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Vol 219
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Scientific basis of processing aluminum-containing waste

A. I. Alekseev
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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Changing raw material base for the production of aluminium and the emergence of a huge number of secondary glinozemservice waste (foundry slag, sludge, spent catalysts, mineral part of coals and other are formed in various industrial enterprises) demanded the creation of a scientific and theoretical basis for their processing. In this work, as aluminium-containing component used aluminum alloys (GOST 4784-97), aluminum containing component is obtained as a chip on Mashinostroitel-governmental enterprises. Aluminum waste is a whole range of metal alloys of aluminium with cumtion of the elements: magnesium, copper, silica, zinc, iron. Analysis of waste aluminum Al – Zn – Cu – Si – Fe shows that, depending on the content of a particular metal and the dissolution process of aluminum alloy should be viewed as the result of chemical interaction of the metal with an alkaline solution. It is necessary to consider the behavior of the main components of the alloy in alkaline solution, with respect to the system Na 2 O – Al 2 O 3  – SiO 2  –  ® CO 2  – H 2 O. Since the final contents of the components in an alkaline solution is determined by its soluble Pro-vide experimental evaluation of the possibility of dissolution of iron and other elements of aluminum alloy-VA in alkaline solution of different concentrations at temperature 80-90  ° C., that show that for pH alkaltion of solutions containing 100-300 g/l Na 2 O к y the solubility of ferric hydroxide is (0,003-0.05) g/l Fe 2 O 3 . 

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