Expert assessment of industrial safety in Russian mineral-resources complex territorial units
- 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
The article describes the methodological approaches to the expert assessment of the occupational health and safety both in individual enterprises and in the individual territorial units. The advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods of injuries and occupational diseases analysis are represented. In the article a new methodological apparatus, based on the account of sectoral and spatial and territorial factors is offered. The results of the analysis of sectoral and regional distribution of industrial accidents and occupational diseases are represented. The presence of a significant imbalance between the studied parameters in the mining industry: it accounts for 5,9 % of all reported accidents, with 29 % of cases of occupational diseases. For a more accurate assessment of industrial safety expert status provided the use of factors of production troubles the industry and the individual territorial units. It was found that the greatest value of the proposed coefficients correspond to the mining industry and the Kemerovo region.
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