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Vol 176

Vol 175
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Witwatersrand and the problem of ore formation

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The paper discusses complicated nature of the unique gold-uranium ore fields of South Africa, focusing upon controversial features allowing to interpret their genesis as a primary sedimentary (alluvial), or hydrothermal-sedimentary, or even postmagmatic hydrothermal one. The new concept is proposed that the so-called «pyrite canister» and the mere quartz «pebbles» of the famous Witwatersrand conglomerates have formed in endogen conditions. The model of the hydrothermal-metasomatic genesis of the great Rand gold ore reefs is formulated on this base. Some experimental data of fundamental meaning are demonstrated as a proof. It is assumed that the famous gold-bearing conglomerates should not be called by the term; precisely they must be named «pseudoconglomerates». In the whole, the unique gold concentration in reefs of South Africa is interpreted as a peculiar case of universal mechanism of the gold ore forming process. Analysis of its probable chemistry involves some laws of nuclear physics. Supposedly, gold oreforming reactions included effect of such agents as magnetic nucleus of some isotopes ( 13 C, 29 Si, 17 O), spin states of reacting objects, and their possible recombination, magnetic effects in melts, etc.

How to cite: Shilo N.A. Witwatersrand and the problem of ore formation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 7-19.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Geological mapping of the Arctic shelf of Russia - scientific and information basis of subsoil use

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Most of sheets of the state Geological Map of the Russian Arctic Shelf in scale 1:1000 000 (new edition) were published during the last 6-8 years, and their remaining part is ready for publishing. They integrate, in the GIS Arc-View form, all the available geological-geophysical data, providing, in this way, possibility to appraise the mineral resources with the higher geological certainty and to evaluate the environmental conditions at the new areas at the start of their economic development.

How to cite: Gusev E.A., Anokhin V.M., Burskiy A.Z., Burskiy V.A., Burskiy B.G., Shkarubo S.I. Geological mapping of the Arctic shelf of Russia - scientific and information basis of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 20-22.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Modern sediments of the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean and their geologic significance

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Tectonic model of the Arctic Ocean can be described as a system of folded areas and platform structures closely associated and mutually bonded in their long lasted formation. One of the main tectonic elements in the Eastern part of Polar basin is the so-called Hyperborean platform – a relic of the Eastern-Arctic paleoplatform, which previously had occupied the most part of Arctic region, but was destructed during Mesozoic-Cenozoic. The Hyperborean platform and other fragments of the mentioned paleostructure have preserved their initial affinities, all they form the Arctic shelf areas.

How to cite: Kabankov V.Y., Andreeva I.A. Modern sediments of the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean and their geologic significance // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 23-25.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Geochemistry of submarine ore-forming hydrotherms of the North Atlantic according to the data of remote observations and sampling from underwater manned vehicles

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Fluid and plume geochemical characteristics of Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) hydrothermal fields have been compared. Similar geological traits of Logatchev and Rainbow fields are location of their discharge zones in ultramafic environments. High H 2 and СH 4 concentrations reflect the influence of serpentinization processes on forming of a fluid composition. The concentration of H2S is noticeably less in comparison with fluids of other Atlantic hydrothermal fields. Regression analysis shows that all the sulfur found out in samples from fluids and plumes of both fields is represented in the form of sulphate-ion. This lead to supposition of negative correlation of H 2 S and СH 4 . Sampling of fluids during dives on DSRV ALVIN and plumes from board of RV ATLANTIS let me to calculate the end member composition. It testifies to sharp distinctions in solution composition of Rainbow and Logatchev fields. In case of the Rainbow highly mineralized fluids are characteristic. On the Irina-2 vent of the Logatchev area solutions with distinctly less macrocomponent (first of all Na and Cl) concentrations were sampled as compared to ocean water. Quite noticeable are differences in concentrations of Fe and Mn. For Rainbow fluids the highest contents of Fe (> 1300 mg/l) and Mn (up to 123 mg/l) observed in MAR hydrothermal fields are characteristic. Concentrations of these elements in Irina-2 vent fluids decrease for the order of magnitude.

How to cite: Andreeva S.M., Krivitskaya M.V., Kaminskiy D.V. Geochemistry of submarine ore-forming hydrotherms of the North Atlantic according to the data of remote observations and sampling from underwater manned vehicles // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 26-30.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Influence of sedimentation conditions on formation of reservoir strata in carbonate sediments of the aquatorial part of Timan-Pechora province

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Conditions of sedimentation are considered for the Lower Permian oil-bearing complex in Timan-Pechora oil-and-gas province. All offshore oil fields of this stratigraphic level are connected with organic buildups, and each carbonate reservoir is unique by conditions of its formation, composition and, consequently, by its filtration and capacity parameters. Among them, the reservoir rocks of Prirazlomnoye oil field are represented by algal limestones, reservoirs of Southern-Dolginskoye and Northern-Dolginskoye oil-and-gas fields – by bruozoan-echinoderm grainestone-packestones and bruozoan bafflestones. Petrophysical properties of these carbonate rocks were predetermined at the earlier stages of their formation – sedimention and diagenesis; it means that facial analysis of the primary sedimention should be included as an obligatory element in the modeling of carbonate reservoirs of oil-and-gas.

