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Vol 230
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Innovative technology of large-size products manufacture

S. N. Sanin1
N. A. Pelipenko2
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  • 1 — Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov
  • 2 — Belgorod State National Research University
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Advantages and prospects for the use of mobile robotic machine-tools in the manufacture of large parts in the mining, cement and nuclear industries are considered, as well as the importance of using welded structures to reduce production costs. Schemes for finishing mechanical machining of welded large-sized parts such as bodies of revolution with the use of mobile robotic machine-tools equipped with a belt-grinding tool, an enlarged description of the technological process for manufacturing a large-sized shell of a welded structure are presented. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to take into consideration the use in the industry of frameless production technology, especially for the machining of large-sized parts, and the use of small mobile robotic machine-tools is a productive approach and has a prospective character. The technological approaches proposed in the article make it possible to remove the restriction on the overall size and mass of the parts being manufactured, which are proposed to be manufactured directly at the site of future operation. The effectiveness of this technology is confirmed both by theoretical research and by practical data of the authors. It was noted that the production by the domestic machine-tool industry of mobile universal and special robotic machine-tools will allow the country's engineering industry to be brought to a new, high-quality world level.

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