Date submitted2023-08-02
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-04-25
Justification of the approaches to improve management strategy of the mining system based on the analysis of data on the mining of complex structural rock blocks
Long-term activity of mining enterprises causes the necessity to substantiate the strategies of management of the mining and technical system functioning in terms of improvement of ore quality control, which is determined by its change in the course of field development due to the priority development of the main reserves and, as a consequence, forced transition to the mining of complex structural rock blocks with a decrease in the recovery percentage, which is typical in case the ore component meets the requirements of the feasibility study in terms of grade at substandard capacity. In this case, it is possible to identify the recovery percentage and the potential for its increase by analyzing the long-term activity of the mining and industrial enterprise, namely, by analyzing the data of mining complex structural rock blocks with the subsequent establishment of the relationship between the primary data on mining and geological conditions and information on the quality of the mineral obtained from the technological equipment. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to substantiate the necessity of improving the management strategy of the mining-technical system functioning, which consists in the fact that on the basis of analyzing the mining data of complex structural rock blocks it is possible to determine the ore mass losses and their quantity and to lay the basis for the development of decisions on its extraction. For this purpose, the collected data on the mining of complex structural rock blocks, accounting the geological and industrial type of extracted ores, were considered in modeling the conditions and studying the parameters of technological processes, the implementation of which provides additional products. It was revealed that the ore mass from substandard thickness layers is delivered to the dumps, and ore mass losses have been estimated at 25-40 % per year. It is proved that determination of ore mass losses based on the analysis of data on mining of complex structural rock blocks, as well as timely solution of this issue can significantly increase the production efficiency of mining and technical system. Taking into account for the results obtained, the options for optimizing the production of the mining and engineering system were proposed.
Date submitted2023-08-16
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2023-10-27
250 years in the service of the Fatherland: Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University in facts and figures
In 2023, Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University – the first higher technical educational institution in Russia – turns 250 years. Any significant anniversary is an occasion to look back, analyze and evaluate the way traveled. The article analyzes the main achievements of the Mining University on the basis of statistical material from the moment of the foundation of the Mining School to the present day: educational and pedagogical experience in the education and training of mining specialists, scientific and technical intelligentsia; the outstanding contribution of its scientists, graduates to the establishment and development of the mineral resource complex of Russia, in strengthening the country's defense power, the creation of scientific schools. The first part of the article provides data on the number of graduates for different periods of the history of the university, shows the dynamics of their number growth, the peculiarities of learning. According to the authors, over 250 years, about 99 thousand engineers and mining specialists have been prepared in the university. The second part of the article is devoted to the characteristics of the teaching staff, in which a special place is occupied by his favorites, who have become outstanding scientists, academicians and corresponding members of the Academies of Sciences. Those of them who have devoted more than a dozen years of their lives to teaching within the walls of the university are noted. The final part shows the main scientific achievements of the university: the organization of scientific societies, the development of scientific schools, research institutes, etc. About 200 graduates of the Mining University have been awarded State Prizes for their contribution to the development of science and technology. The work of dissertation councils was noted, in which more than 5 thousand dissertations have been defended since 1943.
Date submitted2022-01-16
Date accepted2022-04-06
Date published2023-04-25
Production of biodiesel fuel from vegetable raw materials
One way to reduce the amount of harmful emissions from diesel fuel could be the replacement of part of the fuel with biofuel. Research is related to the production of biodiesel fuel in three ways: transesterification of vegetable oils; esterification of fat acids extracted from vegetable oil; and hydroprocessing of vegetable oils using catalysts in the diesel hydrotreatment process. Food and non-food oils, monatomic and diatomic alcohols were used to produce biodiesel fuel. Optimal parameters of vegetable oil transesterification have been determined: temperature; raw material ratio (oil/alcohol); mixing speed; time; type of process catalyst. The characteristics of the obtained biodiesel fuel samples were studied and compared with each other as well as with the requirements of EN 14214 “Automotive fuels. Fat acid methyl ethers for diesel engines. General technical requirements” and EN 590:2009 “EURO diesel fuel. Technical specifications”. With regard to the physical and chemical characteristics of biodiesel fuel, the best way to produce it is by transesterification of vegetable oils. However, all fuels can be used as components of a blended environmentally friendly diesel fuel.