How to cite: Mirolyubova E.S., Viskunova K.G. Influence of sedimentation conditions on formation of reservoir strata in carbonate sediments of the aquatorial part of Timan-Pechora province // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 31-35.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Carbonate sequences of the Middle Ordovician-Silurian of the Pechora-Barents Sea megabasin

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Application of the sequence-stratigraphy method has allowed to trace the principal stages in development of the Middle Ordovician – Silurian sedimentation within the Pechora-Barents sedimentary megabasin. There were established, on this base, some regularities in distribution of reservoirs and seals in the geologic section of the Low-Middle Paleozoic.

How to cite: Taninskaya N.V. Carbonate sequences of the Middle Ordovician-Silurian of the Pechora-Barents Sea megabasin // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 36-40.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Environmental geomorphology of the Arctic shelf of Eurasia

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The study considers some fundamentals of ecological geomorphology of Eurasian Arctic shelf and analyses the system-morphological methodology in investigation and mapping of seabottom relief. Such approach provides a forecasting of the main «traps» for bottom sediments and, subsequently, polluting substances. The elaborated scheme of the geomorphologic zoning of Eurasian shelf takes under consideration the principle distinction between geologic structures of its western and eastern sectors and contains an appraisal of geoecological positions of some sea oil and gas fields.

How to cite: Zinchenko A.G. Environmental geomorphology of the Arctic shelf of Eurasia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 41-45.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Methodological principles of landscape-geoecological studies of the shelf on the example of the Barents Sea

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In this study is offered the methodology of mapping of geoecological conditions and pollution of the Arctic seas environment based on geochemical zoning. That has found reflection on the maps of the Barents sea. At making up of maps the materials on lithology and mineralogy of bottom sediments, data on the content of chemical elements in deposits and suspensions and information about quantitative distribution and benthos spices structure are used. The characteristics of conditions of natural environment are analyzed in view of features of a bottom relief.

How to cite: Andreeva I.A., Zinchenko A.G., Vanshtein B.G., Kiiko O.A., Petrova V.I. Methodological principles of landscape-geoecological studies of the shelf on the example of the Barents Sea // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 46-50.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Spectrophotometric analysis of fine-grained fraction of red-colored strata

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The paper displays preliminary results of using the method of partitioning red-colored sediments on the base of spectrophotometric characteristics of their pigmenting fine-grained fraction. The rocks were differentiated by reflectance spectra of the surface of specimens prepared by precipitation of fine particles from water suspension on glass. The reflectance coefficients were measured with optical spectophotometer SPECORO 200 at various corners of the specimen inclination to a light ray. Tangents of the angle of slope of reflectance curve in different spectral regions and the color coordinates in the colorimetric system XYZ were used as numerical characteristics.

How to cite: Bogatyreva A.G. Spectrophotometric analysis of fine-grained fraction of red-colored strata // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 51-56.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Problems of water flooding of oil fields on the shelf of the Arctic seas

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Calculations have shown that injecting of seawater in the reservoir and its mixing with underground water does not provoke precipitation of calcite and/or gypsum, at any mix proportions. Those mixtures of reservoir and sea waters are saturated in barium sulfate and strontium carbonate, but their precipitation is however unlikely in polysalt brine systems. In the case of their improbable deposition, a scaling inhibitor should be easily used. The water treatment scheme includes the heating of Pechora sea water before its injection into reservoir. Decay of the seawater calcium bicarbonate with precipitation of CaCO 3 is possible under heating. In general, the water treatment technology of injection is actually elaborated as for the Pechora sea water so for the produced bed water.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.I. Problems of water flooding of oil fields on the shelf of the Arctic seas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 57-60.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Hydrocarbon monitoring of bottom sediments of Pechora Bay (assessment of consequences of Usinsk oil spill)

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Estimation of consequences of the petroleum flood from pipeline in Usinsk has shown that in samples of the bottom sediments taken up after the leakage the concentrations of PAH of the anthropogenic origin are somehow increased, however there are not anomaly high ones. In general, anthropogenic influence is detected at the molecular markers level and it is far from being catastrophic.

