicators of electric furnaces of the smelting shop for 2000 were processed using the correlation and regression analysis method. It was found out that SiO 2 concentrations in slag and Fe concentrations in matte are the significant factors of nickel concentration in slag, and SiO 2 and MgO concentrations in slag and Fe concentration in matte are the significant factors of cobalt concentration in slag. Regression equations allowing to calculate losses of non-ferrous metals (nickel and cobalt) with waste slag for new charge compositions were obtained.

How to cite: Ivanovskaya E.V. Physical and chemical features of briquetted copper-nickel concentrate processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 148-150.
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Effect of the electrolyte cryolite ratio on the performance of high-power aluminum electrolysers

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The volume of aluminum production in the world is constantly growing. The creation of new powerful electrolysers dictates the need for additional technological research. If the cryolite ratio is reduced, the performance of the electrolyser increases. However, the technological requirements for high-power electrolysers must be strict.

How to cite: Kaluzhskii D.A. Effect of the electrolyte cryolite ratio on the performance of high-power aluminum electrolysers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 151-153.
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On the energy patterns of briquetting

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Currently, the principles of crushing and grinding used in the comparative evaluation of the processes of crushing and grinding are well known. Since the process of briquetting is conventionally opposite to the process of crushing, we decided to create a theory opposite to the processes of destruction of particles. In our work we will try to explain why briquetting laws are needed and what practical effect they will bring.

How to cite: Lenev L.A. On the energy patterns of briquetting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 154-156.
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Study of mixing processes in apparatuses with stirrers

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The designs of fundamentally new stirring devices combining the effects of mechanical and jet stirring mechanisms are presented, the results of experimental studies to determine the effectiveness of the proposed stirring devices are also given.

How to cite: Markelov A.A. Study of mixing processes in apparatuses with stirrers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 157-159.
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Hydrochemical treatment of nepheline slime with lime milk

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The chemistry of interaction of alkaline phases of nepheline slime with milk of lime is presented. On the basis of experimental studies the technological mode of alkali extraction from nepheline slimes is substantiated and the kinetic features of the process, which allow us to speak about its ion-exchange nature, are determined.

How to cite: Starshinov A.V. Hydrochemical treatment of nepheline slime with lime milk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 160-162.
Economics and management
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Modeling the activities of a mining company (OAO Olenegorsk Mining and Processing Division) based on a balanced scorecard system

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The work is devoted to the study of patterns of activity of a mining enterprise on the basis of the Balanced Scorecard (balanced scorecard system). The developed system of indicators on six potentials, characterizing various directions of activity of the enterprise, includes an indicator of economic value added - Economic Value Added. The relevance of the introduction of non-financial indicators in assessing the effectiveness of the company to achieve its strategic objectives. In order to predict the financial performance of the mining company calculated indicators of elasticity (leverage). The relationship between the indicators is quantified, indicating the possibility of influencing the change in the indicators in the right direction.

How to cite: Vinogradova V.V. Modeling the activities of a mining company (OAO Olenegorsk Mining and Processing Division) based on a balanced scorecard system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 163-166.
Economics and management
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Key outcomes of China's economic system reform

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The main results of the reform of the economic system of China over the past 25 years are considered. The dynamics of the main indicators of economic and social development of the national economy during the reform period is given. It shows the role and place of China in the global economy by the most important parameters: the rate of economic development, GDP production, trade, investment, foreign exchange reserves, energy consumption. An analysis of the success factors of Chinese reforms is given. It describes the decisions of the CCP and the government to implement the modern third stage of economic transformation of the national economy, discusses new aspects of political reform in the field of legislation, state property management and creation of equal conditions for all forms of ownership: private, corporate, personal and public.

