- 1 — Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- 2 — Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- 3 — Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- 4 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 5 — Ltd. «Materials Technologies Service»
- 6 — Ltd. «Intechno»
The directions of the research on increasing the wear resistance of drill pipe locks, threaded joints and casing drill string have been defined: application of drill pipes from the nose-resistant surfacing to the lock with Russian and foreign materials (hardbanding); hardening of the surface layer of drill pipe locks by electromechanical processing; hardaning of the external and internal locking thread of drill pipes by electromechanical processing. Comparative tests of the wear resistance of various hardening materials (hardbanding) of Russian and foreign production and the drill pipe lock without surfacing have been made. The recommendations for increasing the wear resistance of threaded joints by the method of electromechanical processing are developed, which determine the ways of increasing the resource and reliability of drill pipes and sub-assemblies, the formation of unique properties of parts, reducing the labor-capacity of manufacturing and restoring parts, increasing the efficiency of enterprises and organizations, protecting the environment and creation of competitive products. The materials of the article are of practical value for specialists of various fields engaged in the issues of increasing the reliability of technological equipment. The production success of using wear resistant surfacing technology on the body of a drill pipe joint is due to the possibility of using relatively simple and mobile welding equipment, carrying out work in the places of use of a drilling tool or temporary (permanent) production bases with a small transport arm from the field, re-depositing surfacing materials restoration of drill pipe locks; a wide and growing list of companies that receive accreditation for the production of these works.
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