Date submitted2021-10-08
Date accepted2022-01-24
Date published2022-04-29
Methodology for thermal desorption treatment of local soil pollution by oil products at the facilities of the mineral resource industry
- Authors:
- Mariya A. Pashkevich
- Marina V. Bykova
The analysis of the main environmental consequences of leaks and local spills of petroleum products at the enterprises of the mineral resource complex is presented. It is established that the problem of soil contamination with petroleum products at the facilities of the mineral resource complex and enterprises of other industries is caused by significant volumes of consumption of the main types of oil products. Based on the results of the author's previous field research, a series of experiments was carried out, consisting in modeling artificial soil pollution with petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, highly refined oil, motor oil, and transmission oil, followed by their purification by heat treatment at temperatures of 150, 200, and 250 °C. The 250 °C limit of the heating temperature was set due to the need to partially preserve the structure and quality of the soil after heat treatment to preserve its fertility. When the processing temperature rises to 450 °C, all humates are completely burned out and, as a result, productivity is lost. Confirmation is provided by the results of experiments to determine the humus content in uncontaminated soil and soil treated at different temperatures. It was found that at a maximum processing temperature of 250 °C, about 50 % of the initial organic carbon content is preserved. According to the results of the conducted experimental studies, the dependences of the required processing temperature on the concentration of petroleum products to reduce the concentration of petroleum products to an acceptable level have been established. The methodology of thermal desorption cleaning of soils with varying degrees of contamination at enterprises of the mineral resource complex is presented.
Date submitted2021-03-11
Date accepted2021-04-12
Date published2022-04-29
Operation mode selection algorithm development of a wind-diesel power plant supply complex
- Authors:
- Yaroslav E. Shklyarskiy
- Daria E. Batueva
The power supply system is affected by external disturbances, so it should be stable and operate normally in compliance with power quality standards. The power supply system goes into abnormal modes operation when, after a short-term failure or disturbance, it does not restore normal mode. The electrical complex, which includes a wind power plant, as well as a battery and a diesel generator connected in parallel, is able to provide reliable power supply to consumers which meets the power quality indicators. The article develops an algorithm that is implemented by an automatic control system to select the operating mode depending on climatic factors (wind) and the forecast of energy consumption for the day ahead. Forecast data is selected based on the choice of the methods, which will have the smallest forecast error. It is concluded that if the energy consumption forecast data is added to the automatic control system, then it will be possible to increase the efficiency of the power supply complex. In the developed algorithm the verification of normal and abnormal modes of operation is considered based on the stability theory. The criteria for assessing the normal mode of operation are identified, as well as the indicators of the object’s load schedules for assessing the load of power supply sources and the quality standards for power supply to consumers for ranking the load by priority under critical operating conditions and restoring normal operation are considered.
Date submitted2020-11-20
Date accepted2021-03-30
Date published2021-06-24
Regularities of changing the dimensions of the main bore of the cylinder of TMZ-450D diesel engine during the technological process
The article deals with the problems arising during the mechanical and thermal treatment of the TMZ-450D diesel engine cylinder, which is the base part of the engines of small-sized generators and compressors, which are widely used for mobile units in the oil and gas and mining industries. It was found that the metal in the casting has a non-uniform structure, the density of which ranges from 6.75 to 7.25 g/cm 3 . Redistribution of dislocations and residual stresses in the casting leads to significant changes in the size and shape of the main bore. In addition to the successive changes in size specified by the technology due to the removal of the designated allowance, the dimensions and shape change arbitrarily, uncontrollably in the course of the technological process. It is shown that artificial aging by a thermal method does not provide the desired dimensional stability; therefore, it is proposed to supplement it with natural aging after rough boring for six months. It was revealed that the use of morally and physically outdated equipment makes it necessary to increase the number of finishing operations of honing and, accordingly, to increase the labor intensity of cylinder manufacturing. The use of a two-position boring machine is substantiated, on which the transitions of semi-finishing and fine boring are combined. This completely eliminates the copying of errors that arose when changing the base on previous operations. The use of a two-position modular boring machine ARS-4/Ts of increased accuracy and rigidity significantly increases the accuracy of the bore hole, which makes it possible to reduce the number of honing operations. A variant of the technological process of mechanical and heat treatment is proposed, including natural aging, the use of double boring on a modular boring machine, which will reduce the number of honing operations to one, including rough and finish transitions.
