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Vol 159 No 1
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Research article
Mining electromechanics

Application of electrical technologies for thermal methods of heavy oil production

S. N. Bataev
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Thermal stimulation methods play a leading role in the development of high-viscosity oil fields. Modern thermal technologies involve combustion of part of the extracted hydrocarbons for their own production with a positive balance. Despite the improvement of methods such indicators as oil recovery factor, environmental impact and rational use of resources cannot be considered as acceptable. It is possible to increase efficiency of thermal influence by reducing energy losses both at the stage of its production and during delivery to the bottomhole zone. The use of electrical energy makes it possible to avoid losses in energy transfer, to obtain one hundred percent conversion into heat and, most importantly, to obtain heat at the expense of replenishable energy sources. The electro-thermal complex for thermal influence on a layer of heavy oil is offered. Expediency of development of theory and methods of electrothermal influence on productive formation of high-viscosity oil is shown.

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