How to cite: Kursheva A.V., Litvinenko I.V. Hydrocarbon monitoring of bottom sediments of Pechora Bay (assessment of consequences of Usinsk oil spill) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 61-64.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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The first domestic rules for construction and guidelines for operation of offshore submarine pipelines

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The paper analyses contents and concepts of the first Russian «Classification and building rules for sea underwater pipelines» and the «Operating manual for building and operation of the sea underwater pipelines» which have been published by the Register of Shipping of the Russian Federation. These rules give the special attention to acting loads, tensions, ballasting, corrosion prevention, methods of laying and the safety evaluation of sea underwater pipelines.

How to cite: Reshetov N.A., Shurpyak V.K., Makarov V.G., Timofeev O.Y., Zinchenko N.I. The first domestic rules for construction and guidelines for operation of offshore submarine pipelines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 65-69.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Economic-mathematical model of arrangement and industrial exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields

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The paper is focused on particularities of offshore oil-and-gas fields’ construction and commercial operation that are taken into account within the economic-mathematical modeling, and the configuration of the production – transport system’s structural components. Description of principal blocks comprising the model, and the list of calculated economic and investment parameters are given. The general view of the block «Calculation of financial flows and basic economic and investment parameters» is presented. The model was tested in a number of works performed by the Institute on substantiation of investments into offshore oil and gas fields construction and production.

How to cite: Dekhtyaruk Y.D., Kartashev A.B. Economic-mathematical model of arrangement and industrial exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 70-73.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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About some conversion works of Central Research Institute Gidropribor, connected with environmentalism, oil search, lifting of products from the sea bottom

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The paper presents some CRI Gidropribor’s civil developments: ecological stations on the base floating, submerged or scanning buoys, their supplying with measuring modules, and their capabilities. The description of technique of oil exploration using a towed vehicle and a device to detect oil components in water is given, as well as the system to lift bottom objects using surfacing buoy is also presented.

How to cite: Wolfson L.M. About some conversion works of Central Research Institute Gidropribor, connected with environmentalism, oil search, lifting of products from the sea bottom // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 74-78.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Experimental study of internal waves in the Arctic shelf zone

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Laboratory modelling has been carried out for internal waves propagating along the shelf in a twolayer fluid. There were studied perturbations of a stratified fluid induced in the shelf zone versus the stratification parameters and amplitudes of passing internal waves. It has been revealed that propagation of internal waves along the shelf margin may induce a shear flow in the shallow part of the shelf or generate the 3D internal wave motion normal to the direction of propagation of the initial wave system.

How to cite: Shishkina O.D. Experimental study of internal waves in the Arctic shelf zone // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 79-83.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Problems of creation of underwater systems of control over sea pipelines condition

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The paper reviews peculiarities of construction of unmanned underwater vehicles (ROV) and possibilities of their application for inspection, reconditioning and maintenance of the seabottom pipelines. The circle of tasks soluable by ROV is listed, with addition of their classification.

How to cite: Onishchenko I.N., Portnoy A.S. Problems of creation of underwater systems of control over sea pipelines condition // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 84-87.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Optical methods in environmental monitoring of ocean

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Problems of using the optical methods in apraisal of ecological conditions are discussed purposefully for areas of intensive technogenical impacts to the sea environment. Advantages of these methods are analyzed from the point of the urgent estimation of ecological conditions in spots of emergencies. Optical methods are concluded to have the high prospects for carring out the environmental monitoring of the ocean.

How to cite: Portnoy I.V., Portnoy V.K. Optical methods in environmental monitoring of ocean // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 88-91.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Influence of complex hydrology on vertical props of submersible and semi-submersible drilling rigs

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Quantitative evaluation of the mass-flow effect of seawater with inhomogeneous density upon the vertical cylinders (supports of submersible and semi submersible drilling platforms) has been performed considering water flows, induced superficial and internal waves. Calculated results are compared with experimental data obtained previously in the basin with stratiphied water. The modal structure and amplitude-phase parameters of internal waves generated by a vertical cylinder crossing the free surface and the surface pycnocline are studied as functions of the cylinder velocity and submergence depth relative to a density jump.

How to cite: Vasileva V.V., Mordvina T.D. Influence of complex hydrology on vertical props of submersible and semi-submersible drilling rigs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 92-94.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Explosions and fires on tankers as a result of static electricity

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In the review of crashes and wrecks of large tankers having occurred during last decades the fires and explosions connected with washing of emptied tanks are distinguished as a particular type of accidents. As a rule, they are provoked by charges of static electricity. Inquiry of explosion in tanker «Magas» (in 2000) allows to display and analyze in details circumstances and sources of this type of wrecks.

How to cite: Makarov V.G. Explosions and fires on tankers as a result of static electricity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 95-101.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Peculiarities of transportation of marine objects

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Oil and gas fields discovered at the Russian continental shelf are not yet developed but technical complexes for the first offshore production are currently under construction. Their principal element is a jack-up rig (JUR) strengthened for the Polar sea conditions. One of questions to resolve in construction of this drilling platform – the technology of its safe towing. Peculiarities of such transportation are briefly described for the offshore oil production project with jack-up rig «Arkticheskaya», which is currently under construction in the shipyard «Zvezdochka».

