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Vol 219
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Ontogenic analysis of mineral individuals at micro- and nanolevel for the restoration of ore-forming conditions and assessment of minerals processing properties

R. L. Brodskaya1
Yu. B. Marin2
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  • 1 — Russian science-reserch geological institute «VSEGEI»
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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While organizing the ore preparation system and selecting optimal methods for minerals separation, it is necessary to take into account typomorphic characteristics and properties of minerals and their aggregates that determine mineralogical and technological features of ore types and grades. Fine-dispersed ore is included into the process flow sheet; accounting particle size becomes the determining factor in ore processing technologies. With disintegration of mineral aggregate, disclosure of intergrowths, and release of intergrowth surface, its structure is relaxed to form new bonds. Mineral individual boundary can «open an individual» for its decomposition (dissolution) or growth; it can take over the functions of grain volume conservation. Adapting the aggregate to the external environment is due to the change in orientation, length and area of boundaries of individuals and the buffer zone of their intergrowth. All structural changes in mineral aggregate proceed in accordance with the energy balance of individual boundaries and boundaries of their intergrowth; therewith, substance, crystal lattice of mineral individuals are being «refined», its defects and dislocations are being annihilated. In the process of relaxation of the structure of a mineral, another mineral can arise, which individuals can remain in a dispersed state or be capable of aggregation depending on the energy balance of their boundaries and the matrix. Ontogenetic approach to the assessment of the features of mineral individuals and aggregates serves the purpose of restoration of ore-formation environment, provides a choice of optimum conditions of the disclosure of useful component grains, when in addition to the grain size, their shape, intergrowth nature, features of the boundaries of intergrowing minerals, heterogeneities of the composition and properties of mineral individuals are taken into account. It is resulted in the appearance of new opportunities of profitable and more environmentally friendly mining, ore potential revaluation towards lowering the grade, determination of cost-effective range of components extracted simultaneously.

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