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D. A. Drugov
D. A. Drugov
St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Geoecology, RAS
St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Geoecology, RAS
St. Petersburg


Problems of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions assessment in the development of territories
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Selection and substantiation of optimal order and time of drilling of water-reducing wells of drainage contour in the course of open mining of the M.V.Lomonosov deposit

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The deposit of Lomonosov developed at a trial level, now is at a stage of transition to its fullscale development by the open way. At the same time, first of all, a single open pit is expected to fulfill the diamond pipes of the southern group – Arkhangelskaya and Karpinsky 1 and 2. In this connection the development directed on a substantiation of systems of drainage «big career» and water removals of drainage and other waters were required also. Authors, on the basis of the analysis and generalization of available data, have tried to find the optimal engineering decisions allowing essentially to raise ecological safety of work of given systems at rather low technical and economic expenses.

How to cite: Atroshchenko F.G., Drugov D.A., Filin R.A. Selection and substantiation of optimal order and time of drilling of water-reducing wells of drainage contour in the course of open mining of the M.V.Lomonosov deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 221-225.