How to cite: Rudnaya E.N., Nizamutdinov R.A. Peculiarities of transportation of marine objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 102-104.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Risk assessment during towing of marine objects

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In the procedure of the risk appraisal for a project of offshore towing of the large-size object, an algorithm of the «risk-management» is proposed to estimate the whole scope of assuming hazardous events. The initial – qualitative phase of analysis determines a possible range of risk factors, provides their description and classification. The second – quantitative phase evaluates their probability and subsequent cost values. The third stage of the risk values analysis – phase of the control – provides the cyclic recurrence of the risk-management. In sum, estimation of probable kinds of risks, while the towing, leads to ensured choice of compensating measures and, as a result, provides the needed level of security during the towing of, for instance, the jack-up rig platform.

How to cite: Ivanov A.B., Ivanov S.A. Risk assessment during towing of marine objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 105-107.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Construction of S-function at forecasting of marine equipment characteristic

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It is marked in the work, that for description of tendencies in development of some objects of the sea engineering within limits of an evolutionary stage, it is expedient to use 4 parametrical S-function. Features of the decision of system of 4 nonlinear equations with four unknown with use of a method of initial parameters are considered (examined). In conclusion of work methodical principles of construction of S-functions have been formulated.

How to cite: Voronov A.A., Razuvaev V.N. Construction of S-function at forecasting of marine equipment characteristic // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 108-110.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Problems of utilization of the Hutton drilling platform

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The idea to use the upper structure of the worked off foreign oil platform «Hutton» in construction of the newly built platform «Prirazlomnaya» should significantly abridged the time for its starting oil production. But the life cycle of any offshore construction will inevitably lead to its dismantle utilization, and the project of destruction should be planned in advance. Russian industrial enterprises haven’t any experience of dismantling and dismembering such large metallic structures profitably. Elaboration of needed technologies should be connected with a series of problems; their listing is shown in the paper.

How to cite: Zhestkov A.A., Nizamutdinov R.A. Problems of utilization of the Hutton drilling platform // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 111-113.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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New developments in the field of equipment for MTZ and AMTZ methods

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There are two parallel approaches clearly appeared in elaboration of the fifth generation of multifunctional electroprospecting equipment. Both approaches have multiple channels. The first one (which is more closely related to the previous generations models) has, as the main features, a central (recording, controlling and processing) unit connected by cables to 20-24 one- or twochannel boxes, each with preamplifier, ADC and small memory. Only two channels are used for horizontal magnetic components, all other channels measure horizontal electric components. The second approach (dominating now at the world equipment market) features an unlimited number of independent (without cables) 5-, 3- and 2-channels boxes, all synchronized by GPS. Most recently (in 2005) «Phoenix Geophysics Ltd» released a telemetric multifunctional system under the trade name, which incorporates advantages from both mentioned approaches. Since 2003, a natural field electroprospecting technique, measuring only three magnetic components, has grown rapidly for various types of useful minerals.

How to cite: Fox L. New developments in the field of equipment for MTZ and AMTZ methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 114-120.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Application of 2DMTZ for oil prospecting in the delta of the St. Clee River (south-eastern Ontario, Canada)

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2D magnetotelluric surveying with measurements of horizontal component of magnetotelluric (MT) field was carried out by «Phoenix Geophysics» company on 2000 at a prospect in southeast part of Ontario province. The investigations evidences, that МТS data could locate areas of improvement of Silurian limestone reservoir features, which are associated with dolomitization zones along deep faults. Characteristic features of the dolomitization zones, predicted from МТS data, were confirmed by following drilling. Re-treatment of the MT date on 2006 with the use of the latest version of software provided significantly improvement of MTS curves. Results of the concrete geological structure modeling demonstrated, that vertical component data of MT field are more informative to the problem being studied. The key problems are accuracy of setting of MT vertical component data measurement sensor and thermo stabilization of every three sensors. Special equipments (tripods) manufactured under the «Phoenix Geophysics» company contract, provide the both problems adequate solving.

