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Vol 219
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Theory and practice of modern scientific dialogue in technical higher educational institution

D. A. Shchukina
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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Theory of scientific dialogue is being depicted in the light of dialogue conception of M.M.Bakhtin, dialogue socialization law reliance on in teacher’s practical activity is being understood as an essential condition of common cultural and professional growth of an individual. Rhetoric strategies and tactics which heighten dialoguing effectiveness in educational-scientific community usage necessity is being substantiated. Depending on subject matter, status and list of participants, condition of the meeting, genre the aims of scientific dialogue are being determined as following: world picture formation/correction; scientific laws, principles, methods formulation; actual problems and topical issues in some certain brunch of science monitoring; scientific conclusions, regulations, conceptions verification; opposite point of view, position, opinion agreement with or disagreement; scientific facts, opinions, approaches estimation. Scientific dialogue classification in application to cultural-educational environment of technical higher educational institution is defined more exactly. The idea that skills to conduct scientific dialogue are demanded during training communication and further scientific-professional activity of a higher technical educational institution graduates is being proved.

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