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Vol 219
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Theme of cyanide neutralization during environment measures implementing in case of native gold finely disseminated ex-traction from bedrocks

I. V. Fedoseev1
M. Sh. Barkan2
About authors
  • 1 — Kaluga Branch of Bauman MSTU
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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Expluatation of enrichment operating stages with sodium cyanide, leads to toxic waste production in large volumes: wastewaters, gas emissions, solid cyanidation waste. As a result of incorrect environmental management on gold recovery plants, this negative impact leads to propagation of toxic pollutant substances. It could be the reason of nature widescale degradation in the gold factories affected area. In turn, the environment protection measures realesation needs to accounting of the contaminants properties and their migration conditions in the natural environment.

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