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A. G. Zinchenko
A. G. Zinchenko
All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean
All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean
St. Petersburg


Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Environmental geomorphology of the Arctic shelf of Eurasia

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The study considers some fundamentals of ecological geomorphology of Eurasian Arctic shelf and analyses the system-morphological methodology in investigation and mapping of seabottom relief. Such approach provides a forecasting of the main «traps» for bottom sediments and, subsequently, polluting substances. The elaborated scheme of the geomorphologic zoning of Eurasian shelf takes under consideration the principle distinction between geologic structures of its western and eastern sectors and contains an appraisal of geoecological positions of some sea oil and gas fields.

How to cite: Zinchenko A.G. Environmental geomorphology of the Arctic shelf of Eurasia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 41-45.
Problems of shelf development: geology and ocean engineering
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Methodological principles of landscape-geoecological studies of the shelf on the example of the Barents Sea

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In this study is offered the methodology of mapping of geoecological conditions and pollution of the Arctic seas environment based on geochemical zoning. That has found reflection on the maps of the Barents sea. At making up of maps the materials on lithology and mineralogy of bottom sediments, data on the content of chemical elements in deposits and suspensions and information about quantitative distribution and benthos spices structure are used. The characteristics of conditions of natural environment are analyzed in view of features of a bottom relief.

How to cite: Andreeva I.A., Zinchenko A.G., Vanshtein B.G., Kiiko O.A., Petrova V.I. Methodological principles of landscape-geoecological studies of the shelf on the example of the Barents Sea // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 46-50.