Date submitted2015-09-10
Date accepted2015-11-10
Date published2016-06-22
Ontogenic analysis of mineral individuals at micro- and nanolevel for the restoration of ore-forming conditions and assessment of minerals processing properties
- Authors:
- R. L. Brodskaya
- Yu. B. Marin
While organizing the ore preparation system and selecting optimal methods for minerals separation, it is necessary to take into account typomorphic characteristics and properties of minerals and their aggregates that determine mineralogical and technological features of ore types and grades. Fine-dispersed ore is included into the process flow sheet; accounting particle size becomes the determining factor in ore processing technologies. With disintegration of mineral aggregate, disclosure of intergrowths, and release of intergrowth surface, its structure is relaxed to form new bonds. Mineral individual boundary can «open an individual» for its decomposition (dissolution) or growth; it can take over the functions of grain volume conservation. Adapting the aggregate to the external environment is due to the change in orientation, length and area of boundaries of individuals and the buffer zone of their intergrowth. All structural changes in mineral aggregate proceed in accordance with the energy balance of individual boundaries and boundaries of their intergrowth; therewith, substance, crystal lattice of mineral individuals are being «refined», its defects and dislocations are being annihilated. In the process of relaxation of the structure of a mineral, another mineral can arise, which individuals can remain in a dispersed state or be capable of aggregation depending on the energy balance of their boundaries and the matrix. Ontogenetic approach to the assessment of the features of mineral individuals and aggregates serves the purpose of restoration of ore-formation environment, provides a choice of optimum conditions of the disclosure of useful component grains, when in addition to the grain size, their shape, intergrowth nature, features of the boundaries of intergrowing minerals, heterogeneities of the composition and properties of mineral individuals are taken into account. It is resulted in the appearance of new opportunities of profitable and more environmentally friendly mining, ore potential revaluation towards lowering the grade, determination of cost-effective range of components extracted simultaneously.
Date submitted2015-09-17
Date accepted2015-11-14
Date published2016-06-22
Modern method for gas production
- Authors:
- I. V. Ivanova
- V. M. Shaber
It is usually very difficult for any company to being an energy related project to completion. Not only is the endeavor associated with great financial risks, but it is also very difficult to decide which technological solution is the best longterm investment. Furthermore, government bodies shape the investment climate in the energy sector by imposing taxes and fees, which also increases expenditures. Fortunately these market conditions act favorably on energy production based on renewable sources. The purpose of this investigation is to establish the conditions that enable production of biogas by processing waste products of human consumption: food waste, plants, common household trash and even excrement. There is compelling evidence that the production of fuel cells by utilizing raw methane is at the very least economically justifiable. The design of the power plant itself makes it an ideal independent source of electricity and heat, which can be located in close proximity to the consumers.
Date submitted2015-09-16
Date accepted2015-11-22
Date published2016-06-22
Development of drilling fluids composition for efficiency increase of hard rocks drilling
- Authors:
- N. I. Nikolaev
- E. L. Leusheva
The article deals with ways of rock weakening for efficiency increase of hard rocks drilling, also development of drilling fluid composition is considered. Aim of the project is to develop drilling fluid composition which increases efficiency of hard rocks destruction. Authors conducted experimental investigation of drilling fluid composition development and their main structural rheological and filter characteristics. Influence of various solutions, including developed one, on hard rocks destruction process is evaluated on introduced testing bench. Investigation results indicate that composition and characteristics of developed drilling fluid positively influence hard rocks destruction process. Implementation of clayless drilling fluid with anion-active surfactant composition additives allows boost of drilling operations performance by increase in mechanical velocity of drilling and drill meterage per bit.
Date submitted2015-09-28
Date accepted2015-11-10
Date published2016-06-22
Detection of floods of oil products in the sea radar-tracking means
- Authors:
- I. E. Ushakov
Based on the analysis of patterns of microwave scattering from the sea surface at different angles of irradiation the features of radar detection of oil spills. The prospects of using radar to detect oil spills at oblique irradiation of the sea surface. The features of monitoring oil pollution of the sea surface using a radar located on offshore oil platforms and transport vessels. Variants of contrast enhancement areas of the sea surface covered with oil film on the radar screen. The basic requirements for the radar monitoring of oil pollution.
