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Vol 159 No 1
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Key outcomes of China's economic system reform

Vei Bin
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The main results of the reform of the economic system of China over the past 25 years are considered. The dynamics of the main indicators of economic and social development of the national economy during the reform period is given. It shows the role and place of China in the global economy by the most important parameters: the rate of economic development, GDP production, trade, investment, foreign exchange reserves, energy consumption. An analysis of the success factors of Chinese reforms is given. It describes the decisions of the CCP and the government to implement the modern third stage of economic transformation of the national economy, discusses new aspects of political reform in the field of legislation, state property management and creation of equal conditions for all forms of ownership: private, corporate, personal and public.

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