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Vol 219
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To correct the distribution of the volume of overburden waste dumps existing coal mine

A. V. Selyukov
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  • T.F.Gorbachev Kuzbass state technical university
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The continued operation of the coal mines of the Kemerovo region with an open development system based with the placement of overburden on the outer-shafts, contributes to the progressive growth of withdrawal of land for agricultural purposes. Widely used, such systems develop not always reflect a environmental requirements, and the need to find better technological solutions are based on approaches with upgraded bases science and technological focus coordination of the development methods and the who's actions on the environment. To reduce the negative effects perhaps modifying smacking dock of mining coal, applying system development with internal dumping. The identification of the causes of a small implement such approaches and their elimination in domestic production should be based on integrated and targeted management of such objects, as internal dump and overburden dump. The article proposes one of possible solutions based on accumulating abilities blank-out space and an external overburden dump. The tool supports the author's approach distinct illustrative graphic diagram of the balance of the overburden heaps. On the example of the coal mine "Prokop´jevski" shows the number of estimated and the mechanism of implementation of the proposed methodological approaches. The practical significance lies in the fact that reveals a number of features to help in the design of quarries more detailed approach to the justification of engineering solutions.

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