Date submitted2015-09-16
Date accepted2015-11-30
Date published2016-06-22
The thermal condition of the mines in cryolite zone
- Authors:
- A. F. Galkin
Are given the results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the formation of the thermal condition of the contemporary mechanized mines in cryolite zone. Are established basic laws governing the formation of thermal condition in workings of mine and their surrounding rocks during the annual cycle. The estimation of the hardness of microclimate with the operation of mine without the regulation of thermal condition is made. It was established that for most existing and planned mines in permafrost areas the gravity of microclimate during the cold period of the year exceeds the maximum permissible values along the whole length of the ventilation path. This can cause a significant increase in occurrence of cold-like occupational diseases in the workers. It is shown that the part of the productions of mine, with the operation under the conditions of the uncontrolled thermal condition, does not answer the criterion of safety with the appearance of extraordinary situations. In particular, it is connected with that the standard self-rescuers commonly used in the mines have the lowest operating temperature not less than -20 0 С. During the cold period of the year the air temperature in most workings is lower than this value. In accordance with the results of research an algorithm for prognosis and assessment of parameters of heat regime of mines which would allow to secure a safe exploitation of the mine during both normal operating conditions and in cases of emergency situations.
Date submitted2015-09-19
Date accepted2015-11-29
Date published2016-06-22
Nonlinear math model development and numerical model of strain deformed rock mass conditions prognosis
- Authors:
- A. P. Gospodarikov
The article deals with the questions related to the development of math models of nonlinear strain deformed conditions of a laminar heterogeneous rock mass in the area of excavation in shallow formations. The non-linear relations between physical strains and deformations are added to the basic system of resolving differential equations in partial derivatives (equilibrium equations) and well-known Cauchy dependencies (formulas of connection between deformations and displacements). This ratio is defined by both the elastic potential and by exponential law of hardening or by linear hardening law. Within the framework of the accepted hypotheses of Genki – Ilyushin theory of small elastoplastic deformations some algorithms and calculating complexes of solutions of applied geomechanics problems have been developed. They include such numerical methods as finite difference method, finite element method, and boundary element method. Nonlinear boundary problem based on Newton – Kantorovich – Raphson linearization method comes to the iterative process of a linear boundary problems sequence solution.
Date submitted2015-09-18
Date accepted2015-11-25
Date published2016-06-22
To correct the distribution of the volume of overburden waste dumps existing coal mine
- Authors:
- A. V. Selyukov
The continued operation of the coal mines of the Kemerovo region with an open development system based with the placement of overburden on the outer-shafts, contributes to the progressive growth of withdrawal of land for agricultural purposes. Widely used, such systems develop not always reflect a environmental requirements, and the need to find better technological solutions are based on approaches with upgraded bases science and technological focus coordination of the development methods and the who's actions on the environment. To reduce the negative effects perhaps modifying smacking dock of mining coal, applying system development with internal dumping. The identification of the causes of a small implement such approaches and their elimination in domestic production should be based on integrated and targeted management of such objects, as internal dump and overburden dump. The article proposes one of possible solutions based on accumulating abilities blank-out space and an external overburden dump. The tool supports the author's approach distinct illustrative graphic diagram of the balance of the overburden heaps. On the example of the coal mine "Prokop´jevski" shows the number of estimated and the mechanism of implementation of the proposed methodological approaches. The practical significance lies in the fact that reveals a number of features to help in the design of quarries more detailed approach to the justification of engineering solutions.
Date submitted2015-09-02
Date accepted2015-11-06
Date published2016-06-22
Influence of inelastic collisions on fast electron beam energy relaxation in gas
- Authors:
- V. S. Sukhomlinov
- A. S. Mustafaev
This work is dedicated to the formulation of an analytical theory for calculating the spacial distribution of energy release in a fast electron beam moving in gas and, particularly, in air, considering inelastic interaction. Electron energies of 1-100 keV are considered. Based on the analysis of data on the cross sections for inelastic and elastic interaction of electrons with gas molecules contained in air, it is concluded that inelastic collisions mainly cause energy relaxation, and elastic collisions cause mostly impulse relaxation. Solving Boltzmann’s kinetic equation for the electrons, it is used a model cross-section for the inelastic collisions of electrons with molecules, which guarantees a good description of the measured energy dependence of the mass stopping power of the electrons. Obtained results for de dependence of electrons´ mean energy on the number of inelastic collisions are in good compliance with the results obtained with the method of expanding distribution function in collision numbers and also with the results of Monte-Carlo simulation.
