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Vol 208
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Reliability and quality of electric power produce

S. V. Mozhaeva
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article explores how tackling the management problems of the power systems of Russia affects both the quality and reliability of the electric power production. The basic criteria of supply chain reliability and efficiency, as determined by solving the minimizing function, are proposed along with consideration of minimizing costs for all structural units.

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  1. Мелентьев Л.А. Оптимизация развития и управления больших систем энергетики: Учеб. пособие. М., 1976. 336 с.
  2. Можаева С.В. Экономика энергетического производства: Учеб. пособие. СПб., 2011. 272 с.
  3. Сидоров И.И. Логистическая концепция управления предприятием. СПб., 2001. 168 с.

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