Date submitted2023-10-31
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-01-24
Specifics of magnetotelluric studies in Antarctica
One of the priority areas of scientific research in Antarctica is the study of its deep structure. Most of the continent is covered with a thick ice sheet, so the main geoscientific data are acquired using geophysical methods, among which magnetotelluric (MT) ones have the greatest penetration depth and insignificant environmental impact. The possibility of acquiring high-quality MT data in the conditions of the sixth continent has long been questioned. The work is aimed at studying the specifics of magnetotelluric survey in Antarctica. The following tasks were set: to summarize the world experience of studying Antarctica using MT sounding methods; to identify factors that negatively affect the high-quality data acquisition; to determine methods for minimizing the influence of these factors. The article analyses geophysical studies conducted by the magnetotelluric sounding method in the Antarctic region from 1964 to the present. The application of the method is complicated by the following: extremely low temperature affects the drop in the batteries capacity, freezing of the non-polarizing electrodes solution, and changes in the strength properties of materials. Electromagnetic noise occurs during strong winds; proximity to the magnetotelluric field source can violate the plane wave principle on which the method is based. The ice sheet covering most of Antarctica does not allow acquiring optimal values of the contact resistance of the electrode grounding; the extended coastline distorts the acquired data. Studies of the influence of factors complicating the MT sounding method in the coastal and central parts of Antarctica made it possible to formulate recommendations for preparing equipment and adapting the work procedure, modifying the processing flow and a set of measures to ensure safety, the implementation of which will both allow safe performance of geophysical investigations and high-quality data acquisition.
Date submitted2023-07-27
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-12-25
Normalized impulse response testing in underground constructions monitoring
Impulse Response testing is a widespread geophysical technique of monolithic plate-like structures (foundation slabs, tunnel lining, and supports for vertical, inclined and horizontal mine shafts, retaining walls) contact state and grouting quality evaluation. Novel approach to data processing based on normalized response attributes analysis is presented. It is proposed to use the energy of the normalized signal calculated in the time domain and the normalized spectrum area and the average-weighted frequency calculated in the frequency domain as informative parameters of the signal. The proposed technique allows users a rapid and robust evaluation of underground structure’s grouting or contact state quality. The advantage of this approach is the possibility of using geophysical equipment designed for low strain impact testing of piles length and integrity to collect data. Experimental study has been carried out on the application of the technique in examining a tunnel lining physical model with a known position of the loose contact area. As examples of the application of the methodology, the results of the several monolitic structures of operating municipal and transport infrastructure underground structures survey are presented. The applicability of the technique for examining the grouting of the tunnel lining and the control of injection under the foundation slabs is confirmed. For data interpretation the modified three-sigma criteria and the joint analysis of the attribute’s behavior were successfully used. The features of the field work methodology, data collection and analysis are discussed in detail. Approaches to the techniques' development and its application in the framework of underground constructions monitoring are outlined. The issues arising during acoustic examination of reinforced concrete plate-like structures are outlined.
Date submitted2022-09-30
Date accepted2023-04-03
Date published2024-02-29
Optimization of the location of a multilateral well in a thin oil rim, complicated by the presence of an extensive gas cap
- Authors:
- Кirill О. Тomskii
- Mariya S. Ivanova
The specific share of the reserves of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon raw materials is steadily growing. The search for technologies to increase the hydrocarbon recovery factor is one of the most urgent tasks facing the oil and gas industry. One of the methods to expand the coverage of oil reserves and increase oil recovery is to use the technology of drilling multilateral wells with a fishbone trajectory. In the Russian Federation, the most branched well was drilled in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) at the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field. The main object of development is the Botuobinsky horizon (Bt reservoir). About 75 % of the geological reserves of the reservoir are concentrated in a thin oil rim with an average oil-saturated layer thickness of 10 m with an extensive gas cap. This circumstance is one of the main complicating factors in the development of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field. For such complex wells, one of the most important design stages is to determine the optimal location of the fishbone well in an oil-saturated reservoir. The article shows the results of sector modeling in the conditions of the Srednebotuobinskoye field to determine the optimal location of multilateral wells using Tempest simulator.
