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Vol 165

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St. Petersburg Mining Institute - the cradle of chemical and metallurgical school of Russia

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The development of the chemical and metallurgical school of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute from the establishment of the university to the present time is shown. The main achievements in the field of metallurgy and chemistry, which served as a basis for the development of modern scientific schools of the metallurgical faculty, are presented.

How to cite: Shalygin L.M., Chirkst D.E. St. Petersburg Mining Institute - the cradle of chemical and metallurgical school of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 7-9.
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Biotechnology of Metals: Reality and Prospects

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The analysis of the current state of the use of microbiological processes in combined technologies of processing of hard-to-enrich mineral raw materials is given. Scientific bases are given and practice of application of the vat process of bacterial leaching of refractory gold-arsenic and copper-zinc concentrates and industrial products is described. Prospects for the use of microbiological processes in the processing of ores of different mineral composition are shown.

How to cite: Adamov E.V., Panin V.V. Biotechnology of Metals: Reality and Prospects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 10-11.
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Complex Approach to the Estimation of the Eco-System State as a Basis for Rational Nature Management

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The software environment for the formation of a comprehensive assessment of the ecosystem state is considered, which provides obtaining information of various types, organizing the database and combining heterogeneous data on a single metrological basis, allows the expert-ecologist to form the functional of the ecosystem state assessment taking into account the specifics of the area, the type of production or several industries, the scale of impact on the environment. The modeling system provides pro-forecasting of situation development, the possibility of designing territories, and environmental management.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Kurakina N.I. Complex Approach to the Estimation of the Eco-System State as a Basis for Rational Nature Management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 12-13.
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System of Control of Ecological Parameters of Technological Process of Thermal Waste Disposal

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Hardware and software complex that provides control of the thermal waste neutralization process, real-time data collection and processing, archiving, analysis of deviations and operator failure in case of exceeding the required standards, as well as shutdown of expensive control equipment in case of emergency. The system provides assessment of the degree of environmental impact of the technological process. Software modeling of pollution propagation in the air with presentation of results on a geographical basis allows to predict the process of impact by simulating emergency modes for different technological situations and different meteorological conditions, which is of great importance for planning the location of the technological process in a particular geographical area.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Charnetskii A.D. System of Control of Ecological Parameters of Technological Process of Thermal Waste Disposal // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 14-15.
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Development of technology of enrichment of disseminated and cuprous ores

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The main valuable component of disseminated ores of Norilsk-1 deposit is precious PGMs, gold and silver. In recent years, the disseminated ore beneficiation technology used at the Norilsk Concentrator of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel has undergone changes to improve the recovery of precious metals. A direct selective flotation scheme was developed for cuprous ores. In addition, research was conducted, fundamentally new technologies were developed, and processing of some accumulated, previously stockpiled technogenic sources was started.

How to cite: Alekseeva L.I., Kaitmazov N.G., Baskaev P.M., Ismagilov R.I., Yatsenko A.A., Blagodatin Y.V., Matvienko Z.I. Development of technology of enrichment of disseminated and cuprous ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 16-17.
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Improvement of the Technology of Selective Separation of Copper-Nickel Concentrates

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Based on the results of research of high-grade matte microstructures, a new technical solution for the dehumidification of commercial nickel concentrate was proposed. In the process of laboratory and industrial tests it was determined that the metallized magnetic fraction of high-grade matte can be a positive factor in flotation of rough nickel concentrate.

How to cite: Alekseev L.I., Ershov S.F., Kaitmazov N.G., Bekker V.G., Matvienko Z.I., Yurev A.I., Dzhusoev F.Z. Improvement of the Technology of Selective Separation of Copper-Nickel Concentrates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 18-19.
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Goniometric attachment to diffractometer DRON-7 for texture and macro stress analysis

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A brief description is given of the principle of operation and methodological capabilities of the automatic. macro-stresses in polycrystalline samples and express determination of single crystal orientation. The main parameters of diffraction data acquisition for each of the tasks solved with the help of this attachment are discussed.

How to cite: Anisimov V.N., Lifshits V.A., Malkov A.V., Pronichev V.A., Firsova V.A. Goniometric attachment to diffractometer DRON-7 for texture and macro stress analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 20-21.
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Prospects of utilization of the technogenic deposit of Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum complex

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Prospects for expansion of the initial raw material base were considered. The scheme of processing of mineral raw materials of the main tailing dump of the Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum complex was developed and tested on the laboratory equipment.