How to cite: Ingerov A.I. Application of 2DMTZ for oil prospecting in the delta of the St. Clee River (south-eastern Ontario, Canada) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 121-124.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Electrical exploration by MTZ method in the complex of regional oil and gas prospecting works in the European part of Russia

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The electromagnetic (MTS) investigations with the use of Canadian MTU equipment have been carried out along CDP profiles, crossing Central Regions of Russia. The results are presented in the form of seismic-geological sections. Their total extend is 1430 km. The analysis of electric logging of 19 boreholes, disposed in the vicinity of the profiles, has been executed. The composite geological section extending from north boundary of Moscow syneclise to south boundary of Ryazan-Saratov trough has been compiled. Principal electrical conduction horizons of sedimentary cover are associated with Carboniferous – Permian terrigenous complexes. Along sizable intervals of the profiles conduction complexes of Meso-Neoproterozoic age are separated below these complexes. Structural features of sedimentary-metamorphic Paleo-Mesoproterozoic rocks are observed in the consolidated basement. The characteristic features of the geoelectric model of the area of investigations are described. The problems and prospects of electrical methods application in complex of hydrocarbon prospecting investigations are discussed.

How to cite: Feldman I.S., Okulesskiy B.A., Suleimanov A.K., Nikolaev V.N., Kuncherov V.A., Chamo S.S. Electrical exploration by MTZ method in the complex of regional oil and gas prospecting works in the European part of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 125-131.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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About application of a complex of direct methods of search for coal-hydrocarbons in the process of oil and gas prospecting works of NAK Neftegas of Ukraine

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The results of application of direct prospecting methods for oils and gas deposits in the Ukraine are presented. These methods allows rather fast appraisal of presence of oil-and-gas on large areas with minimal expenses before deep-well drilling. The application of the methods in the oil fields prospecting has allowed discovering set of hydrocarbon deposits in the Ukraine. The complex of direct methods combined with seismic surveys will promote cost reducing of a geological exploration process for oil and gas as whole.

How to cite: Koval A.N., Chepil P.M. About application of a complex of direct methods of search for coal-hydrocarbons in the process of oil and gas prospecting works of NAK Neftegas of Ukraine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 132-135.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Development of geoelectrochemical technologies and their complex use in hydrocarbon prospecting

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The problems of progression of geoelectrochemical technologies are considered. Simplifying algorithm of the flow aureole modeling is described. Examples of the geoelectrochemical technologies application in the search for ore lodes and oil and gas pools are presented.

How to cite: Shtokalenko M.B., Alekseev S.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A., Putikov O.F. Development of geoelectrochemical technologies and their complex use in hydrocarbon prospecting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 136-141.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Results of electrical exploration in search of pipe-type objects in the areas of Arkhangelsk region

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Results of employing of pulsed electromagnetic soundings method (MPP) of diamond deposits are presented. Investigations in the past are analyzed. Methodic and results of investigations, which have been out using modern-day equipment and software in Arkhangelsk diamond province, are described. Efficiency of application of the MPP-method in the process of predictive-prospecting investigations is analyzed.

How to cite: Korotkov Y.V. Results of electrical exploration in search of pipe-type objects in the areas of Arkhangelsk region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 142-145.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Integrated approach to the study of complex geologic structures on the basis of marine magnetotelluric studies

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A novel ocean bottom high-resolution magnetotellurics station is integrated with advanced nonlinear seismic tomography to build a high resolution, geologically accurate upper crust model characterized by a high level of spatial resolution. The integrated model provides the degree of accuracy needed by depth migration to properly image under highly variable covers and severe topography/bathymetry. The resolution of the final depth migration shows the potential of the proposed strategy to increase the value of seismic data and de-risk complex plays exploration programs. Technology has been successfully applied in Gulf of Mexico, North Sea Barents Sea and other oil and gas offshore provinces.

How to cite: Matveev Y.I., Roslov Y.V., Zerill A. Integrated approach to the study of complex geologic structures on the basis of marine magnetotelluric studies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 146-149.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Results of magnetotelluric studies on the Batolit profile (south of the Siberian platform)

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The latest results of regional magnetotelluric surveys along «Batholit» reference geophysical profile are presented. Characteristic features of the Siberian platform geoelectric section are described. The methodic of the magnetotelluric data interpretation is justified.

How to cite: Pashevin A.M., Tupitsin V.A., Gomulskiy V.V. Results of magnetotelluric studies on the Batolit profile (south of the Siberian platform) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 150-153.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Scientific and methodological problems of geological interpretation of the digital database of the materials of deep electrical exploration on the territory of the European part of Russia

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The database of digitized regional electrical materials is described. The database covers territories of Ease-European platform and adjusting fold areas (Kuakas, east flank of Uralian fold area, Skiff plate and Timan-Pechora region of Barents fold area). Besides of primary information, the database includes resulting geoelectric maps and sections. The results of their experimental geological interpretation show, that geoelectric data provide: modeling of sedimentary cover which is adequate to seismic data; modeling of blocks and interblock (suture) zones boundaries, which is more reliable that seismic data interpretation; separation of ancient volcanogenic-sedimentary layer in the upper part of the consolidated crust.

