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Vol 219
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«Zero accident» corporate programmes as an element of strategic planning in the field of occupational safety and health at coal mining enterprises

M. L. Rudakov
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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The paper deals with analytical survey on the status of working conditions and occupational safety and health (OSH) issues at coal mining enterprises of the Russian Federation, European Union and Australia. Absolute and relative figures of occupational fatal injury rate are analyzed, as well as dynamics of accident and injury rate at the coal mining enterprises is the context of a better understanding of the factors that contribute to successes with implementing a ‘Zero Accident Vision’ in coal companies. Importance to possess information about stress-strain condition of the rock mass (at a design stage) and its changes in process of multiple seam mining is shown. General recommendations on successful implementation of the very concept in Russian companies are elaborated on the grounds of good practices gained. The list of information resources on this topic is given.

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