How to cite: Artemova O.S., Fedotov K.V., Belkova O.N. Prospects of utilization of the technogenic deposit of Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 22-23.
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Advantages of STATCOM application in the scheme of metallurgical enterprise feeding

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Prospects of application of STATCOM in the power supply system of metallurgical enterprises consist in the use of its dynamic qualities in voltage maintenance and the possibility of working as an active filter of higher harmonics created by extraneous sources.

How to cite: Balyberdin L.L., Kutsenko B.N., Mazurov M.I., Nikolaev A.V. Advantages of STATCOM application in the scheme of metallurgical enterprise feeding // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 24-25.
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Change of Phase Composition of Wastes of Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises at Joint Firing of Dusts from BOF, Open-hearth and Blast Furnace Production

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This work is focused on creating a technological option for joint processing of BOF, blast furnace and open-hearth dusts with subsequent involvement of semi-products in the main production of Severstal and similar enterprises.

How to cite: Barkan M.S., Beloglazov I.N., Shuvalov Y.V., Pashkevich M.A., Fedoseev I.V. Change of Phase Composition of Wastes of Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises at Joint Firing of Dusts from BOF, Open-hearth and Blast Furnace Production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 26-27.
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Development of technology for enrichment of platinum-metal ores of the Pan massif of the Kola Peninsula

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Studies on the enrichability of platinum-metal ore samples from the Pansky massif of the Kola Peninsula were carried out. A flotation enrichment technology with separation of platinum group elements (PGE) into the collective sulfide concentrate was developed. Using phosphate-type flotation agents the concentrate with copper content of 7.32%, nickel content of 5.04% and PGE content of 130.49g/t was obtained with recovery of 85.3, 70.9 and 76.5% respectively. Application of modular concentrating plant for development of hard-to-access deposit of platinum-metal ores is proposed.

How to cite: Beloborodov V.I., Zakharova I.B., Kulakov A.N., Kolomiets V.I., Chernyakova M.Y. Development of technology for enrichment of platinum-metal ores of the Pan massif of the Kola Peninsula // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 28-29.
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Processing of flotation copper-nickel concentrate of "Pechenganickel" Combine in Vanyukov's two-zone furnace

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The results of studies of the features of oxidative smelting and copper-nickel flotation concentrate depletion processes as applied to the Vanyukov two-zone furnace are reviewed.

How to cite: Berkutov S.V., Knyazev M.V. Processing of flotation copper-nickel concentrate of "Pechenganickel" Combine in Vanyukov’s two-zone furnace // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 30-32.
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New types of powder products of nickel carbonyl metallurgy

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The technology and high-performance industrial equipment for the production of special carbonyl nickel powders for the manufacture of porous bases for electrodes of nickel-cadmium and metal-hydride batteries have been developed. Studies of physical and technological properties of the obtained powders have been carried out and their compliance with the requirements of the battery industry has been shown. Technical specifications were developed for the produced products. Powders are supplied to domestic and foreign battery manufacturers.

How to cite: Biketova L.V., Kozyrev V.F., Mnukhin A.S. New types of powder products of nickel carbonyl metallurgy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 33-34.
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Доводка промпродуктов, содержащих минералы благородных металлов

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Проведены лабораторные исследования и промышленные испытания по доводке первичных гравиоконцентратов, получаемых в цикле измельчения вкрапленных руд на гидроловушках, установленных на разгрузочных желобах рудных мельниц. Определены оптимальные условия гравиобогащения.

How to cite: Blagodatin Y.V., Chegodaev V.D., Alekseeva L.I., Kolpakov N.A., Matvienko Z.I., Bocharnikov S.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 35-36.
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Portable X-ray spectrometer SPARK-1-2M and its application in mining and ore processing

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The scheme and main characteristics of portable X-ray scanning spectrometer SPARK-1-2M are given. The possibilities of the spectrometer for qualitative and quantitative analysis of rocks, ores, products of their processing and ecological objects are considered.

How to cite: Brytov I.A., Mstibovskaya L.E., Plotnikov R.I. Portable X-ray spectrometer SPARK-1-2M and its application in mining and ore processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 37-37.
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X-ray luminescent separators of diamond-containing raw materials

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A brief historical background is given on the hardware realization of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) of diamonds for the purpose of enrichment of natural rough diamonds. The prin- ticipal difference between the traditional Russian and Western technological enrichment schemes is shown. The general characterization of diamond RL-separators is given and the main technical data of the complex of the latest domestic models are given. Diamond mining enterprises operating RL-separators created by OAO Burevestnik Research and Production Enterprise, OJSC.