How to cite: Feldman I.S., Erinchek Y.M., Egorov A.S. Scientific and methodological problems of geological interpretation of the digital database of the materials of deep electrical exploration on the territory of the European part of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 154-158.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Some aspects of application of electrical exploration methods in the study of gold deposits in Siberia

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Golden ore objects are rather difficult object for researching them by geophysical methods. The analysis of efficiency of using the electroprospecting methods in the researching different kinds of Siberian golden ore deposits was taken. There was also made a conclusion that for the rising of efficiency of the methods using for the researching of golden ore deposits they are needed to be pointed at the revealing of petrophysical and geophysical zonality, which is individual for each kind of golden ore deposits.

How to cite: Orekhov A.N. Some aspects of application of electrical exploration methods in the study of gold deposits in Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 159-162.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Frequency-time analysis of time series of magnetotelluric sounding

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Article give an account of results magnetotelluric data analysis with application of Morle wavelet.

How to cite: Pechenkin M.M. Frequency-time analysis of time series of magnetotelluric sounding // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 163-167.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Detection of geologic heterogeneities by MTS method data

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New data obtained with magnetotelluric method supplement a seismic and a geological section when oil and gas researches carry out. The magnetotelluric method is considered to be a regional method till recently but it becomes exploring method when new generation equipment had appeared. Magnetotelluric data and seismic data correspond to each other quite well. It allows judging about prospects of oil-and-gas content of reefs. A dispersion of resistivity field allows revealing some features of geoelectrical section.

How to cite: Gubin I.A. Detection of geologic heterogeneities by MTS method data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 168-171.
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Types of hydrogeological structures of hydrothermal areas of the North Atlantic

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Types of submarine hydrogeological structures with modern hydrothermal activity in the North Atlantic are observed. Most part of noted hydrothermal fields are situated within the limits of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). There are inner and outer (relative to main MAR structural elements) suboceanic hydrogeological structures. Axis, hillside and summit hydrogeological massifs are distinguished. Outside MAR volcanogenic massifs with periodical hydrothermal activity are forecasted due to geochemical anomalies in bottom waters.

How to cite: Sudarikov S.M. Types of hydrogeological structures of hydrothermal areas of the North Atlantic // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 172-176.
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Quantitative analysis of hydrogeochemical laws on the basis of multidimensional classification G-method

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Multivariate classification methods are important for the ivestigation of life, enviromenment and sosiety. The classification procedure referred to as the G-mode was epplied to isolate hydrochemical homogeneons taxons in space and compare them. Two geochemical tendencys predicted in forming of grounwater chemical composition of the Donbass region of direct and reverse hydrochemical zonaliti. The groundwater change chemical composition from HCO - 3 - Ca 2+ low salinity to Cl - - Na + higt salinity on first tendency and to HCO - 3 - Cl - - Na + low mineralized sodawater on second tendency. Origin of soda-water cause processes of evaporation and condensation of water in of СН-rich gas fhase.

How to cite: Gavrishin A.I., Koradini A. Quantitative analysis of hydrogeochemical laws on the basis of multidimensional classification G-method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 177-182.
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Hydrogeomechanical processes at flooding of coal mines

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Consideration is given to the stress state of rock mass under higher hydrostatic pressure in the flooded workings of the abandoned mines. One has obtained the criteria for assessment of potential movement of rock mass into the mined-out space. The basically new scheme has been suggested to form an estimate of raising the earth surface upon decompression of the fractured rock mass.

How to cite: Norvatov Y.A. Hydrogeomechanical processes at flooding of coal mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 183-186.
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Engineering-geological support of vertical shaft sinking

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The results of geotechnical support of vertical shaft construction are described. The study was performed in regional zones of tectonic dislocation at a depth of 1200 m, in saliniferous rock at a depth of 540 m, in sedimentary frozen rock with a thickness of 620 m. The method has been tested for 30 years. It ensures greater vertical shaft construction and operation safety.

How to cite: Sergeev S.V. Engineering-geological support of vertical shaft sinking // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 187-190.
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Use of isotope data (δ2H, δ18O, 234U/238U) in the study of permafrost degradation processes as a result of long-term climate variations

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Marked warming of a climate has one of the results the degradation of a permafrost. Estimation of this degradation rates are necessary for considering at studying resources and qualities of underground waters, construction of long-term constructions, a burial place of radioactive waste, reconstruction of paleoclimate, etc. In this article it is considered theoretical bases and an opportunity of use developed by the author’s technique, which is based on isotope systematics δ 2 Н, δ 18 О, 234 U/ 238 U and U/He, 3 Н/ 3 Не dating of groundwater, and also correlations between them for reconstruction of rates of the permafrost degradation.