Date submitted2021-04-30
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Methodology for testing pipeline steels for resistance to grooving corrosion
- Authors:
- Viktor I. Bolobov
- Grigoriy G. Popov
The methodology for testing pipeline steels is suggested on the assumption that for the destruction of pipes in field oil pipelines by the mechanism of grooving corrosion the simultaneous fulfillment of such conditions as the occurrence of scratches on the lower generatrix of the pipe, eventually growing into a channel in the form of a groove, emulsion enrichment with oxygen, presence of pipe wall metal in a stressed state, presence of chlorine-ion in the oil-water emulsion is required. Tests are suggested to be carried out in 3 % aqueous solution of NaCl with continuous aeration by air on bent plates 150×15×3 mm, made of the analyzed steel, the middle part of which is under the action of residual stresses σ res , close to the level of maximum equivalent stresses σ eqv in the wall of the oil pipeline, with the presence of a cut on this part on the inner side of the plate as an initiator of additional mechanical stresses. Using the value of the modulus of normal elasticity of the analyzed steel, the degree of residual strain of the elastic-plastic body from this material, corresponding to the value σ res ≈ σ eqv is calculated, based on which the plates are bent to the required deflection angle, after which the cut is applied to them. After keeping the plates in the corrosive medium for each of them the increase in depth of the cut as a result of corrosion of the walls by the corrosive medium is analyzed, from which the rate of steel K by the mechanism of grooving corrosion is calculated taking into account the duration of tests. Corrosion rate values for two pipe steel grades determined by the suggested procedure are given. The comparison of K values obtained leads to the conclusion about the higher resistance to grooving corrosion of 09G2S steel.
Date submitted2021-02-20
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Thermal protection implementation of the contact overheadline based on bay controllers of electric transport traction substations in the mining industry
The article presents the principle of thermal protection of the contact overheadlineand substantiates the possibility of practical implementation of this principle for rail electric transport in the mining industry. The algorithm for the implementation of modern digital protection of the contact overhead line as one of the functions of the controller is described. A mathematical model of thermal protection is proposed, which follows from the solution of the heat balance equation. The model takes into account the coefficient of the electrical networktopology, as well as the coefficient of consumption of the current-carrying core of the cable, which determines the reduction in the conducting section from contact erosion and the growth of oxide films. Corrections for air flows are introduced when receiving data from an external anemometer, via telemechanics protocol. The mathematical model was tested by writing a real thermal protection program in the C programming language for the bay controller, based on the circuitry of which is the STM32F407IGT6 microcontroller for the microcontroller unit. Verification tests were carried out on a serial bay controller in 2020. The graphs for comparing the calculated and actual values of temperatures, with different flow rates of the current-carrying conductor of the DC cable, are given. To obtain data, telemechanics protocols IEC 60870-104 and Modbus TCP, PLC Segnetics SMH4 were used.
Date submitted2021-03-05
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Physical and mathematical model of rock destruction by a milling machine cutter
As a result of the analysis of the work on rock destruction by cutters of milling of machines, it was found that the existing developments do not allow us to proceed to the derivation of calculation d dependencies for determining fracture resistance, or can be used only in preliminary calculations of the known by design parameters of milling machines. To eliminate these disadvantages, a combined physical and mathematical model of the process of interaction of a single milling cutter with a spherical tip with the rock has been developed. Consideration of the physical picture of the action of forces and stresses acting from the cutter with spherical tips on the separating rock element in the limiting condition allowed to describe analytically the components of total resistance, which are the mathematical part of the physical and mathematical model of rock destruction by cutters. Analytical dependences for determining the tangential and normal components of fracture resistance of rocks of medium hardness have been obtained. The adequacy of the physical and mathematical model to the physical process of destruction of rocks of different hardness by cutters on a universal stand was tested both in the field and in the laboratory conditions. Technical evaluation of the results of experimental studies confirms the reliability of the developed physical and mathematical model.