How to cite: Bubyr E.V., Vladimirov E.N., Kazakov L.V., Levitin A.I., Malkov A.V., Mezhevich A.N., Mester Y.A., Morozov V.G., Raizman V.S., Tatkin L.Z. X-ray luminescent separators of diamond-containing raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 38-40.
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About X-ray fluorescent separation of metal-containing raw materials

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The possibilities of using X-ray fluorescent (XRF) method of mineral and secondary raw materials beneficiation are shown. The motivation of necessity of energetic development of the corresponding technology and creation of its hardware base - XRF-separators is given. The general characteristic of the original RF-separator created by OAO Burevestnik Research and Production Enterprise is given.

How to cite: Bubyr E.V., Vladimirov E.N., Kazakov L.V., Levitin A.I., Malkov A.V., Ponomarev V.S., Raizman V.S. About X-ray fluorescent separation of metal-containing raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 41-42.
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Prospects of processing of technogenic raw materials (on the example of gold-slag wastes from TPPs of Irkutsk region)

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The development of the fuel and energy complex of the Irkutsk region has led to the accumulation of a huge amount of ash and slag waste, which can be considered as technogenic raw materials. The development of technology for their effective processing will allow not only to obtain an economic effect, but also to reduce environmental stress in the areas adjacent to thermal power plants. The paper presents the results of the study of physical, chemical and technological characteristics of TPP wastes of the Irkutsk region and possible technologies of their complex processing.

How to cite: Vlasova V.V., Nikolskaya N.I., Fedotov K.V. Prospects of processing of technogenic raw materials (on the example of gold-slag wastes from TPPs of Irkutsk region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 43-45.
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New foundry technologies: casting close to the final dimensions

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This paper briefly analyzes the development of new technologies of close-to-finite casting, shows their advantages and disadvantages.

How to cite: Volkova E.I., Sheler P.R. New foundry technologies: casting close to the final dimensions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 46-48.
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Theoretical bases of thermal methods for utilization of hydro-mineral resources of Eastern Siberia

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Dependences of brines freezing temperature on their density and mineralization for different composition of saline waters have been determined. The kinetics of alkali and alkaline-earth metals extraction from the frozen phase of brines was studied. The optimum conditions of metal extraction from brines by freezing method have been established.

How to cite: Voronina E.Y., Zelinskaya E.V. Theoretical bases of thermal methods for utilization of hydro-mineral resources of Eastern Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 49-50.
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Selective extraction of copper and zinc ions from aqueous solutions

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The extraction of copper and zinc ions from aqueous solutions with a mixture of oleic acid and triethanolamine has been studied. The optimal parameters of the extraction process were determined. The possibility of selective extraction of copper ions from aqueous solutions of zinc salts is shown.

How to cite: Voropanova L.A., Yakovleva V.N. Selective extraction of copper and zinc ions from aqueous solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 51-52.
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Results of mineralogical investigations of solid samples of initial and final products of atmospheric copper treatment in the technology of sulfuric acid leaching of high-copper feinstein

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Structural and textural features, phase and chemical compositions of high-copper matte and solid residue from atmospheric copper cleaning operation, which is the main operation in the technological scheme of sulfuric acid leaching of matte, were studied. Studies of the structural and mineralogical composition of the products were carried out using modern methods of electron microscopy (SEM and PCMA) and X-ray diffraction analysis.

How to cite: Vydysh A.V., Naftal M.N., Ertseva L.N., Morgacheskii A.G. Results of mineralogical investigations of solid samples of initial and final products of atmospheric copper treatment in the technology of sulfuric acid leaching of high-copper feinstein // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 53-55.
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Features of chemical interactions occurring during atmospheric copper cleaning of nickel-cobalt solution in the technology of sulfuric acid leaching of high-copper matte

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In the course of work new data on the mechanism of copper precipitation and leaching of iron triad elements were obtained. It is shown that in the conditions of leaching of high-copper matte for copper purification operation the cementation mechanism of copper precipitation is dominant.