How to cite: Bin V. Key outcomes of China’s economic system reform // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 167-170.
Economics and management
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Current state of nature management at iron ore enterprises in Russia and the main ways to improve it

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The analysis of the current state of nature management at the enterprises of the Russian iron ore complex is presented and the main directions of its improvement are defined. The object of the study is an enterprise in the South Ural region - Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. This enterprise finalizes the reserves of iron ores and needs to restore the balance in the natural environment. In this regard, a set of measures to protect the environment and environmental management has been developed.

How to cite: Gurova N.V. Current state of nature management at iron ore enterprises in Russia and the main ways to improve it // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 171-173.
Economics and management
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Economic efficiency of company diversification

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Theoretical foundations of company diversification, both production diversification and product diversification, are considered. The necessity of diversification of OAO Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company is substantiated due to the limited local copper and nickel ores, fluctuations in the world metal market, the possibility and expediency of maximum use of the previously created production potential. In addition to the production of nickel, copper and cobalt, OAO Kola MMC proposes to organize the production of metallic titanium and its alloys, pigment titanium dioxide, metallic chromium and its alloys, ferrovanadium and other types of products with higher added value. This will contribute to the economic efficiency of operation and sustainability of the company.

How to cite: Ivanov A.M. Economic efficiency of company diversification // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 174-175.
Economics and management
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Methodological issues of improving the licensing of state subsoil use in the Russian Federation

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The methodological issues of improving the licensing of state subsoil use in the Russian Federation are considered. The analysis of the current mechanism of subsoil use licensing is carried out, and the drawbacks and problems adversely affecting the efficiency of functioning of the state system of subsoil use licensing are identified. It is pointed out that the disproportion of licensing of subsoil use objects is caused by the difference in profitability of extractive industries. Proposals of groups of supporters of one or another direction of the reform of the state system of licensing for the use of subsoil are considered. Possible variants of the concept of reforming the legislation on licensing of subsoil use are analyzed.

How to cite: Iseeva L.I., Zelenov A.V. Methodological issues of improving the licensing of state subsoil use in the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 176-178.
Economics and management
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Economic feasibility study of the "Kovykta - China - South Korea" natural gas export investment project

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The problems of development of the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East of Russia are considered. The state of the resource base of the region is analyzed. The sequence of development of major gas fields has been compiled. The analysis of the state of the gas market in the Asia-Pacific region (APR) and their projected needs for Russian gas. A variant of the route for building an export-oriented gas pipeline from Russia's eastern regions to APR countries has been proposed. The task of choosing the optimal capacity of the gas pipeline has been solved. The economic effect of the construction of an export-oriented gas pipeline has been calculated.

How to cite: Ilinskii D.A. Economic feasibility study of the "Kovykta - China - South Korea" natural gas export investment project // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 179-181.
Economics and management
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Environmental business and the prospects for its development in Russia

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The prospects of development of environmental entrepreneurship in Russia are considered. It is argued that environmental business is formed as an independent branch of the national economy simultaneously with the formation of a new market of intermediary environmental services. The definition of the concept of " environmental business" is given, its forms and types are considered. It is concluded that at the present stage of environmental entrepreneurship needs to develop a legislative framework, the creation of a pricing system for environmental services and tariffs. The task of state regulation is to apply the mechanism to stimulate private environmental business in order to save resources, protect the environment and environmental safety.

How to cite: Kosovtsev V.V. Environmental business and the prospects for its development in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 182-184.
Economics and management
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Ways to improve the competitiveness of Russian coal companies

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Improvement of competitiveness of enterprises and their products is one of the main tasks of the Russian industry, the solution of which will allow many enterprises to work effectively and stably. The basic directions of increase (for coal industry - achievement) of competitiveness are considered, namely: formation of vertically integrated powerful coal companies, realization of constant dialogue of the state with such companies; orientation of activity of coal enterprises on effective production at the expense of decrease in costs, highly professional management and emphasis on marketing researches.

