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Vol 208
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Modelling of resource value of the integrated mining companies taking into account corporate programs of development

T. V. Ponomarenko1
I. B. Sergeev2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The model of an assessment of resource value of mining company on the basis of complex application of costing and profitable approaches is developed. The offered model reflects both the quantity of net assets of the company, and value of the mineral and raw assets (MRA) supervised by mining company. Need of an assessment and inclusion in model of value of MRA is caused them by the uncertain status in system of economic resources. Methods of calculation of cost of net assets are systematized and methods of determination of value of MRA are offered. Influence of corporate programs of development on change of resource value on JSC Kovdorsky GOK is shown.

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