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Yu. V. Ilyushin
Yu. V. Ilyushin
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Oil and gas
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Development of Scada-model for trunk gas pipeline's compressor station

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Nowadays, at all levels of created automated control systems for technological processes, programmable technical means are used that require specific software within framework of necessary functional tasks. This software should include a set of software tools that communicate with technical devices and organize «human-machine interface» (HMI) in the form of application software for AWPs with assigned communication tasks for persons, responsible for management decision-making: operators, dispatchers, managers. However, hardware architecture is unique for each particular case, so it is necessary to refine or create a new control system. This is a rather laborious process. To simplify creation of such systems SCADA-systems are used. Article is devoted to development of SCADA-component for trunk gas pipeline's compressor workshop. Developed component allows tracking the characteristics of gas transportation process selected by operator. Development is based on «Windows» operating system and integrated environment TRACE MODE (SCADA/HMI).

How to cite: Ilyushin Y.V., Afanaseva O.V. Development of Scada-model for trunk gas pipeline’s compressor station // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. p. 686-693. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.686
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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A parallel analysis of hydrolithospheric beds geodata of Narzan mineral water Kislovodsk deposit

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The area of the Caucasus Mineral Waters – an environmental spa - occupies a special place among the other  spa regions of Russia due to richness, diversity, abundance and value of its mineral waters, landscape and climate conditions, and therapeutic muds. Lately the rate increased of developing its mineral water resources for both the local spa use and bottling for retail consumers. The growing number of mineral water bottling enterprises and sanatorium organizations affects significantly the amount of mineral water uptake. Irrational water uptake results in deterioration of underground water quality, change of its chemical composition and temperature. Expansion of the depression crater may eventually result in a collapse of seams roofing and vanishing of many water springs. It refers to all the waters underlying the area of Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody. Due to that situation there is a potential threat of degradation of these deposits of mineral waters. Therefore, an important task consists in building forecast models of hydro-lithospheric processes in the region while the scope of water uptake changes in various parts of the deposit. it will be based on analyzing aerial photographs taken from board unmanned aerial vehicles. Currently such analysis is conducted using simple linear algorithms. The paper suggests to use the Nvidia CUDA technology for the purpose, adapting the mathematics used to ana- lyze aerial photographs to that technology. The initial data for processing were obtained by aerial photography in the course of remote sensing of the area by unmanned aerial vehicles belonging to OJSC «Narzan», Kislovodsk, an enterprise for mining mineral water. Presented in this paper have their Author’s Certificates issued by the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, the Russian Federation.

How to cite: Pervukhin D.A., Ilyushin Y.V. A parallel analysis of hydrolithospheric beds geodata of Narzan mineral water Kislovodsk deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 706. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.706
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Method of controlling the temperature field on the basis of the Green's function

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At the present stage of development of automatic control systems raises the question of maintaining the set temperature objects. The authors developed MetO-wild synthesis of nonlinear regulators to stabilize the temperature field, a uniform object of management on the basis of a given error. We obtained a function of the initial heating and the mathematical modeling of the process, analyzed the results. By creating a regulator there has been designed software and hardware programming language Pascal, which allows to simulate the behavior of temperature fields in an isotropic web. It is a simulation of the temperature of the system in different configurations: with different amounts of pulsed heating sources with relay control principle. Practical results of the research suggest the possibility of constructing silicon carbide heating element made in the form of an isotropic core.

How to cite: Ilyushin Y.V., Pershin I.M. Method of controlling the temperature field on the basis of the Green’s function // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 214. p. 57-70.
Information technologies and the system analysis in management
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A method of structuring the conflict interaction organizational and technical systems

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We propose a method of structuring the conflict interaction of organizational and technical systems in the market conditions for the use of a certain type (type) of the resource. The method is based on the methods of structuring and formalization of conflict interaction space through the introduction of hierarchical equivalence classes of nuclear interaction and relationship preferences on the set of states of the conflict of the «competition» and «cooperation».

How to cite: Mistrov L.E., Pervukhin D.A., Ilyushin Y.V. A method of structuring the conflict interaction organizational and technical systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 263.