Date submitted2015-09-01
Date accepted2015-11-12
Date published2016-06-22
Scientific basis of processing aluminum-containing waste
- Authors:
- A. I. Alekseev
Changing raw material base for the production of aluminium and the emergence of a huge number of secondary glinozemservice waste (foundry slag, sludge, spent catalysts, mineral part of coals and other are formed in various industrial enterprises) demanded the creation of a scientific and theoretical basis for their processing. In this work, as aluminium-containing component used aluminum alloys (GOST 4784-97), aluminum containing component is obtained as a chip on Mashinostroitel-governmental enterprises. Aluminum waste is a whole range of metal alloys of aluminium with cumtion of the elements: magnesium, copper, silica, zinc, iron. Analysis of waste aluminum Al – Zn – Cu – Si – Fe shows that, depending on the content of a particular metal and the dissolution process of aluminum alloy should be viewed as the result of chemical interaction of the metal with an alkaline solution. It is necessary to consider the behavior of the main components of the alloy in alkaline solution, with respect to the system Na 2 O – Al 2 O 3 – SiO 2 – ® CO 2 – H 2 O. Since the final contents of the components in an alkaline solution is determined by its soluble Pro-vide experimental evaluation of the possibility of dissolution of iron and other elements of aluminum alloy-VA in alkaline solution of different concentrations at temperature 80-90 ° C., that show that for pH alkaltion of solutions containing 100-300 g/l Na 2 O к y the solubility of ferric hydroxide is (0,003-0.05) g/l Fe 2 O 3 .
Date submitted2015-09-10
Date accepted2015-11-02
Date published2016-06-22
Exergy method to evaluate the efficiency of the equipment of power supply systems of enterprises of mineral-raw complex
- Authors:
- V. A. Lebedev
The article considers the question of increase of efficiency of systems of energy enterprises of the mineral complex. Currently, the systems of energy enterprises of the mineral complex uses various types of power installations of low and medium power. The main types are gas turbine, gas, diesel, combined cycle, steam turbine and others. Their main purpose is to provide electricity and heat to industrial enterprises, technological processes and social structures. When choosing the type of installation uses a variety of criteria – technical, economic, reliability and other. Often it is necessary to take into account the climatic and geographical factors, for example, problems with fuel delivery [7]. In recent times when selecting the type of plants used criterion of energy efficiency. The main indicator is the effective efficiency calculated by the classical method of heat balances. The article proposes the use of exergy method of determining energy efficiency, allowing to perform relative (exergetic efficiency) and absolute evaluation of the degree of thermodynamic perfection of the system. As an example, considered exergy analysis of steam turbine power as an alternative energy supply systems of enterprises.
Date submitted2015-09-17
Date accepted2015-11-30
Date published2016-06-22
Economic efficiency of car
- Authors:
- T. A. Menukhova
- A. I. Solodkii
The paper presents an algorithm for determining the rational life of the vehicle through relationship quality indicators of the car and cost efficiency. As an integrated indicator of the car is considered a technical factor of use and operating costs determine the efficiency of its use. Methods of operational cost analysis includes a number of features and allows you to achieve comparability of results of the determination run efficient operation of motor vehicles in the process of planning, adjusting and specificity for the analysis of vehicles and organization of control actions in the lifecycle of a vehicle during its operation.
Date submitted2015-09-27
Date accepted2015-11-25
Date published2016-06-22
Quality assessment of the car
- Authors:
- A. V. Terentev
- A. A. Kapustin
The intensity is determined by the properties of the car projected parameters in the production, as well as to a large extent the state of the environment or the state of operation of cars outside. State of the environment of operation of cars affects the intensity changes of quality indicators through multiple factors determined: the methods of service and repair, quality and repair of used consumables, etc. The design of the modern car more often included components and assemblies that do not directly affect the reliability of, and responsible for the environmental or road safety. Their failure does not lead to a reduction of the working condition of the car, but leads to additional expenses for their recovery, so the modern requirements for certain groups of indicators should take into account not only the different intensity of change, but also the opportunity of decommissioning more workable vehicle.