How to cite: Tokarev I.V. Use of isotope data (δ2H, δ18O, 234U/238U) in the study of permafrost degradation processes as a result of long-term climate variations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 191-195.
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Mineral-matrix technology of polluted water treatment as one of the promising directions of modern hydrogeology

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This paper is about mineral-matrix technology of polluted water refinement using sorbents with high sorptive capacity made from modified during intensive hidrolysys process of clay soils. Regularities of consecutive acid-base clay material hydrolysis are formulated in this paper. The mechanism of clay mineral transformation processes is reviewed. The advantages of aluminum silicate sorbents with increased sorptive capacity against well known solid-phase sorbents are proved. It’s noted that in developed aluminum silicate sorbents an increased sorptive capacity is conditioned by a huge set of sorptive-active phases. It’s also noted, that processes of polluted liquid clearing with the help of hydrolyzed aluminum silicates is based not only on sorptive processes, but on the principle of man- artificially transformed aluminum silicate matrix regeneration. It’s shown that sorbents based on hydrolyzed clay soils application increases effectiveness of polluted water refinement.

How to cite: Shcherbakova E.V. Mineral-matrix technology of polluted water treatment as one of the promising directions of modern hydrogeology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 196-200.
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Leningrad oil shale deposit: hydrogeological, environmental and economic problems

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The hydrodynamical and hydrochemical peculiarities of underground waters of the Leningrad oil shale deposit, the environmental and economic problems of the region connected with possible liquidation of mines on the deposit are considered. Possible mechanisms of mine waters pollution by flying phenols and heavy metals are represented.

How to cite: Petrov N.S. Leningrad oil shale deposit: hydrogeological, environmental and economic problems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 201-204.
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Numerical modeling of pollutants migration in marsh sediments

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The proposed model of cation sorption processes with natural organic matter of peat deposits could be applied in a wide pH range. Model testing was produced on the basis of field migration experiment, which was carried out at Lomonosov Diamond Deposit (Arkhangel'sk Region, Russia). It was shown that taking into account the double porosity is necessary for the correct forecast of transport of dissolved compounds in peat.

How to cite: Kharkhordin I.L. Numerical modeling of pollutants migration in marsh sediments // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 205-208.
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Problems of development of underground space of St. Petersburg and geological processes

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It is very important at the present time in conditions of multilevel developing Saint-Petersburg to have an opportunity of prediction and diagnostics exogenous processes during the designing, construction, maintenance and buildings reconstruction. It is shown the necessity of taking into consideration the man-caused factors as chemical, microbial and temperature pollution of geological environment, which is exerting influence on transformation of soils condition under the buildings foundation. The principal concern is attended to the pollution by domestic sewage influencing on moraine and lacustrine loam which is used as a base layers for pile foundations and natural bed for continuous footing of 18-19 centuries buildings. It is underlined the role of soils corrosion activity and the profound effect of biocorrosion processes in lining material destruction.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.Y. Problems of development of underground space of St. Petersburg and geological processes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 209-212.
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Influence of buried bogs on the formation of engineering-geological and geo-ecological conditions in the underground space of St. Petersburg

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In work the influence of the buried bogs on negative transformations spreading grounds and occurrence of some exogenous processes, including biochemical phenomena. Such processes in many respects define safety of development and use of underground space of city. The special attention is inverted on marsh microflora, its number and variety of physiological groups, and also gross weight bacterial of weight. Under the certain hydrodynamical conditions marsh microbiota migrate downwards on a particles of rock. The sharp increase bacterial of weight in grounds under the buried bogs is marked in comparison with not waterlogged by sites. Is emphasized, that especially negative influence is rendered by the buried bogs on sandy adjourment, which frequently are transformed in are floating earth.

How to cite: Zakharova E.G. Influence of buried bogs on the formation of engineering-geological and geo-ecological conditions in the underground space of St. Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 213-216.
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Analysis of causes of deformations of Kazan Cathedral and organization of object monitoring

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The engineering geological and geoenvironmental conditions of the architectural and historical monument of Saint-Petersburg – the Kazansky Cathedral, located on the the Kazansky island, are analyzed. The historical and ecological analysis of the Kazansky Cathedral’s construction and exploitation are considered. The principal contaminants of underground space that influence negatively on the state and properties of sand and clay soils, groundwater and building materials are defined. The stability of the Kazansky Cathedral is calculated and also the peculiarities of the Cathedral’s deformations due to geophysical dates are analyzed. It is demonstrated that the development of long-term and unequal settlements of the Kazansky Cathedral is caused by the negative transformation of soils in its base and foundation destruction. The basic principals of impact monitoring of the Kazansky Cathedral are proposed.

