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D. A. Pervukhin
D. A. Pervukhin
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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A parallel analysis of hydrolithospheric beds geodata of Narzan mineral water Kislovodsk deposit

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The area of the Caucasus Mineral Waters – an environmental spa - occupies a special place among the other  spa regions of Russia due to richness, diversity, abundance and value of its mineral waters, landscape and climate conditions, and therapeutic muds. Lately the rate increased of developing its mineral water resources for both the local spa use and bottling for retail consumers. The growing number of mineral water bottling enterprises and sanatorium organizations affects significantly the amount of mineral water uptake. Irrational water uptake results in deterioration of underground water quality, change of its chemical composition and temperature. Expansion of the depression crater may eventually result in a collapse of seams roofing and vanishing of many water springs. It refers to all the waters underlying the area of Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody. Due to that situation there is a potential threat of degradation of these deposits of mineral waters. Therefore, an important task consists in building forecast models of hydro-lithospheric processes in the region while the scope of water uptake changes in various parts of the deposit. it will be based on analyzing aerial photographs taken from board unmanned aerial vehicles. Currently such analysis is conducted using simple linear algorithms. The paper suggests to use the Nvidia CUDA technology for the purpose, adapting the mathematics used to ana- lyze aerial photographs to that technology. The initial data for processing were obtained by aerial photography in the course of remote sensing of the area by unmanned aerial vehicles belonging to OJSC «Narzan», Kislovodsk, an enterprise for mining mineral water. Presented in this paper have their Author’s Certificates issued by the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, the Russian Federation.

How to cite: Pervukhin D.A., Ilyushin Y.V. A parallel analysis of hydrolithospheric beds geodata of Narzan mineral water Kislovodsk deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 706. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.706
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Assessment of complicated systems quality on the basis of stochastic similarity methods

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Modern development of technology is characterized by sharp complication of the tasks solved at production of products, high requirements to their reliability, short deadlines of creation and introduction in operation, aspiration to reduce costs of development of a product at satisfaction of the set conditions. The existing methods of an assessment and quality control of a product by results of tests are often inefficient in the conditions of the determined experiment or the diverse volume-limited statistical information on results of physical modeling, prototyping and tests of a small number of samples available. One of the solutions of the problem of ensuring quality and reliability at a design stage and production of products is an application of the theory of similarity and modeling. In the article the direction of development of the stochastic similarity theory for the effective solution of problems of an assessment and quality control of complicated systems in the course of their creation and operation is offered. The main theorems of similarity are formulated, the criterion of stochastic similarity in the form of the relation of functions of distribution of parameters (characteristics) of systems is theoretically reasonable and experimentally confirmed. Examples of the solution of applied tasks are given. Further development of the theory of stochastic similarity will allow us to advance in the research of non-limiting distributions which are a little described in classical probability theory and mathematical statistics, especially in that their part which will give the chance to manipulate selections of a small volume and censored selections obtaining maximum information from them.

How to cite: Pervukhin D.A., Klavdiev A.A. Assessment of complicated systems quality on the basis of stochastic similarity methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 214. p. 85-91.
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Navigation and time support management systems by highly dynamic moving objects

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Researched topical issues of improving the accuracy of the application of highdynamic aircraft used for the purpose of mineral exploration, environmental monitoring, security, environmental and fire safety, as well as the decisions of other special tasks. The possible variants of construction of control systems of dynamic objects on the basis of integration of traditional inertial navigation systems and user equipment of a network of satellite navigation systems. Justified some schematics, technical and constructive solutions for development of advanced navigation equip-ment of the aircraft.

How to cite: Pervukhin D.A., Kolesnichenko S.V. Navigation and time support management systems by highly dynamic moving objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 213. p. 71.
Information technologies and the system analysis in management
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A method of structuring the conflict interaction organizational and technical systems

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We propose a method of structuring the conflict interaction of organizational and technical systems in the market conditions for the use of a certain type (type) of the resource. The method is based on the methods of structuring and formalization of conflict interaction space through the introduction of hierarchical equivalence classes of nuclear interaction and relationship preferences on the set of states of the conflict of the «competition» and «cooperation».

How to cite: Mistrov L.E., Pervukhin D.A., Ilyushin Y.V. A method of structuring the conflict interaction organizational and technical systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 263.