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Vol 219
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Alternative investment on basic materials industry in the russian economy

A. O. Nedosekin
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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Amid the global economic crisis and sectoral sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries, exacerbated the problem of finding and structuring of investment resources for basic industries of the Russian economy. The article provides a roadmap of formation and distribution of newly created alternative sources of non-cash liquidity (ANL), and scientific management mechanism justifies ANL, with reference to the specific conditions of basic industries. The article uses classical DuPont formula for financial analyses of basic industries enterprises. For the purposes of recognition of commodity markets Kim – Moborn «blue oceans» concept is applied. The main problem of survival and development of the mining industry in modern conditions is a contradiction between the low profitability margin and low turnover of all assets. It is necessary to raise the level of both factors, so they took investment-acceptable values. It is impossible to solve the problem finally, but it is possible to «bypass»: to complement the core business of basic industries of high-margin business in the adjacent market niches; to transfer production assets of the enterprises into an alternative mode of ownership (including by means of limited compensatory nationalization).

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