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Vol 219
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Quality assessment of the car

A. V. Terentev1
A. A. Kapustin2
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  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
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The intensity is determined by the properties of the car projected parameters in the production, as well as to a large extent the state of the environment or the state of operation of cars outside. State of the environment of operation of cars affects the intensity changes of quality indicators through multiple factors determined: the methods of service and repair, quality and repair of used consumables, etc. The design of the modern car more often included components and assemblies that do not directly affect the reliability of, and responsible for the environmental or road safety. Their failure does not lead to a reduction of the working condition of the car, but leads to additional expenses for their recovery, so the modern requirements for certain groups of indicators should take into account not only the different intensity of change, but also the opportunity of decommissioning more workable vehicle.

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