How to cite: Vydysh A.V., Naftal M.N., Petrov A.F., Batsunova I.V., Morachevskii A.G. Features of chemical interactions occurring during atmospheric copper cleaning of nickel-cobalt solution in the technology of sulfuric acid leaching of high-copper matte // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 56-58.
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Determination of the degree of chemical interactions in the process of atmospheric copper leaching of nickel-cobalt solution with highly-coppered Feinstein

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On the basis of theoretical ideas about chemical interactions the indicators of quantitative distribution of metals and sulfur in the copper purification operation are calculated, which correspond well with the results of experiments.

How to cite: Vydysh A.V., Naftal M.N., Petrov A.F., Batsunova I.V., Morachevskii A.G. Determination of the degree of chemical interactions in the process of atmospheric copper leaching of nickel-cobalt solution with highly-coppered Feinstein // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 59-61.
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Influence of the biological component of recycled water on the technological indicators of flotation separation of concentrates on the example of OAO Apatit

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The data on flotation of apatite from apatite-nepheline ore using recycled water are given. The influence of the main ions included in the composition of recycled water on the flotability of minerals contained in the processed ores at Apatit is considered. The deterioration of flotability of apatite and calcite depending on different concentrations of the main types of bacteria isolated from recycled water is shown. It is concluded that it is not necessary to take into account the bacteriological component of recycled water and the need for further research in the direction of eliminating the influence of this factor.

How to cite: Gershenkop A.S., Evdokimova G.A., Brylyakov Y.E. Influence of the biological component of recycled water on the technological indicators of flotation separation of concentrates on the example of OAO Apatit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 62-65.
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Study of methods of separation of platinum group metals and rare chalcogenes from solutions of complex composition

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The method of cementation from sulfate solutions containing non-ferrous and noble metals, selenium and tellurium has been studied, which allows, depending on the task, to obtain both collective and selective concentrates of noble metals and rare chalcogenes.

How to cite: Glazunova G.V., Lastochknia M.A., Vergizova T.V., Greiver T.N. Study of methods of separation of platinum group metals and rare chalcogenes from solutions of complex composition // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 66-67.
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About one method of calculation of the stressed state of coal and roof at development of hollow coal seams

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The rock in a rock mass is in a tense equilibrium. This equilibrium is usually broken when mining operations are stopped. There are many theories related to rock pressure in the stoping zone. Obviously, the solution of problems on this subject is associated with the study of deformation and dislocation processes of rocks in the workings and mine shaft. Since it is difficult to conduct grandiose full-scale experiments, these problems have to be solved by new developed methods, which are very universal and informative.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Vasilev S.V., Zatsepin M.A., Mansurova S.E. About one method of calculation of the stressed state of coal and roof at development of hollow coal seams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 68-70.
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Kinetics of sodium bisulfite formation from "poor" sulfur-containing waste gases of pyrometallurgical productions in carbonate solution

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Studies of the process of sulfur dioxide utilization with the production of bisulfite reagent from waste gases of various pyrometallurgical shops of copper and nickel plants have been carried out. The linear character of kinetic curves of sodium hydrosulfite formation in the range of its concentrations in solution from 0 to 400 g/dm3 has been established as a result of investigations. It was determined that the dependence of the reaction rate constant on the gas flow rate obeys the parabolic law. Graphical dependences of solution pH and concentration of sodium bisulfite in it are plotted. It is shown that at pH decrease from 8.5 to 5.0 the concentration of sodium bisulfite linearly increases, and at pH<4.5 - its decrease is observed.

How to cite: Greiver M.B., Glyatsevich O.A., Severilov A.V., Yurev A.I., Bolshakov L.A. Kinetics of sodium bisulfite formation from "poor&quot; sulfur-containing waste gases of pyrometallurgical productions in carbonate solution // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 71-72.
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Study of sorption behavior of iron and lead salts in hydrocarbon systems

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The solubility and behavior of iron salts and lead adsorption processes from hydrocarbon solutions are considered in order to study the regularities of behavior and state of small amounts of metal in hydrocarbon dispersions.

How to cite: Dedov A.G., Nekrasova V.V., Kotova N.N., Fillipenkova N.M., Tsvirova M.V., Neboga S.V., Tananaev I.G., Tkachev V.S. Study of sorption behavior of iron and lead salts in hydrocarbon systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 73-74.
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Realization of Adaptive Fuzzy Control by Means of Concept Package

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A simple and effective approach to generating fuzzy control rules automatically in accordance with the traditional linear control strategy is proposed. The fuzzy rules are generated automatically through fuzzy input variables, then the corresponding control action is generated by a simplified fuzzy logic inference scheme. By means of a special combination of PI and PD algorithms, the fuzzy PID control strategy is realized using two input variables, which significantly reduces the number of control rules without deteriorating the quality of regulation. The flexibility of regulation is expressed in the tuning of the phase plane of the solutions. The control parameters can be adjusted on-line.