How to cite: Lebedeva O.Y. Ways to improve the competitiveness of Russian coal companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 185-188.
Economics and management
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Some results of coal industry restructuring and prospects for the development of the oil shale industry

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On the basis of the Leningrad oil shale deposit the only oil shale mining enterprise in Russia - OAO Leningradslanets - operates. The present state of the oil shale industry is analyzed, and a brief analysis of its economic activity is given. The critical state of the industry is noted, because after the collapse of the USSR Russia lost its main consumers of oil shale. The difficult financial situation of the city-forming enterprise - OAO Leningradslanets - has led to negative social and economic consequences in the life of the population of the whole Slantsy region. The prospects of the enterprise's development through the implementation of an innovative project for the construction of an oil shale-based power engineering complex are being considered.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Manylova M.V. Some results of coal industry restructuring and prospects for the development of the oil shale industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 189-192.
Economics and management
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Assessment of the prospects for the use of domestic mining equipment at the Kirov mine of OAO Apatit

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The article focuses on the evaluation of the prospects of application of mining equipment of domestic production at Kirov mine of OAO Apatit. The cost level for implementation of the technical re-equipment program of the mine is assessed, with the advantages and disadvantages of this investment decision being characterized. As an alternative variant it is offered to use modernized samples of drilling equipment of domestic production. The main directions and results of drilling equipment modification are formulated. The calculation of the correlation between the price of drilling equipment and its productivity, as well as the calculation of the elasticity of these indicators.

How to cite: Skvortsov A.V. Assessment of the prospects for the use of domestic mining equipment at the Kirov mine of OAO Apatit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 193-196.
Economics and management
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Distribution of risk management costs according to the impact method criterion

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The technique of distribution of the planned expenses on management of investment risks of the industrial enterprise on expenses on reduction and insurance of risks is considered. The methodology is based on the principle of dependence of the assumed method of management on the affiliation of a separate identified risk to an aggregated group of risks affecting the dissimilar cash flows of the investment project, allows to determine the economically acceptable risk by conditional dependence of the risk function dynamics on the objectively irreducible residual risk. It can be used at production enterprises in order to ensure the economic acceptability of risk management costs and residual risk losses.

How to cite: Smetankin A.V. Distribution of risk management costs according to the impact method criterion // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 197-199.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Computer jargon

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The mass invasion of personal computers into our market in the mid-1980s introduced a large number of special words and expressions into the Russian language. Nowadays they are called computer jargon. We describe the classification of computer jargon into thematic groups and analyze in detail the ways it is used to form its terminology. Much attention has been paid to the functions of computer jargon. The article contains many interesting examples of words and expressions of computer jargon.

How to cite: Aleksakhina N.A. Computer jargon // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 200-202.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Determination of optimal parameters of the limiting state zones of coal in the development of flat coal seams

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The influence of various factors on the condition of the edge zone of the coal seam ahead of the face during the development of flat seams is assessed. All the variety of factors can be divided into mining-geological and mining-technical. Of mining-geological factors, the greatest influence on the coal deformation in the peripheral zone have such factors as power, depth of development, dip angle, presence of interlayers, of mining-technical - face length, speed of its movement, development system, type and power characteristics of the support, method of rock pressure control.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Vasilev S.V., Bespalov L.A. Determination of optimal parameters of the limiting state zones of coal in the development of flat coal seams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 203-206.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Management psychology

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The topic of this work is psychological aspects in economic science. In work some questions of psychology, connected with activity of managers are considered, namely: sources of a psychological direction in economy; problems of branch; personal qualities of the modern leader, criteria of their estimation; various methods based on psychological receptions used by managers for successful activity.

How to cite: Larina T.A., Kateshchenko E.A. Management psychology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 207-209.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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On the greening of geology

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The relationship between the needs of human society and the development of applied geological research is shown. The ecological aspect of the development of geological sciences nowadays is emphasized. The human factor in the emergence of dangerous geological processes is assessed. Examples of interaction between human activity and the environment are given.

