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S. V. Kolesnichenko
S. V. Kolesnichenko
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Theoretical aspects of the technical level estimation of electrical engineering complexes

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The results of the analysis of methods allowing to evaluate the technical level of the electro technical complex (ETC) are presented and an original technique based on the application of the integral indicator is presented. The characteristic of each stage of the technique is given. The proposed scientific and methodological apparatus for assessing the technical level of the ETС is illustrated by the examples of the executive elements of the ETC comparison (internal combustion engines) using an integral quality index that links both the main characteristics of the samples and the means spent for achieving them. The proposed approach for assessing the technical level and quality of the ETC on the basis of an integral indicator should be carried out already at early stages of the life cycle when solving the following problems: the rationale for the economic feasibility of developing new or improving the quality of the produced ETCs; choice of the best option for the developed ETC; justification of requirements for the ETC; decision-making on the establishment and removal of ETC from production; substantiation of the rules of operation of the ETC in various conditions.

How to cite: Kolesnichenko S.V., Afanaseva O.V. Theoretical aspects of the technical level estimation of electrical engineering complexes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 230. p. 167-175. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.2.167
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Navigation and time support management systems by highly dynamic moving objects

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Researched topical issues of improving the accuracy of the application of highdynamic aircraft used for the purpose of mineral exploration, environmental monitoring, security, environmental and fire safety, as well as the decisions of other special tasks. The possible variants of construction of control systems of dynamic objects on the basis of integration of traditional inertial navigation systems and user equipment of a network of satellite navigation systems. Justified some schematics, technical and constructive solutions for development of advanced navigation equip-ment of the aircraft.

How to cite: Pervukhin D.A., Kolesnichenko S.V. Navigation and time support management systems by highly dynamic moving objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 213. p. 71.
Information technologies and the system analysis in management
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Research approaches for assessing the quality of complex engineering systems at various stages of development

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The problem of justification of methods and algorithms for rapid assessment of the quality of complex engineering systems at various stages of the life cycle. The problems generalize several well-known methods to assess the quality (technical level) and economic analysis models of equipment. Adapt the proposed scientific and methodological apparatus using real samples of engineering specifications.

How to cite: Kolesnichenko S.V. Research approaches for assessing the quality of complex engineering systems at various stages of development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 244.