How to cite: Demenkov N.P. Realization of Adaptive Fuzzy Control by Means of Concept Package // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 75-76.
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Utilization of Controlled Jet Currents for Intensification of Melting Processes

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Scientific bases of a promising method of smelting intensification using controlled jet flows are outlined. Unique equipment for acceleration of heat and mass exchange processes in electric steel melting, open-hearth and reflection furnaces is developed.

How to cite: Zhigach S.I., Nikolskii V.E., Kabluka V.V. Utilization of Controlled Jet Currents for Intensification of Melting Processes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 77-79.
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Features of Hydrochlorination Technology of Domestic Nickel Sulfide Semiproducts

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The paper describes the nickel production technology based on chlorine leaching of sulfide intermediates. The features and advantages of the chlorine technology are demonstrated on the example of the main processes.

How to cite: Zatitskii B.E., Volkov L.V., Golov A.N., Tsapakh S.L., Khomchenko O.A. Features of Hydrochlorination Technology of Domestic Nickel Sulfide Semiproducts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 80-82.
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Development of Hydrochloric Acid Technology of Complex Processing of Eudialyte

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A fundamentally new technology of complex processing of eudialyte by hydrochloric acid method was developed. The main technological processes were developed and tested on a pilot plant to obtain target products.

How to cite: Zakharov V.I., Voskoboinikov N.B., Skiba G.S., Solovev A.V., Maiorov D.V., Matveev V.A. Development of Hydrochloric Acid Technology of Complex Processing of Eudialyte // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 83-85.
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Chemical processes occurring on the surface of activated carbon during sorption of gold (I) from cyanide solutions

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The processes occurring on the surface of activated carbons in contact with air-saturated cyanide solution of Na[Au(CN) 2 ] are considered. The formation near the adsorbent surface of anion radical O - 2 · и radical OH · is shown. The influence of these particles on the adsorption activity of coals is discussed.

How to cite: Ibragimova R.I., Aksenov B.V., Vorobev-Desyatovskii N.V. Chemical processes occurring on the surface of activated carbon during sorption of gold (I) from cyanide solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 86-87.
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Application of the second beginning of thermodynamics to electrolysis of sodium chloride solution

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In this paper it is shown that if in the electrolytic process the charge carriers do not participate in the electrode reaction, the Faraday minimum is not fulfilled. In this case, the electrolytic process agrees with the second law of thermodynamics in the following formulation "The work of the flow of electricity in an electrochemical system is spent on chemical reaction, heat generation and entropy drop due to physical processes".

How to cite: Itkin G.E., Gorshenin A.P., Chirkst D.E. Application of the second beginning of thermodynamics to electrolysis of sodium chloride solution // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 88-90.
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New means of solving the problems of water treatment at metallurgical enterprises

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The main raw material resource of the future time, which can compensate the lack of energy, mineral resources, food, is, apparently, water. The transformation of water into a commodity and the possibility of realization of any technologies is connected with removal of size particles from water and water disinfection. The whole set of equipment is present in ore treatment technologies. It is proposed to establish the structure of RAO Water to manage the water resource.

How to cite: Itkin G.E. New means of solving the problems of water treatment at metallurgical enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 91-92.
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Precipitation of heavy non-ferrous metals from sulfate solutions by sulfur-containing precipitants

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Research on precipitation of heavy non-ferrous metals from sulfate solutions by sulfur-containing precipitants of different composition has been carried out. It is shown that, depending on the composition of the precipitant and process parameters, non-ferrous metals are precipitated from solutions in the form of compounds of different forms with different content of one or another component.

How to cite: Kalashnikova M.I. Precipitation of heavy non-ferrous metals from sulfate solutions by sulfur-containing precipitants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 93-95.
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Mathematical modeling of the effect of mining shocks on mine workings

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The joint influence of static and dynamic stress field on work is considered. The study of such influence on work is based on the previously formulated methodological principles of mathematical modeling of physical processes in complex systems.

