Date submitted2013-08-14
Date accepted2013-10-03
Date published2014-07-15
Reliability and quality of electric power produce
- Authors:
- S. V. Mozhaeva
The article explores how tackling the management problems of the power systems of Russia affects both the quality and reliability of the electric power production. The basic criteria of supply chain reliability and efficiency, as determined by solving the minimizing function, are proposed along with consideration of minimizing costs for all structural units.
Date submitted2013-08-08
Date accepted2013-10-29
Date published2014-07-15
Assessment of costs associated with the introduction of technology coarse crushing on the example of the diamond deposit them. M.V.Lomonosov
- Authors:
- A. V. Yamov
- I. A. Kuznetsov
- A. V. Babuk
- S. A. Rubis
This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of capital and operatiо nal costs of project of construction of the concentrating plan. Implementation of the technology of coarse crushing on the Lomonosov GOK will not only provide a stable processing of ore, but also improve the productivity of the entire projected concentrator plant.
Date submitted2013-08-27
Date accepted2013-10-19
Date published2014-07-15
The application of the least squares method for approximation of periodic processes at forecasts construction
- Authors:
- V. A. Chirukhin
In the article the methods of processing of statistical data about periodic process by the least squares method with usage of Bessel functions and Fourie numbers are analyzed. The simple method for approximation with a choice of the fluctuation period, proceeding from a minimum of the estimated error is offered.
Date submitted2013-08-13
Date accepted2013-10-02
Date published2014-07-15
Efficient of mining companies strategy implementation
- Authors:
- Pavel S. Tcvetkov
- V. M. Vasiltsova
At the present stage of development of control systems of mining and processing enterprises to compete in the global market requires an open organization, requires flexibility and adaptability. Given that each miner is large and branched structure, operational management of its units is a key factor in its success. But there is a problem to connect strategic business objectives with the activities of its subsidiaries. To solve the problem, we propose the use of a balanced scorecard tool.
Date submitted2013-08-12
Date accepted2013-10-27
Date published2014-07-15
The definition of hedge accounting points in international financial reporting standards
- Authors:
- T. A. Tarabarinova
- D. A. Yakupova
Hedging is an integral part of the activities of oil and gas, mining and metallurgical companies. The article covers to problems of hedging according to International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 6 «Financial instruments»: object of the hedge accounting (Hedged Item and Hedged Instrument), types of hedging relationships (Fair value hedge, Cash flow hedge, Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation).
Date submitted2013-08-25
Date accepted2013-10-24
Date published2014-07-15
Conditions for the formation of networks in oil and gas complex for associated petroleum gas integrated use
- Authors:
- V. P. Skobelina
- I. S. Andrievskaya
In the ten years the Russian economy showed wasteful attitude to the use of associated petroleum gas (APG). As a high-value chemical raw material and high-efficiency organic fuel, APG is an integral part of effective energy use in conditions of energy products growing deficit. The article analyses the main directions for the development of networks in the Russian Federation for the oil and gas industry, highlights the most promising areas in terms of the wide-spread use of this type of gas resource.
Date submitted2013-08-18
Date accepted2013-10-01
Date published2014-07-15
Enhancement of efficiency of underground coal mining development of complexity mining-and-geological parameters
- Authors:
- A. A. Sidorenko
- S. A. Sidorenko
The analysis of a current state of a problem of effective and safe working off of stocks in complexity mining-and-geological parameters is made. Recommendations about ensuring increase of technical and economic indicators of the coal mines which working off high-gas-bearing layers and spontaneous-combustion coal are made.
Date submitted2013-08-21
Date accepted2013-10-14
Date published2014-07-15
Optimization of work of mining complexes on the basis of calculation of material balance of technological process
- Authors:
- E. M. Pronin
The problem of formation and management of the mining complexes presented as group of the different and branch productions, allowing more stoutly to use natural resources is considered. The settlement and methodical basis of planning of formation of a complex is stated. The principles of a method of calculation of capacities of the enterprises entering into a complex are given.
Date submitted2013-08-09
Date accepted2013-10-13
Date published2014-07-15
Modelling of resource value of the integrated mining companies taking into account corporate programs of development
- Authors:
- T. V. Ponomarenko
- I. B. Sergeev
The model of an assessment of resource value of mining company on the basis of complex application of costing and profitable approaches is developed. The offered model reflects both the quantity of net assets of the company, and value of the mineral and raw assets (MRA) supervised by mining company. Need of an assessment and inclusion in model of value of MRA is caused them by the uncertain status in system of economic resources. Methods of calculation of cost of net assets are systematized and methods of determination of value of MRA are offered. Influence of corporate programs of development on change of resource value on JSC Kovdorsky GOK is shown.
Date submitted2013-08-28
Date accepted2013-10-17
Date published2014-07-15
The influence of standards banking regulation to the cost of enterprises’ capital (the example of the mining industry)
- Authors:
- T. V. Nikitina
- M. I. Sakovich
Nowadays the actual question of financial risk minimizing is implementation of «Basel III» international standards. At the present work main ways of standard’s influence are observed, the conclusion concerning creation of cost of regulation for banking is made, the assumption of redistribution of cost of regulation to the enterprises is made, the model of interrelation between a financial condition of the enterprise and regulation cost for banks is offered, ways of influence cost of banking regulation to enterprises minimization are offered. The example of the enterprise of mining industry is observed.