Date submitted2021-02-05
Date accepted2021-03-30
Date published2021-04-26
Assessment of negative infrastructural externalities when determining the land value
- Authors:
- Elena N. Bykova
The work forms and substantiates the concept of land value, based on a new institutional theory. The infrastructural component of the cost of land in the presented concept determines, on the one hand, the efficiency of the use of natural resources, properties, demand for land on the market, on the other hand, the costs, which are determined not only by capital investments in construction of engineering infrastructure, but also by losses associated with restrictions on activities within zones with special conditions for territory use, creation of unfavorable conditions for economic activity, small contours, irregularities and others on a specific land plot, which are external negative infrastructural externalities that create losses of rights holders of land plots that are not compensated by the market, falling within the boundaries of these zones. Methods for assessing the impact of such negative infrastructural externalities on the cost of land encumbered by zones in different conditions of land market activity have been developed and tested, based on an expert-analytical approach (depressed market); the ratio of market values of land plots encumbered and unencumbered by a specific zone, and qualimetric modeling (inactive market); modeling by introducing into the model the factor of presence of zones with special conditions for territory use, based on the grouping of zones according to similar regulations for use, or by introducing the parameters of this factor (active market). Methods for taking into account spatial deficiencies and compensating for restrictions and prohibitions on activities on the territory of land plots with an individual market assessment are proposed.
Date submitted2021-01-21
Date accepted2021-04-19
Date published2021-04-26
Justification of the use of a vegetal additive to diesel fuel as a method of protecting underground personnel of coal mines from the impact of harmful emissions of diesel-hydraulic locomotives
Equipment with diesel engines is used in all mining enterprises. Monorail diesel transport is of great importance in coal mines, as it facilitates the heavy labor of workers when transporting materials and people, fixing mining workings, refueling and repairing equipment, which leads to an increase in the speed of tunneling operations. Reducing the concentration of harmful gases from diesel-hydraulic locomotives at the workplaces of coal mine locomotive drivers can be ensured by the use of additives to diesel fuel that reduce the volume of harmful gas emissions during the operation of diesel-hydraulic locomotives. Additive ester-based on vegetal oil in the amount of 5 mass % in a mixture with hydrotreated diesel fuel reduces the concentration of carbon monoxide by 19-60 %, nitrogen oxides by 17-98 %, depending on the operating mode of the engine, the smoke content of the exhaust gases is reduced to 71 %. There is an improvement in working conditions at the workplace of the driver of a diesel-hydraulic locomotive by the chemical factor due to the reduction of the class of working conditions from 3.1. to 2.
Date submitted2019-09-29
Date accepted2020-02-24
Date published2020-04-24
Vs sustainable development: scenarios for the future
Issues of sustainable development began to concern mankind starting from the 20th century, when mass industrialization and the depletion of natural resource potential contributed to the formulation of environmental issues at one of the leading places in scientific discourse. However, what if the goals of sustainable development would not be achieved to 2030? What other way we can identify for humanity to survive? So, the study is about the problems of studying the understanding of the term “sustainable development”, considering the evolution of the formation of the concept of sustainable development and analyzing the modern goals of sustainable development for attainability. From an analysis of domestic and foreign experience, possible scenarios of the development of mankind are identified (such as 1. Creating an environmental framework, 2. Implementation of sustainable nature management practices in the conditions of natural and man-made objects, 3. Implementation of “geoengineering projects”, 4. Construction of autonomous ecosystems, 5. Space exploration in search of a new planet for life, provided that the goals of sustainable development would not be achieved. It has been established that today probability of achieving all the sustainable development goals by 2030 is too small, and the indicated scenarios require, firstly, the development of science and technology, and secondly, a competent assessment of the value of nature and solving the issue of specifying property rights for natural goods.