Date submitted2021-04-19
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Mutual spectral densities calculation of the moments of resistance on the peat milling unit working bodies
- Authors:
- Konstantin V. Fomin
When performing technological operations in the peat industry, various units with milling-type working bodies are used. They differ in design, layout, number and type of cutting elements, operating modes, and may have one or more working bodies. During operation, random forces and moments act on the cutters, which have a dramatically variable nature, which is associated with the periodic interaction of the knives with the peat deposit, its structural heterogeneity, variations in the milling depth, physical and mechanical properties of peat, the rotational speed of the cutter and the movement speed of the machine. In this case, significant dynamic loads arise in the structural elements, which leads to a decrease in their reliability, deterioration of the energy characteristics of the engine operation and technical and economic indicators of use. In the dynamic analysis of drive elements, when using machines with several working bodies, it is necessary to know both spectral and mutual spectral load densities. For their calculation, expressions were obtained that take into account the physical and mechanical properties of peat, the operating modes of the unit and their probabilistic characteristics, as well as the design features of the working body. The expressions are obtained for the case when there are several working bodies with the same diameters and the number of knives in the cutting plane. In this case, the number of planes, width, type of cutting element and type of cutting (locked, semi-locked, etc.) may differ. As an example of using the developed approaches, the calculation of spectral and mutual spectral densities of moments on cutters and loads in the drive elements of the machine for surface-layer milling MTF-14 is presented.
Date submitted2019-06-19
Date accepted2019-09-11
Date published2020-02-25
Method for estimating the spectrum density of the resistance moment on the working body of a peat milling unit
- Authors:
- K. V. Fomin
The main source of dynamic loads in the drive elements and the design of the peat milling unit is the working body. The forces of external resistance arising in the process of performing a technological operation are sharply variable, random in nature. The article proposes a model of formation of the moment of resistance on the mill when interacting with peat. The case when there are several cutting planes with the same radius at the ends of the cutting elements is considered. When developing the model, it was taken into account that the operating conditions of the knives, determined by the type of cutting (blocked, semi-blocked, etc.), their width and type in each cutting plane can vary. Factors that determine the nature of loading, such as the frequency of interaction of the cutting elements with the fallow and the randomness of the operating conditions of the unit, lead to the presentation of the loads in the form of a sequence of pulses with random parameters. Expressions are obtained for determining the spectral density of the moment of resistance on the mill at the design stage, taking into account its design, operating modes, physico-mechanical properties of peat and their probabilistic characteristics. To illustrate the application of the developed approaches, a technique is presented for determining the spectral density of the moment on the working body of deep milling machines and in their drive elements based on a linear model. An example of calculation is given, and the obtained expressions are verified on the basis of experimental data. The probabilistic characteristics of the loads on the mill serve as initial information for the dynamic analysis of the drive system and the design of the unit, its strength analysis, the selection of optimal parameters and operating modes.
Date submitted2019-04-27
Date accepted2019-07-10
Date published2019-10-23
Estimation of Rock Mass Strength in Open-Pit Mining
The paper presents results of an experimental study on strength characteristics of the rock mass as applied to the assessment of open-pit slope stability. Formulas have been obtained that describe a correlation between ultimate and residual strength of rock samples and residual shear strength along the weakening surface. A new method has been developed to calculate residual interface strength of the rock mass basing on data from the examination of small-scale monolith samples with opposing spherical indentors. A method has been proposed to estimate strength characteristics (structural weakening coefficients and internal friction angles) of the fractured near-slope rock mass. The method relies on test data from shattering small-scale monolith samples with spherical indentors, taking into ac- count contact conditions along the weakening surface, and can be applied in the field conditions. It is acceptable to use irregular-shaped samples in thetests.
