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Vol 219
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Exergy method to evaluate the efficiency of the equipment of power supply systems of enterprises of mineral-raw complex

V. A. Lebedev
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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The article considers the question of increase of efficiency of systems of energy enterprises of the mineral complex. Currently, the systems of energy enterprises of the mineral complex uses various types of power installations of low and medium power. The main types are gas turbine, gas, diesel, combined cycle, steam turbine and others. Their main purpose is to provide electricity and heat to industrial enterprises, technological processes and social structures. When choosing the type of installation uses a variety of criteria – technical, economic, reliability and other. Often it is necessary to take into account the climatic and geographical factors, for example, problems with fuel delivery [7]. In recent times when selecting the type of plants used criterion of energy efficiency. The main indicator is the effective efficiency calculated by the classical method of heat balances. The article proposes the use of exergy method of determining energy efficiency, allowing to perform relative (exergetic efficiency) and absolute evaluation of the degree of thermodynamic perfection of the system. As an example, considered exergy analysis of steam turbine power as an alternative energy supply systems of enterprises.

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