How to cite: Pospekhov G.B. On the greening of geology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 210-212.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Some myths of contemporary Russian economic consciousness

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Some aspects of a wide range of issues related to the causes of economic myths, their influence on various spheres of society are considered, and the real processes behind them are described. The mechanisms of the influence of political structures on the economic environment and the stereotypes associated with them are depicted. The consequences of the economic policies pursued during the election campaign are shown. The changes in such indicators as demand, supply, employment, inflation rate and their not always correct interpretation are considered. The prospects for long-term economic growth, problematic knots in the modern Russian economy, and illusions related to the end of the protracted economic crisis are analyzed.

How to cite: Pukshanskii B.Y., Zheltikova I.K. Some myths of contemporary Russian economic consciousness // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 213-216.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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On the problems of professional-applied training of mining students

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Working conditions in the mining industry place high demands on human health. Unfavorable climatic conditions increase the impact factors on all systems and organs. The data obtained in the course of the research characterize the health of students of the 1st-5th courses as weak. More than 37.7% of students belong to the special and preparatory groups or have a medical exemption from physical education. Only about 62.3% of students have a basic group of health and in the future will be able to work in their specialty. It is necessary to conduct a more detailed and comprehensive professional selection, to perform it not only when hiring, but also when entering the institute. The main direction of physical education at the institute is not only to maintain, but also to improve the functional state of the body of students.

How to cite: Rudenko G.V., Mirnonenko S.N. On the problems of professional-applied training of mining students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 217-219.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Experimental and theoretical studies of transfer coefficients and heat transfer in the problems of filtration heat transfer

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The theory of filtration heat transfer received the greatest development in connection with the development of geothermal resources. In the problems of mining thermal physics, as a rule, the real collector of the circulation system is replaced by a model. Each calculation scheme contains values characterizing intensity of heat transfer processes. An analysis of theoretical studies and experimental data on heat transfer coefficients and effective thermal conductivity is carried out. Some recommendations are made regarding the application of these coefficients in existing models of filtration heat transfer. Large scatter in the experimental data and lack of clear theoretical dependences indicate the necessity of reasonable choice of coefficients and making calculations for comparative analysis of different heat transfer models.

How to cite: Smirnova N.N., Tkhi Leu F. Experimental and theoretical studies of transfer coefficients and heat transfer in the problems of filtration heat transfer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 220-223.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Nanotribology: the effect of the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface and the antifriction and insulating properties of adsorbed cationic surfactants

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Literature data on the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface (surface tension, bonding energy of surface atoms) with antifriction and insulating (protective) properties of ionogenic surfactants (surfactants) have been analyzed. Experimentally the tendency of strengthening the lubricating effect has been revealed in process of increasing the bond energy of the N1S characteristic level of cationic surfactants adsorbed on the metal; the effect of essential increase (~ by 2 eV) in the N1S bond energy has been revealed in case of joint adsorption of cationic surfactants with different in value hydrocarbon radicals at the nitrogen atom. The bonding energy was determined from measured X-ray photoelectron spectra; the lubricating effect was evaluated in tests on a high-speed conveyor at low loads in dilute aqueous solutions (about 0.01 % surfactant).

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Demyanov S.E., Pleskunov I.V., Fedorova A.V. Nanotribology: the effect of the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface and the antifriction and insulating properties of adsorbed cationic surfactants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 224-228.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Overview of foreign forecasts for the development of Russia's oil and gas potential

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Currently, Russia has the largest reserves of oil and natural gas. The oil and gas industries are integral segments of the national fuel and energy complex and are constantly developing dynamically. In terms of total financial flows and their significant share in Russia's budget revenues, they are leaders compared with other industries. The results of the forecast of the development of the raw material base and oil and gas production levels for the whole XXI century are given. A brief overview of the current state of the resources is given, the problems facing the industries are formulated, and possible ways of solving them are proposed, taking into account the domestic and international interests of the Russian Federation.

How to cite: Khantaev P.A. Overview of foreign forecasts for the development of Russia’s oil and gas potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 229-230.