Date submitted2018-11-03
Date accepted2019-01-16
Date published2019-04-23
Interpretation of the tracer investigation results considering convective mass transfer
- Authors:
- V. A. Korotenko
- S. I. Grachev
- A. B. Kryakvin
The paper discusses the results of interpreting well tracer studies. It is shown that from the law of mass conservation it follows that when filtering a volume of an indicator, part of the injected tracer flows into the matrix. With the flow of fluid containing the indicator from the low-filtration resistance channel (LFR) into the surrounding matrix, the linear dimensions of the flow area depend on the permeability and porosity properties of the high-permeability channel and the matrix. While another part of the tracer moves toward the production well, its mass is lost due to diffusion processes. From the solution of the diffusion equation, it follows that the initial concentration of the tracer decreases in the course of filtration along the LFR channel. To interpret the results of the tracer studies, different cases of the LFR channels' location in the volume of the productive formation are considered. The varied parameter w allows characterizing the presence of several peaks in the concentration of the indicator and calculation the filtration parameters of the LFR channels. Depending on the known technological indices, several methods for determining pore volumes in the LFR channels have been proposed. To reduce the water cut in producing wells and to apply the technology of changing or aligning the injectivity profiles, calculations of the pore channels' radii in the mass of highly permeable seams are presented. It is shown that the volume of the chemical reagent pumped into the injection well to isolate the LFR channel is affected by the linear dimensions of the drainage area for the aqueous solution of indicator. Examples of the calculation for the permeability and porosity parameters of the LFR, the volume of pore channels necessary to isolate water inflow, and the radii of pore filtration channels, which influence the selection of the size of chemical reagent molecules, are given.
Date submitted2018-05-21
Date accepted2018-07-14
Date published2018-10-24
Increasing the wear resistance of adapters and drill pipes by elec-tromechanical processing
The directions of the research on increasing the wear resistance of drill pipe locks, threaded joints and casing drill string have been defined: application of drill pipes from the nose-resistant surfacing to the lock with Russian and foreign materials (hardbanding); hardening of the surface layer of drill pipe locks by electromechanical processing; hardaning of the external and internal locking thread of drill pipes by electromechanical processing. Comparative tests of the wear resistance of various hardening materials (hardbanding) of Russian and foreign production and the drill pipe lock without surfacing have been made. The recommendations for increasing the wear resistance of threaded joints by the method of electromechanical processing are developed, which determine the ways of increasing the resource and reliability of drill pipes and sub-assemblies, the formation of unique properties of parts, reducing the labor-capacity of manufacturing and restoring parts, increasing the efficiency of enterprises and organizations, protecting the environment and creation of competitive products. The materials of the article are of practical value for specialists of various fields engaged in the issues of increasing the reliability of technological equipment. The production success of using wear resistant surfacing technology on the body of a drill pipe joint is due to the possibility of using relatively simple and mobile welding equipment, carrying out work in the places of use of a drilling tool or temporary (permanent) production bases with a small transport arm from the field, re-depositing surfacing materials restoration of drill pipe locks; a wide and growing list of companies that receive accreditation for the production of these works.
Date submitted2018-01-02
Date accepted2018-03-08
Date published2018-06-22
Noncontact laser control of electric-physical parameters of semiconductor layers
- Authors:
- A. B. Fedortsov
- A. S. Ivanov
Non-contact non-destructive laser-interferometric methods for measuring several electrophysical parameters of semiconductor and dielectric layers are proposed. They are the lifetime of charge carriers for electrons and holes separately; parameters of recombination centers, namely their concentration and capture cross-sections; bulk volume lifetime and rate of surface recombination, as well as the diffusion length of charge carriers. The methods are based on the interference-absorption interaction in a semiconductor of two laser radiations with different wavelengths. Short-wave injection radiation generates additional charge carriers in the material, which leads to a change in its optical constants at the wavelength of the other – long-wavelength probing laser radiation – and to modulation of this radiation as it passes through the sample of the studied material. The means for implementing the proposed methods and methods for processing the modulation signal for determining the parameters of the investigated samples are developed. The methods have been successfully tested on samples of such materials as germanium, silicon, indium antimonide and cadmium-mercury-tellurium alloy. It is shown that the methods can be used both in scientific research and electronic industry.
Date submitted2017-11-22
Date accepted2018-01-04
Date published2018-04-24
Justification of a methodical approach of aerologic evaluation of methane hazard in development workings at mines of Vietnam
- Authors:
- V. V. Smirnyakov
- Nguen Min' Fen
The methods of evaluation of the aerological conditions to be performed for the purpose of normalization of mining conditions are provided in the present review; the location of possible accumulations of explosive gases during the drift of the development workings are taken into account. To increase the safety of the development working regarding the gas factor, a complex evaluation of a working was developed with respect to the dynamics of methane emission and air coursing along the working which is strongly affected by the character of the leakages from the ventilation ducting. Thereby, there occurs a necessity of the enhancement of a methodical approach of calculation of ventilation of a working which consists in taking into consideration a total aerodynamic resistance of the booster fan including the local resistances of the zones of the working. An integer simulation of the gas-air flows realized on the basis of a software package FLowVision allows to evaluate a change in the methane concentration in the zones of local accumulations.