Date submitted2019-03-25
Date accepted2019-05-23
Date published2019-08-23
Assessment of Rock-Burst Hazard in Deep Layer Mining at Nikolayevskoye Field
The paper presents results of conducted research using regional and local methods of forecast and control over geomechanical state of the rock mass at burst-hazardous Nikolayevskoye field, located in a geodynamically active region. The study subject is the ore mass of Nikolayevskoye field, characterized by man-induced and tectonic disturbances and high geodynamic activity. The aim of research was practical implementation of methods and instruments of forecast and control over geomechanical state of the burst-hazardous rock mass and safety improvement of mining operations. Exploitation practice of burst-hazardous fields demonstrates that forecast accuracy of hazardous rock pressure demands cutting-edge multi-level systems, where local methods and tools complement regional ones. A regional forecast of rock-burst hazard at Nikolayevskoye field was performed by means of seismoacoustic method using automated control system for rock pressure (ACSRP) «Prognoz-АDS». Local forecast was carried out using «Prognoz-L» device, geophysical (sample disking) method and visual observations of dynamic pressure manifestations in the mining tunnels. Quality assessment of stress-strain and burst state of the rock mass was performed using specialized software «PRESS 3D URAL». Integration of engineering and geomechanical data in the process of conducting research guarantees a relevant assessment of rock-burst hazard in various areas of the field at various stages of its development. Practical verification of the system, where local methods and tools complement regional ones, demonstrated satisfactory results at Nikolayevskoye mining plant, which makes it recommendable for other mining facilities extracting ore at great depths under similar conditions of active geodynamic processes.
Date submitted2018-08-30
Date accepted2018-10-26
Date published2019-02-22
Study of bearing units wear resistance of engines career dump trucks, working in fretting corrosion conditions
- Authors:
- Ju. Olt
- V. V. Maksarov
- V. A. Krasnyy
The occurrence of fretting corrosion on nominally fixed surfaces of high-loaded parts of mining machines and mechanisms is considered. Examples of wear and damage of critical parts, bearing assemblies of engines of dump trucks in fretting conditions are given. The mechanisms of fretting corrosion when using wear-resistant coatings are considered. It is noted that when choosing protective thin-layer coatings that provide an increase in the fretting-resistance of surfaces of tightly contacting parts, it is necessary to take into account both their wear resistance and the ability to resist shear. At the same time, the thickness of such coatings allows preserving, during operation, those provided during the assembly of the tension, without disturbing the maintainability of the nodes. The results of research of fretting wear of a number of coatings on a special installation are given. The mechanisms of wear of a number of thin-layer coatings based on friction-mechanical brazing, polymer fluorocarbon composition, solid lubricant coating using scanning electron microscopy were studied. Recommendations on the use of the studied thin-layer coatings for high-loaded parts of mining machines operating in fretting corrosion conditions have been developed. The aim of the work was to study the effect of a number of thin-layer coatings on the wear of highly loaded connections of the mechanisms of mining machines, in particular bearing assemblies of quarry dump trucks operating under fretting corrosion conditions.
Date submitted2017-11-23
Date accepted2018-01-19
Date published2018-04-24
Theoretical aspects of the technical level estimation of electrical engineering complexes
- Authors:
- S. V. Kolesnichenko
- O. V. Afanaseva
The results of the analysis of methods allowing to evaluate the technical level of the electro technical complex (ETC) are presented and an original technique based on the application of the integral indicator is presented. The characteristic of each stage of the technique is given. The proposed scientific and methodological apparatus for assessing the technical level of the ETС is illustrated by the examples of the executive elements of the ETC comparison (internal combustion engines) using an integral quality index that links both the main characteristics of the samples and the means spent for achieving them. The proposed approach for assessing the technical level and quality of the ETC on the basis of an integral indicator should be carried out already at early stages of the life cycle when solving the following problems: the rationale for the economic feasibility of developing new or improving the quality of the produced ETCs; choice of the best option for the developed ETC; justification of requirements for the ETC; decision-making on the establishment and removal of ETC from production; substantiation of the rules of operation of the ETC in various conditions.
