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Vol 159 No 1
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Research article

Physical and chemical features of briquetted copper-nickel concentrate processing

E. V. Ivanovskaya
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Due to the upcoming changes in the composition of raw materials processed in the ore-thermal furnaces of Pechenganickel's smelting shop (Kola MMC) and the transition to melting of unburnt briquetted flotation concentrate, the content of non-ferrous metals in slag was assessed. For this purpose, the indicators of electric furnaces of the smelting shop for 2000 were processed using the correlation and regression analysis method. It was found out that SiO 2 concentrations in slag and Fe concentrations in matte are the significant factors of nickel concentration in slag, and SiO 2 and MgO concentrations in slag and Fe concentration in matte are the significant factors of cobalt concentration in slag. Regression equations allowing to calculate losses of non-ferrous metals (nickel and cobalt) with waste slag for new charge compositions were obtained.

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