Date submitted2017-09-17
Date accepted2017-11-06
Date published2018-02-22
Collaborative interpretation of the data obtained by resistivity and ground penetrating radar methods for assessing the permeability of sandy clay soils
- Authors:
- D. A. Lalomov
- V. V. Glazunov
A method for estimating the filtration factor of sandy clay soils is considered on the basis of a joint interpretation of the data of a set of methods of engineering electrical exploration, including electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar studies. The solution of this problem is based on the use of known empirical connections between the imaginary and real parts of the complex dielectric permittivity, specific electrical resistance, and Q factor. An example of the effective joint use of the ground penetrating radar and non-contact electrical resistivity tomography shows how to obtain qualitative and quantitative estimates of a changing filtration factor in a draining road layer. It is necessary to use precise engineering geological information in order to provide the required estimates. The proposed approach makes it possible to describe continuous profiles of a pavement and underlying layers by ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography, as well as to assess soil properties when conducting an electrical survey from the surface of asphalt concrete pavement. Recommendations for the implementation of the developed methods of complex engineering and geophysical research are given for solving issues of repair work design, supervision, and quality control of road construction.
Date submitted2016-09-05
Date accepted2016-10-27
Date published2017-02-22
Impact of the shape of geological contact on mining losses in the process of near-contact zone development
- Authors:
- G. S. Kurchin
- S. A. Vokhmin
- A. A. Kytmanov
In Russia development of mineral resources is carried out on a truly grand scale, and mining industry is in its essence a basic sector, supporting and facilitating the development of national economy. It predetermines the need of safe and responsible attitude towards riches of our subsoil – mineral resources. With this in mind, one of the key requirements to extraction technologies is minimization of mining losses and ore dilution. The biggest ore losses in the mining block take place in the process of development of contact areas between the ore body and surrounding rocks, due to differences between development pattern and surface of geological contact. Complexity of the contact between ore and surrounding rocks is traditionally characterized by so called «stochastic contact zone». Technological difficulty of extracting ore from the ore – wallrock contact is determined by volatility of geometric parameters in «stochastic contact zone» in the plane of geological contact. Current paper focuses on the issues of standard-setting for mining losses and ore dilution in the process of near-contact zone development. A method is suggested to estimate standard values of losses and ore dilution in stochastic zones. Authors have developed an algorithm of defining the shape of the contact. In the stochastic zone the contact can have a rectangular, sinusoidal, serrate and straight-line shapes. Research has established a relation between the contact shape and amounts of mining losses and ore dilution, formulas to calculate standard values are presented. Using suggested method, standard values for contact ore losses can be obtained in a quicker and more reliable way.
Date submitted2010-07-10
Date accepted2010-09-04
Date published2011-03-21
Experimental research of the train aerodynamic resistance
- Authors:
- V. A. Pleskunov
In paper the technique of definition of aerodynamic resistance of the train, a being main component of a piston pressure is resulted. The urgency of the given theme is caused by essential influence of a piston pressure on distribution of fresh air on a tunnel and accordingly on safe operation of railway tunnels.
Date submitted2010-07-16
Date accepted2010-09-06
Date published2011-03-21
The aboveground oil pipeline temperature regimes calculation
- Authors:
- S. Yu. Trapeznikov
The theoretical and experimental investigations of the highviscosity oil transportation temperature regimes to improve the pipeline efficiency are caused by the insufficient knowledge of its heat transfer process. The dependencies for the hydraulic resistance coefficient and the dimensionless heat transfer coefficient of Nusselt are proposed.
Date submitted2010-07-14
Date accepted2010-09-07
Date published2011-03-21
Substantiation of pumped volumes of flow angularity compositions in injection wells
- Authors:
- A. R. Mavliev
- M. K. Rogachev
- D. V. Mardashov
The method of calculation pumped volumes of flow angularity compositions in injection wells, which based on combination of the seepage theory, laboratory investigation and field experience is developed.