Date submitted2017-11-17
Date accepted2018-01-05
Date published2018-04-24
Estimation of the relation of strength and ultrasound speed in glass-reinforce plastic
- Authors:
- A. I. Potapov
In mining machinery, details and products made of composite materials are widely used, especially from GRP (glass-reinforce plastic). The work evaluates the relationship between the strength and the speed of ultrasound for nondestructive testing of strength in an article made of composite materials such as GDR with the use of a pulsed ultrasonic method. Methods for estimating the connection, the method of mechanical compression tests and mathematical processing and establishing the relationship between the ultrasonic velocity and the strength of GRP are considered. The results of experimental studies on establishing the relationship between the strength of GRP on compression and the speed of longitudinal ultrasonic waves are presented. As a result of statistical processing of the experimental results, equations of the relationship between the compressive strength and the ultrasonic velocity in fiberglass are obtained.
Date submitted2017-10-25
Date accepted2018-01-17
Date published2018-04-24
Innovative technology of large-size products manufacture
- Authors:
- S. N. Sanin
- N. A. Pelipenko
Advantages and prospects for the use of mobile robotic machine-tools in the manufacture of large parts in the mining, cement and nuclear industries are considered, as well as the importance of using welded structures to reduce production costs. Schemes for finishing mechanical machining of welded large-sized parts such as bodies of revolution with the use of mobile robotic machine-tools equipped with a belt-grinding tool, an enlarged description of the technological process for manufacturing a large-sized shell of a welded structure are presented. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to take into consideration the use in the industry of frameless production technology, especially for the machining of large-sized parts, and the use of small mobile robotic machine-tools is a productive approach and has a prospective character. The technological approaches proposed in the article make it possible to remove the restriction on the overall size and mass of the parts being manufactured, which are proposed to be manufactured directly at the site of future operation. The effectiveness of this technology is confirmed both by theoretical research and by practical data of the authors. It was noted that the production by the domestic machine-tool industry of mobile universal and special robotic machine-tools will allow the country's engineering industry to be brought to a new, high-quality world level.
Date submitted2017-09-10
Date accepted2017-11-10
Date published2018-02-22
Research of heat generation indicators of gas engines
- Authors:
- O. N. Didmanidze
- A. S. Afanasev
- R. T. Khakimov
A comprehensive strategy for reviving the production of mining industry equipment and ensuring its competitiveness includes the wide use of gas engines for various purposes. Experimental studies of the working cycle of a gas engine are one of the main tasks in determining the heat generation characteristics. To this end, indicator charts were recorded in various modes, which were subjected to analysis in order to determine the key parameters characterizing intra-cylinder processes. According to the experimental program, the maximum cycle pressure, the rate of pressure build-up, the heat generation characteristic, the first heat generation phase, the duration of the second combustion phase, and the effect of the ignition advance angle for the ignition period were determined. The results of an experimental study of the influence of gas engine working process with allowance for the change in the ignition advance angle for the ignition period are described and the parameters of the maximum cycle pressure, the rate of pressure build-up, and the heat generation characteristics are determined. In the processing of data, integral charts are constructed, the working cycle parameters are calculated, and the dynamics of the engine heat generation is determined.
Date submitted2016-10-27
Date accepted2017-01-02
Date published2017-04-14
Chemistry as a basis for solving environmental issues
- Authors:
- V. E. Kogan
- T. S. Shakhparonova
The article summarizes over 40 years of authors’ experience in the field of physical chemistry and chemical technology of glassy state of materials. It is shown that environmental issues are caused not by Chemistry as a science but by actions of ecologically illiterate humans using its advances. It is noted that without chemistry humankind cannot live comfortably and solve existing environmental problems. In support these facts we describe several developments made by authors of this article in energy industry, high temperature machinery, glass production technology, glassy phosphate fertilizers, production of non-waste systems and complex research of physical-chemical principles of glassy oil sorbents production of organic and non-organic nature.