How to cite: Karpenko V.V., Karpenko A.V. Mathematical modeling of the effect of mining shocks on mine workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 96-98.
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Effective solution of problems of information support of metallurgical enterprises

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The main directions of activity of the RAMEC-VS company are: production of personal computers of general and special purpose; telecommunications; local area networks, network equipment of general and special purpose for corporate customers.

How to cite: Karpov V.V. Effective solution of problems of information support of metallurgical enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 99-100.
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Carbonyl penonickel is a promising material for battery industry

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The process of carbonyl nickel foam production was developed by engineers of Gipronickel Institute. The technology has the following characteristics: high chemical purity, porosity-95%, various pore diameters (180-200, 300-350 and 450-500 microns), specified surface density and thickness 1-3 mm. Samples of foamed nickel were tested at various Russian battery companies. The test results clearly showed the superiority of batteries based on foamed nickel developed at OAO Gipronickel Institute over batteries using electrolytic foamed nickel. On the basis of the data obtained in the course of various studies, design work was initiated to create an industrial plant for domestic production of carbonyl phenonickel.

How to cite: Kozyrev V.F., Lisakov yu. N. Carbonyl penonickel is a promising material for battery industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 101-103.
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Synthesis of medium pressure nickel carbonyl

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Studies on the selection of optimal feedstock for the synthesis of nickel tet-rcarbonyl in the range of carbon monoxide pressures 30-70atm have been carried out.

How to cite: Kozyrev V.F., Semenov B.M., Shvartsman R.A. Synthesis of medium pressure nickel carbonyl // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 104-106.
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Method of obtaining refined silver

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The laboratory developed a technology of refined nickel production by silver electroextraction. Implementation of this technology will improve working conditions at the silver production site, reduce the amount of silver-containing products to be utilized, and increase the productivity of the enterprise.

How to cite: Kotukhova G.P., Anisimova N.N., Shestakova R.D., Ter-Oganesyants A.K., Khabirova E.K. Method of obtaining refined silver // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 107-109.
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Electrothermal processing of galvanic production waste

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A two-stage effective electrothermal method of processing metal-containing galvanic sludge into glassy sludge and alloyed pig iron is proposed, providing extraction of valuable metal components and transformation of toxic waste into accident-free products for further utilization.

How to cite: Lavrov B.A., Udalov Y.P., Kozlov K.B. Electrothermal processing of galvanic production waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 110-111.
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Comparative characterization of phase composition of nickel electrorefining sludge of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel

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The phase composition of nickel electrorefining sludge of MMC Norilsk Nickel enterprises has been studied. It is shown that the forms of platinum metals in sludge depend on the nomenclature of processed raw materials and conditions of anode production and electrorefining.

How to cite: Lastochkina M.A., Glazunova G.V., Greiver G.N. Comparative characterization of phase composition of nickel electrorefining sludge of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 112-114.
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Equations in full differentials of the second order

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The solution of ordinary differential equations, which are equations in complete differentials of second order, is described.

How to cite: Lebedev I.A. Equations in full differentials of the second order // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 115-116.
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Monitoring of groundwater quality on the territory of oil terminals

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The main objects of research were ground waters underlying the territories of oil terminals of the Baltic port. The areas most exposed to pollution during transshipment of oil and oil products were identified. As a result of monitoring studies it was found that groundwater pollution by soluble fractions of oil products is directly related to the spread of floating oil products layer. In addition, it was revealed that oil products in soluble form together with groundwater move much faster, polluting larger areas than in case of oil products layer spreading.

How to cite: Linuzhs A. Monitoring of groundwater quality on the territory of oil terminals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 117-119.
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Modern ways of receiving ingots of titanium alloys

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Modern industrial methods of ingot production from unalloyed titanium and titanium-based alloys are given.

How to cite: Machishina L.A. Modern ways of receiving ingots of titanium alloys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 120-122.
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Non-crystalline mineral fertilizers and their industrial production

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The advantages provided by transition from traditional polycrystalline mineral fertilizers to non-crystalline ones are considered. It is noted that, based on the special features of the structure, the most promising is the glassy state of matter. The proposed and successfully implemented concept of rational environmental management is based on the use of advantages associated with the glassy state of the developed new type of fertilizers AVA. Some technological features associated with the industrial production of fertilizers AVA, and the main stages of development of their production are considered. Ways of optimization of technological process are indicated. Special attention is paid to the issues of industrial production of charge for AVA production.