Date submitted2009-09-26
Date accepted2009-11-22
Date published2010-06-25
Use of mosfet for the control of dielectric characteristics
- Authors:
- N. S. Pshchelko
- A. S. Mustafaev
In this work a device for measurement on a constant voltage of the basic electric characteristics of high-resistance dielectric materials and products from – their electric capacitance and resistance – is developed. The principle of work of the device is based on use of transients in connected in sereies elements having electric capacity and resistance. In the electric circuit of the device the MOSFET with high entrance resistance is used. The device on the basis of the MOSFET for measurement of surface potential of dielectrics is considered also. Use of this device is especially effective at measurement of electret surface potential. Results of research of electrets on a basis of silicon dioxide are discussed.
Date submitted2009-09-25
Date accepted2009-11-15
Date published2010-06-25
Studies of resistance micro-welding modes for dentistry applications
- Authors:
- A. B. Tsyganov
- A. S. Mustafaev
Various modes of resistance welding between steel and Ni-Ti-extracting electrodes and fractures of endodontic files were investigated. It was demonstrated that in close to real clinical situations there is most suitable a sequence of a number of pulses of a steepened welding current. As a result, detachment force limit of 15-50 N is achievable which is sufficient for the fracture extraction in most cases.
Date submitted2009-08-08
Date accepted2009-10-26
Date published2010-02-01
Relationship between wear resistance of cutting bit body of mining tool and distribution of hardness along the cutting bit
- Authors:
- M. P. Talerov
In present article the courses of low wear resistance of rotary cutting bit body and also the courses of one-sided wear are described. The results of hardness of the cutting bit body from various manufacturers are represented here. In summary a conclusion was made that the utilization of thermal treatment after pressing removes specific structure that can be the course of one-sided wear genesis.
Date submitted2009-08-26
Date accepted2009-10-27
Date published2010-02-01
Scheelites of Gavrilovskoe deposit (first find)
- Authors:
- A. E. Melnik
The Gavrilovskoe deposit (deposit of building stone) is situated in Vyborg district, Leningrad region. There was found scheelite (CaWO 4 ) in the «Northern» quarry at the Gavrilovskoe deposit in 2008. This mineral was identified exactly in the Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) with Raman Spectrometer Renishaw InVia Reflex. It was for the first time that scheelite was found at this place. There was researched a form of one scheelite crystal. The simple forms of this scheelite crystal were detected. It is very interesting to compare simple forms of scheelite from the Gavrilovskoe deposit to different crystals of this mineral, described in any science literature.
Date submitted2009-07-16
Date accepted2009-09-28
Date published2010-04-22
Efficient numerical methods for geotechnical problems
- Authors:
- M. A. Karasev
This article give a general overview of methods to solve large scale geotechnical problems, nonlinear high deformation and plastic problems, self contact of strata and application of high performance computing.
Date submitted2009-07-25
Date accepted2009-09-13
Date published2010-04-22
Specific behaviour of prefabricated tunnel linings
- Authors:
- E. A. Karasev
Analysis of different methods to model prefabricated tunnel lining is done. The description of main advantages and disadvantages of existing method is given. Method of detailing stress state prediction of prefabricated lining based on 3d finite elements method with complicated interaction between lining segment and soil is proposed.
Date submitted2008-10-23
Date accepted2008-12-05
Date published2009-12-11
Application of electrical prospecting in combination with seismic prospecting for the geological section prediction and search of hydrocarbon deposits
- Authors:
- V. A. Kuzin
- A. A. Korukhova
The possibility of application of electrical prospecting method SGN (sounding by field growing in the near-field zone) in combination with CDP seismic prospecting for sedimentary section investigations and hydrocarbon deposits prospecting is considered. The physical basis of the method application for hydrocarbon prospecting is the effect of higher resistance of seams, saturated by hydrocarbons. The effect is reflected in the curve of electromagnetic field growth ε(t). The procedures of field works, processing and interpretation of electrical prospecting data are presented.