Date submitted2016-09-22
Date accepted2016-11-14
Date published2017-02-22
Technological problems and fundamental principles of methods of engineering-geocryological exploration during construction and exploitation of wells in permafrost rock mass
- Authors:
- Z. N. Cherkai
- E. B. Gridina
The article describes peculiarities and complicating factors when constructing wells in cryolithic zones. It also presents fundamental principles of methods of pilot parametric drilling for complex exploration of engineering-geocryological conditions of multiple-well gas production platforms. The article describes peculiarities of geophysical examinations within the complex of parametric drilling for clarification and correlation of log sheet, and identifying non-commercial gas reservoirs and interpermafrost head oil-filed water horizons in permafrost rock mass. We defined main ecological issues of parametric drilling and presented potential environment pollutants from well drilling in cryolithic zones. It concludes a list of factors, which should be considered during gas well drilling in northern zones for meeting the «safety – sustainability – low waste» criteria.
Date submitted2015-12-10
Date accepted2016-02-18
Date published2016-12-23
Engineering and technical measures to improve reliability of power supply to construction facilities
- Authors:
- P. S. Orlov
The paper examines an issue of ensuring reliable power supply to construction facilities, proposes ways to reduce losses in distribution networks and improve power supply reliability. The primary focus is on increasing the transmission capability of power distribution networks and improving power supply reliability and safety of single-phase electricity consumers. Engineering and technical proposal belongs to the field of electrical engineering and in particular concerns power supply to single-phase consumers from three-phase networks, including construction industry consumers, and can be used in three-phase three-, four- and five-wives alternating current power distribution networks.
Date submitted2015-12-01
Date accepted2016-02-29
Date published2016-12-23
Simulation of diesel engine energy conversion processes
- Authors:
- A. S. Afanasev
- A. A. Tretyakov
In order to keep diesel engines in good working order the troubleshooting methods shall be improved. For their further improvement by parameters of associated processes a need has arisen to develop a diesel engine troubleshooting method based on time parameters of operating cycle. For such method to be developed a computational experiment involving simulation of diesel engine energy conversion processes has been carried out. The simulation was based on the basic mathematical model of reciprocating internal combustion engines, representing a closed system of equations and relationships. The said model has been supplemented with the engine torque dynamics taking into account the current values of in-cylinder processes with different amounts of fuel injected, including zero feed. The torque values obtained by the in-cylinder pressure conversion does not account for mechanical losses, which is why the base simulation program has been supplemented with calculations for the friction and pumping forces. In order to determine the indicator diagram of idle cylinder a transition to zero fuel feed mode and exclusion of the combustion process from calculation have been provisioned.
Date submitted2014-12-24
Date accepted2015-02-11
Date published2015-12-25
Freiberg mining academy and Mining cadet corps: their place and role in Humboldt´s life and activities
- Authors:
- I. G. Rebeshchenkova
The article examines the stages and events of Humboldt s life, associated with the European institutions: Freiberg Mining Academy and the Mining Cadet Corps in St Petersburg. It establishes the fact that his training at the former, in particular, his acquaintance with V.Y.Sojymonov, con-tributed to the beginning of his connection with the Mining Cadet Corps. A notable event in Hum-boldt s life, which helped to establish and further develop those contacts, was his trip to the Urals and Siberia, where he met and worked with alumni and staff of the Mining Cadet Corps – P.P.Anosov, E.K.Hoffman, D.S.Menshenin, and G.P.Gelmersen. A number of Humboldt’s arti-cles, published in a scientific journal of the Corps «The Mining Journal», testify to those meetings. The article provides a conclusion, which is of great current interest, in connection with the anniversaries: 250 th anniversary of Freiberg Mining Academy; 240 th anniversary of the Mining Cadet Corps (nowadays – the National Mineral Resources University «The Mining University»), and 190 th anniversary of «The Mining Journal», - that those two core European educational institu-tions with the mining and geological specialization, in close and productive interaction played a key role in Humboldt’s life and professional activity.