Date submitted2013-08-01
Date accepted2013-10-16
Date published2014-07-15
Model of formation market value vertically integrated oil company
- Authors:
- I. V. Burenina
- A. K. Barieva
- S. V. Ermish
This paper proposes a methodological approach to the formation of the market value of a vertically integrated oil companies. This approach to the determination of the market value takes into account the factors affecting each strategic business unit of the company.
Date submitted2013-08-14
Date accepted2013-10-09
Date published2014-07-15
Systematization of investment projects risks within the framework of the concession agreements in the mining industry
- Authors:
- Yu. V. Lyubek
Systematization of risks of concession projects in mining industry allows to create the basis for development of risk management model in order to decrease their influence on results of investment activity within concession agreements by means of their optimum distribution during which financial stability of the project is reached and the interests of each interested side of the concession agreement are observed.
Date submitted2013-08-18
Date accepted2013-10-15
Date published2014-07-15
To bring the normative base of the Russia in compliance with the world trade organization requirements
- Authors:
- N. M. Lobov
Reviewed by norms of the Russian legislation, containing the largest number of inconsistencies with the Worde Trade Organization standards and rules. Identified industry, the state support to a lar-ger extent violates the interests of the countries-members of WTO. Defined the leading role of the mineral-raw complex in the formation of the budget and the necessity of its protection from adverse factors, arisen as a result of accession of Russia to the WTO. Tasked with the development of the market mechanism of formation of the prices for mineral raw materials.
Date submitted2013-08-05
Date accepted2013-10-01
Date published2014-07-15
Methodical approaches to the factorial analysis of changes of parameters of mining production
- Authors:
- F. D. Larichkin
The methodological and practical issues of changes factor analysis of parameters of mining production are reviewed. The combination of the most significant factors and evaluation of differential their quantitative impact on the resulting technical and economic indicators of the enterprise are defined. The suitability of using the method of a separate study of the individual factors influence on the effective parameter when identifying the most significant of them is substantiated. When the compilation and analysis of the implementation of complex development plans, programs of the enterprise (a complex, industry) the quantitative impact of individual factors (events) on the effective indicator should be determined in turn by the principle of «chain substitutes» in accordance with the planned (actual) chronology of the implementation of specific activities.
Date submitted2013-08-03
Date accepted2013-10-07
Date published2014-07-15
Management of the value of mining company at implementation of strategic investment projects
- Authors:
- T. R. Kosovtseva
- T. V. Ponomarenko
The value of any company can be estimated on the basis of application of three approaches: costing, comparative and profitable. Each of them has advantages and problems of using, yielding various results at an assessment of the companies in insufficiently developed, inefficient and inactive markets. Specifics of mining companies defines a choice of the integrated approach combining elements of costing and profitable approaches. The method of an assessment of value of mining companies on the basis of Olson's model is offered. The assessment of value of JSC Kovdorsky GOK is executed. Influence of the strategic investment project on a gain of value of the company is shown.
Date submitted2013-08-02
Date accepted2013-10-21
Date published2014-07-15
Improvement of the mechanism of corporate governance in the large companies at change of structure of joint-stock property
- Authors:
- S. V. Korotkii
- N. A. Putivlskaya
Theoretical and practical questions of change of corporate structure of property in the large companies are considered. The reasons of unfriendly absorption on an example greenmail are established and analysed, methods of corporate capture and the main ways of protection of the companies from unfriendly absorption and corporate blackmail are considered. It is shown that improvement of quality of corporate governance provides stability and efficiency of activity of the companies.
Date submitted2013-08-13
Date accepted2013-10-22
Date published2014-07-15
Innovative aspects of mining companies economic development
- Authors:
- V. A. Knysh
The paper is considered with general economic situation and tendencies of the mining industry development on global and national scales. The review of the key problems which mining enterprises are faced and some solution approaches is carried out. Most of the focus is on the search of innovative solutions and technological innovations introduction. It is deemed as means of the economic effectiveness improvement in conditions of reduction in the quality of the mineral resources and the formation of new markets.
Date submitted2013-08-11
Date accepted2013-10-29
Date published2014-07-15
Economic evaluation in decision making about inactive well fund management
- Authors:
- D. A. Gamilova
- I. V. Burenina
- I. M. Zakharova
The article contains methodical way of making decision in an inactive fund well management. The method is based on economic evaluation of reopening of wells.
Date submitted2013-08-23
Date accepted2013-10-22
Date published2014-07-15
Innovative research investment activity (on the example of «Severstal»)
The most important areas of investment metallurgical enterprises are today is not only the production but also the management of innovation, such as technology management innovation and investment activity of modern industrial enterprise. The article analyzes the nature and practical importance of innovation and investment activity of the example data analysis sustainability OAO«Severstal» in the postcrisis period, examined various components of innovation and investment activity (resource, Scoring and statistics) and their contribution to improving the efficiency of the enterprise in question.
Date submitted2013-08-05
Date accepted2013-10-26
Date published2014-07-15
Prospects of developing coal energy supply of thermal power station on competitive base in Russia
- Authors:
- Yu. N. Vasilev
The competition among power generators on the market of fuel and power resources is one of the main reasons for increasing energy supply efficiency of TPS. However there are some specific features of coalfired power industry limiting the possibilities of increasing such efficiency in Russia. The paper is devoted to the analyses of further prospects for developing of coal energy supply of TPS on competitive base. The problems of coal market monopolization and alternative ways of coal energy supply of TPS in Russia are considered in the article. Some ways of using new technologies for coal conversion to decrease expenditures of TPS in Russia are analyzed.