How to cite: Shidlovskaya A.V. Analysis of causes of deformations of Kazan Cathedral and organization of object monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 217-220.
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Selection and substantiation of optimal order and time of drilling of water-reducing wells of drainage contour in the course of open mining of the M.V.Lomonosov deposit

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The deposit of Lomonosov developed at a trial level, now is at a stage of transition to its fullscale development by the open way. At the same time, first of all, a single open pit is expected to fulfill the diamond pipes of the southern group – Arkhangelskaya and Karpinsky 1 and 2. In this connection the development directed on a substantiation of systems of drainage «big career» and water removals of drainage and other waters were required also. Authors, on the basis of the analysis and generalization of available data, have tried to find the optimal engineering decisions allowing essentially to raise ecological safety of work of given systems at rather low technical and economic expenses.

How to cite: Atroshchenko F.G., Drugov D.A., Filin R.A. Selection and substantiation of optimal order and time of drilling of water-reducing wells of drainage contour in the course of open mining of the M.V.Lomonosov deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 221-225.
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Hydrogeological monitoring on the landslide slope site in Sochi

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To form an estimate of stress state of rock mass of a sliding-down slope, in the town of Sochi 10 observation stations – bore holes were built-up at the depth of 50-150 m with the arranged sensing elements for hydrostatic pressure measurements. According to the results of observations which were carried out for two years, the regularities of groundwater flow were established, and also the hydrogeological structure of the sliding-down slope was revised. The sensor readings indicated the slight changes in stress state of the low-permeable paleogenic rock and overlaying sedimentaries. The periodical movements of overlaying sedimentaries of clay composition are attributed to the seasonal variations of their physical and mechanical properties.

How to cite: Norvatov Y.A., Petrova I.B., Nazima V.V., Tugarov I.V. Hydrogeological monitoring on the landslide slope site in Sochi // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 226-229.
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Engineering-geological conditions of construction of the new Polunochnoe-Obskaya railroad line

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The government of Russian Federation is considering the matter of building a new railway line because it is necessary to develop resources of Ural and the northern part of Tumensky regions. The length of this new railway and passing through several climatic zones cause a great variety of complicated engineering- geological conditions and a wide range of dangerous geological processes.

How to cite: Frolov V.S., Volzhonok Y.N., Voitsekhovskaya V.I. Engineering-geological conditions of construction of the new Polunochnoe-Obskaya railroad line // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 230-234.
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Engineering geology and problems of disturbed land reclamation

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Problems of reclamation the grounds broken as a result of development of deposits of minerals, borrow priority position in modern researches on rational use of natural resources. In clause the approach to the decision of the given problem from a position of engineering geology is considered.

How to cite: Ivanov I.P., Nikolaeva T.N., Pospekhov G.B. Engineering geology and problems of disturbed land reclamation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 235-238.
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Analysis of engineering-geological conditions of SPGGI (TU) training and production site in Kavgolovo settlement

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The new innovative program of the Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute provides the organization of all-the-year-round operating range in Kavgolovo of the Leningrad region. There are new buildings for training and residing of students will be construct. Hydrogeology and engineering geology department of Mining Institute together with the prospecting organization «SU-299» were carried out the researchers for the construction of the buildings. The archival and literature data, results of the researches of engineering-geological conditions and a hydrogeological structure of Kavgolovo range were analyzed. The parameters of mechanical-and-physic properties of sandy-argillaceous rocks of the buildings rafts were obtained. The materials will be used during the field training with students of a specialty «Underground waters exploration and engineering-geological researches».

How to cite: Nikolaeva T.N., Norova L.P., Pospekhov G.B. Analysis of engineering-geological conditions of SPGGI (TU) training and production site in Kavgolovo settlement // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 239-243.
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Estimation of complexity of engineering-geological conditions on the experience of Far East region

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Engineering-geological region of Far East is rather risky for operation of railway structures which is defined by changing engineering-geological conditions. The authors suggest their difficulty evaluation approach based on the analysis of engineering-geological conditions integral index defining the rate of the areas’ and sections usefulness for transportation assimilation using fuzzy logic theory.

How to cite: Kvashuk S.V., Fedorenko E.V. Estimation of complexity of engineering-geological conditions on the experience of Far East region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 244-248.
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Engineering-geological peculiarities of design and construction of underground sewage collectors in St. Petersburg by microtunneling method

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In the concept of development of St.-Petersburg the important role plays the improvement of the general scheme of the water drain of city, including reconstruction of old and construction of new underground sewer collectors. Because of diversity and complexity of engineering-geological and hydro-geological conditions of St.-Petersburg the building of such underground constructions represents the certain difficulties. The brief review of a current condition of a sewer network of St.-Petersburg is given. Features of engineering-geological and hydro-geological conditions of construction of underground sewer collectors by microtonneling technique in different areas of city are shown. The basic provisions on studying conditions of construction and operation of the given constructions are formulated.

How to cite: Artemyev V.V., Artemyev A.T., Artemyev I.V., Artemyev L.P. Engineering-geological peculiarities of design and construction of underground sewage collectors in St. Petersburg by microtunneling method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 249-252.