Date submitted2014-12-17
Date accepted2015-03-01
Date published2015-12-25
Freiberg mining academy and russia: 250 years of business cooperation
- Authors:
- V. G. Afanasev
The article is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Freiberg Mining Academy, the oldest European higher technical education institution with the mining specialization. It is an established fact that the roots of cooperation between Russian and German mining en-gineers go back to the time of Peter the Great, and which was later maintained as exemplified by the Demidovs, the dynasty of leading Russian metallurgical works owners. In terms of science, a signifi-cant contribution was made both by leading mining science experts of Freiberg and by their disciple M.V.Lomonosov, a great Russian scientist. The article focuses on the links between the Mining Academy and St Petersburg Mining School, which was founded a little later and became the first higher technical education institution in Russia. It gives numerous examples of professional de-velopment of Russian mining specialists who had practical training in Freiberg. The conclusion reviews the relations between the two education institutions over the last decades and identifies their prospects.
Date submitted2014-11-29
Date accepted2015-01-09
Date published2015-10-26
G.V.Bogomolov and his role in development of national hydrogeology
- Authors:
- D. L. Ustyugov
- L. P. Norova
In March 2015 the scientific community celebrated the 110th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders of the hydrogeological and engineering-geological school, an honouree of State Award of the USSR and the Byelorussian SSR, Academician Gerasim Vasilyevich Bogomolov. The article is devoted to several important stages of the development of Russian hydrogeology, which are primarily associated with the research conducted by G.V.Bogomolov. His role in the development of hydrogeology in Belarus, i.e. theory and practice of the use of groundwater, is emphasized. This article is about the man who was a brilliant geologist, scholar, lecturer and an outstanding research manager. G.V.Bogomolov founded a school of disciples and followers who continued to develop and put into practice the academician’s ideas in various branches of geological theory and practice.
Date submitted2014-10-01
Date accepted2014-12-11
Date published2015-08-25
Method of diagnostics of diesel engines in timing of the operating cycle
- Authors:
- A. S. Afanasev
- A. A. Tretyakova
To maintain diesel engines in working condition there have been developed methods of diagnosing local crankshaft rotation developed by each cylinder. Inoperative cylinder has an angular velocity of rotation that does not respond the technical conditions. The measuring and computing complex consisting of personal computers, diagnostic complex «MotoDoc III», software and a set of sensors was developed for measuring. The results of the measurement and analysis of time parameters are displayed on the monitor screen. The software facilitates the recording of a signal, its processing and storage, as well as the ability to display the results. The method of diagnosis involves a number of stages: preparation of a diesel engine and equipment, the holding of general and local diagnosis, diagnosing. Thus, it appears possible to carry out condition monitoring of diesel engines by CIP method.
Date submitted2010-07-06
Date accepted2010-09-25
Date published2011-03-21
Engineering-geological characteristics quaternary-neogene deposits coal fields Кuzbass for surface mining
- Authors:
- I. V. Kuznetsova
Opencast mining in the Kuzbass is carried out using gidromehanizatsionnyh technologies that are the most progressive and effective ways to excavate in arrays composed of Neogene-Quaternary deposits. In addition, hydromechanization a single indissoluble chain processes that integrate development, transportation and stacking of disturbed rocks in special facilities – gidrootvaly. Basic technological processes hydromechanization include: the destruction of rock massifs hydro, dredges and non-pressure streams of water pressure or free-flow hydraulic transport; gidrootvaloobrazovanie.
Date submitted2010-07-12
Date accepted2010-09-14
Date published2011-03-21
Principles of an automatic control system of ventilation creation the kuznetsovsky railway tunnel
- Authors:
- S. G. Gendler
- V. A. Pleskunov
For effective ventilation Kuznetsovsky railway tunnel the longitudinal scheme of ventilation based on use of jet fans is offered. It is shown that use of the offered scheme of ventilation at influence of natural draft and piston effect of trains is impossible without an automatic control system of ventilation (ACSV). The principles of work ACSV taking into consideration natural and operational factors are proved.