Date submitted2015-09-21
Date accepted2015-11-06
Date published2016-06-22
Properties that determine the efficiency and safety of form fitting safety couplings
- Authors:
- Stefan Vöth
- M. A. Vasilyeva
Torque controlled safety couplings are used as safety elements in drive trains. Their function consists in separating input side and output side when the limit for the transferrable torque is exceeded. Main property of these couplings is the switching torque, the maximum transferrable torque before initiating the separation of the drive train. Target of the project is to examine the characteristics of the switching torque of form fitting safety couplings. Doing so three couplings of well known manufacturers are examined. Main result of the test is that the switching torque of form fitting safety couplings is underlying parameter dependencies and scatter. Safety and exploitation of the drive train are in cases considerably depended on the given point of operation and the coupling adjustment. In this respect it is of importance, to choose, to adjust and to operate the covered couplings systematically.
Date submitted2015-09-24
Date accepted2015-11-13
Date published2016-06-22
Analysis of the corrosion destruction causes in underground pipelines and new solutions for increasing corrosion steel's resistance
- Authors:
- L. A. Goldobina
- P. S. Orlov
This article deals with the issues concerning the accidents relevant to the underground pipelines operation. These pipelines transport gas, oil and its derivatives. The statistical analysis results of accidents in underground pipelines operated in Russia, as well as the analysis of the explosion causes in underground pipelines and primarily gasified objects are provided. It is shown that stress corrosion arising as a result of the phenomenon of hydrogenation is the most dangerous for large-diameter gas pipelines. The author proposes the justified and protected by RF patents new engineering solutions for consideration. They are aimed at improving resistance of steel structures against corrosion. Also a method of increasing the hardness, strength and wear resistance of steel parts surfaces by rapid cementation due to saturation of the carbon steel surfaces; a steel alloying method using aluminum to obtain diffusion coatings; and a method of applying a corrosion resistant and stable to acids and alkalis coating on the steel surface are presented. Proposed new technologies are accompanied by an explanation of the physical and chemical processes occurring in steel. The experimental results confirmed the validity of those decisions.
Date submitted2015-09-25
Date accepted2015-11-18
Date published2016-06-22
«Zero accident» corporate programmes as an element of strategic planning in the field of occupational safety and health at coal mining enterprises
- Authors:
- M. L. Rudakov
The paper deals with analytical survey on the status of working conditions and occupational safety and health (OSH) issues at coal mining enterprises of the Russian Federation, European Union and Australia. Absolute and relative figures of occupational fatal injury rate are analyzed, as well as dynamics of accident and injury rate at the coal mining enterprises is the context of a better understanding of the factors that contribute to successes with implementing a ‘Zero Accident Vision’ in coal companies. Importance to possess information about stress-strain condition of the rock mass (at a design stage) and its changes in process of multiple seam mining is shown. General recommendations on successful implementation of the very concept in Russian companies are elaborated on the grounds of good practices gained. The list of information resources on this topic is given.
Date submitted2015-09-22
Date accepted2015-11-21
Date published2016-06-22
Theme of cyanide neutralization during environment measures implementing in case of native gold finely disseminated ex-traction from bedrocks
- Authors:
- I. V. Fedoseev
- M. Sh. Barkan
Expluatation of enrichment operating stages with sodium cyanide, leads to toxic waste production in large volumes: wastewaters, gas emissions, solid cyanidation waste. As a result of incorrect environmental management on gold recovery plants, this negative impact leads to propagation of toxic pollutant substances. It could be the reason of nature widescale degradation in the gold factories affected area. In turn, the environment protection measures realesation needs to accounting of the contaminants properties and their migration conditions in the natural environment.
Date submitted2015-09-06
Date accepted2015-11-20
Date published2016-06-22
Expert assessment of industrial safety in Russian mineral-resources complex territorial units
- Authors:
- Z. N. Cherkai
- S. V. Kovshov
The article describes the methodological approaches to the expert assessment of the occupational health and safety both in individual enterprises and in the individual territorial units. The advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods of injuries and occupational diseases analysis are represented. In the article a new methodological apparatus, based on the account of sectoral and spatial and territorial factors is offered. The results of the analysis of sectoral and regional distribution of industrial accidents and occupational diseases are represented. The presence of a significant imbalance between the studied parameters in the mining industry: it accounts for 5,9 % of all reported accidents, with 29 % of cases of occupational diseases. For a more accurate assessment of industrial safety expert status provided the use of factors of production troubles the industry and the individual territorial units. It was found that the greatest value of the proposed coefficients correspond to the mining industry and the Kemerovo region.
