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Vol 230
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Estimation of the relation of strength and ultrasound speed in glass-reinforce plastic

A. I. Potapov
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  • Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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In mining machinery, details and products made of composite materials are widely used, especially from GRP (glass-reinforce plastic). The work evaluates the relationship between the strength and the speed of ultrasound for nondestructive testing of strength in an article made of composite materials such as GDR with the use of a pulsed ultrasonic method. Methods for estimating the connection, the method of mechanical compression tests and mathematical processing and establishing the relationship between the ultrasonic velocity and the strength of GRP are considered. The results of experimental studies on establishing the relationship between the strength of GRP on compression and the speed of longitudinal ultrasonic waves are presented. As a result of statistical processing of the experimental results, equations of the relationship between the compressive strength and the ultrasonic velocity in fiberglass are obtained.

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