Date submitted2015-09-24
Date accepted2015-11-05
Date published2016-06-22
Alternative investment on basic materials industry in the russian economy
- Authors:
- A. O. Nedosekin
Amid the global economic crisis and sectoral sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries, exacerbated the problem of finding and structuring of investment resources for basic industries of the Russian economy. The article provides a roadmap of formation and distribution of newly created alternative sources of non-cash liquidity (ANL), and scientific management mechanism justifies ANL, with reference to the specific conditions of basic industries. The article uses classical DuPont formula for financial analyses of basic industries enterprises. For the purposes of recognition of commodity markets Kim – Moborn «blue oceans» concept is applied. The main problem of survival and development of the mining industry in modern conditions is a contradiction between the low profitability margin and low turnover of all assets. It is necessary to raise the level of both factors, so they took investment-acceptable values. It is impossible to solve the problem finally, but it is possible to «bypass»: to complement the core business of basic industries of high-margin business in the adjacent market niches; to transfer production assets of the enterprises into an alternative mode of ownership (including by means of limited compensatory nationalization).
Date submitted2015-09-10
Date accepted2015-11-24
Date published2016-06-22
Specific features of energy eficiency management at enterprises of oil processing industry
- Authors:
- E. I. Reishakhrit
The paper involves consideration of key directions of energy management development at oil processing enterprises. It proves the necessity of creation a special method, which would help to form an energy management system, taking into account the specificity of oil processing industry. The elements of such a system are benchmarking and internal energy audit. The reasons constraining the development of benchmarking in Russia are analyzed, the principles and indicators of energy management benchmarking on the level of industry and an enterprise are offered. The paper represents a method of oil-refining companies’ classification in accordance with the level of their energy management development. It also contains information on the stages and indicators of annual internal energy audit aimed at defining the state of energy management and its problems with consequent development of measures to resolve them.
Date submitted2015-09-10
Date accepted2015-11-16
Date published2016-06-22
Culturological elements of edutainment employed in basic cultural formation of non-humanities students
- Authors:
- S. A. Rassadina
The article considers the trending concept of edutainment (a portmanteau of ‘education’ and ‘entertainment’), and studies the socio-cultural factors that have helped to spread such educational methods. The author demonstrates the concept’s relevance to teaching cultural studies at non-humanities universities; exemplifies it through her own experience of applying edutainment to coaching students’ research of the cultural heritage; describes the methodology of the educational experiment; and assesses its theoretical and practical results.
Date submitted2015-09-18
Date accepted2015-11-06
Date published2016-06-22
German borrowings in russian mining-and-geological terminology
- Authors:
- Yu. M Sishchuk
The article describes the main factors in Russian mining-and-geological terminology forming, the function of intensively rising Russian-German industrial, scientific and academic collaboration in mining and metallurgical development in Russia in 18 th century. German borrowings in mining, geological and metallurgical terminology as well as German polytechnical terms are analysed. Terminoelements, indicating the belonging to the fields of work are marked, the term structure is analysed. German borrowing terms for nominating occupations, minerals and chemical elements, mineral deposits peculiarities, mine varieties, equipment and installations, materials, alloys and mining-and-metallurgical products are considered.
Date submitted2015-09-01
Date accepted2015-11-12
Date published2016-06-22
Theory and practice of modern scientific dialogue in technical higher educational institution
- Authors:
- D. A. Shchukina
Theory of scientific dialogue is being depicted in the light of dialogue conception of M.M.Bakhtin, dialogue socialization law reliance on in teacher’s practical activity is being understood as an essential condition of common cultural and professional growth of an individual. Rhetoric strategies and tactics which heighten dialoguing effectiveness in educational-scientific community usage necessity is being substantiated. Depending on subject matter, status and list of participants, condition of the meeting, genre the aims of scientific dialogue are being determined as following: world picture formation/correction; scientific laws, principles, methods formulation; actual problems and topical issues in some certain brunch of science monitoring; scientific conclusions, regulations, conceptions verification; opposite point of view, position, opinion agreement with or disagreement; scientific facts, opinions, approaches estimation. Scientific dialogue classification in application to cultural-educational environment of technical higher educational institution is defined more exactly. The idea that skills to conduct scientific dialogue are demanded during training communication and further scientific-professional activity of a higher technical educational institution graduates is being proved.