How to cite: Napsikov V.V., Kogan V.E., Karapetyan K.G. Non-crystalline mineral fertilizers and their industrial production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 123-126.
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Modern Furnace Facilities for Roasting of Metallurgical Industrial Products

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Recommendations on optimization and forcing of heating rates in roasting furnaces are given. Apparatuses for heat exchange intensification in rotary kilns are proposed, their advantages are shown. Constructive and operational characteristics of a high-performance compacted kiln are given.

How to cite: Nikolskii V.E., Kabluka V.V., Vokhmintsev D.V., Golubev V.O. Modern Furnace Facilities for Roasting of Metallurgical Industrial Products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 127-129.
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Development of technology of thermal segregation of ore sulfide concentrates in melt

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Laboratory experiments on thermal segregation in the melt of industrial pyrrhotite and nickel concentrates were performed. Grinding and magnetic separation of the pulp allowed to separate the product into magnetic alloy and separation tailings. The yield of magnetic alloy amounted to 50-60%, and the extraction of components in it reached, %: Ni 90-94; Co 92-94; S 5-6. The technological scheme is proposed, which allows to convert more than 90% of iron from circulating converter slag into low-sulfur matte during smelting, and then, during magnetic-flotation separation of cooled matte, to remove iron together with sulfur as a poor sulfide product. By processing about 1 mln tons/year of nickel concentrate, sulfur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere can be reduced by 440kt/year compared to the existing technology.

How to cite: Ogarkov A.V., Danilov M.P. Development of technology of thermal segregation of ore sulfide concentrates in melt // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 130-132.
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Features of silver melting for coins of the highest quality

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Characteristics of various processes of melting of precious metals used at the St. Petersburg Mint are given, their disadvantages and advantages are shown, as well as their influence on the quality of finished products St. Petersburg Mint.

How to cite: Orlov S.V. Features of silver melting for coins of the highest quality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 133-134.
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Assessment of the negative impact of acidic water on the components of the natural environment in the impact zone of OAO Severonickel

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The main sources of acidic water formation are industrial effluents, slag dump effluents and gas emissions containing nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. Taking into account hypergenic and erosion processes, it is necessary to increase the hazard class of these wastes. The results of laboratory analyses of waste samples causing negative acid impact are presented.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Parshina M.V. Assessment of the negative impact of acidic water on the components of the natural environment in the impact zone of OAO Severonickel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 135-137.
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Assessment of technogenic impact of hazardous objects of oil and gas complex on components of natural environment

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The main sources of environmental disturbance and pollution in the areas of operation of hazardous facilities of the oil and gas complex were identified and classified. The peculiarities of negative impact were studied at all stages of operations: during field exploration; during field development; during oil and gas production; during processing of gas and oil products.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A. Assessment of technogenic impact of hazardous objects of oil and gas complex on components of natural environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 138-140.
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Research of possibility of purification of nickel and cobalt solutions from lead and manganese by sorption methods

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A number of industrially produced sorbents were tested, their capacitive and kinetic characteristics were studied. The influence of background electrolyte concentration and temperature was studied. The optimal sorbent was selected.

How to cite: Pleshkov M.A., Sokolov N.A., Novozhilova K.S. Research of possibility of purification of nickel and cobalt solutions from lead and manganese by sorption methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 141-143.
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Study of morphology of gold of Dzhidinsky wolframo-molybdenum combine with the purpose of its extraction

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The morphological analysis of gold from the sedimentation pond of the Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum complex was carried out. The presence of gold and its accumulations in the technogenic layer, size, shape and content, as well as the process of its formation were determined. The author proposed a technological scheme of gold extraction.

How to cite: Polinkina I.V., Fedotov K.V. Study of morphology of gold of Dzhidinsky wolframo-molybdenum combine with the purpose of its extraction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 144-145.
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Impact of iron ore enrichment wastes on natural environment components

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The results of the conducted research of iron ore enrichment waste prove the necessity of searching for rational means and ways to reduce dust emissions into the atmosphere from the surfaces of the tailing dump. The results of the analysis and assessment of the negative impact of mining and metallurgical enterprise on the components of the natural environment and public health are given.

How to cite: Ponurova I.K. Impact of iron ore enrichment wastes on natural environment components // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 146-148.
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About the role of grinding medium in preparation of matte for flotation separation

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Investigations have been carried out into the grindability of high-grade matte in various types of mills. Differences in the character of grinding by means of rods, balls and cilpebs are shown. Recommendations for increasing the productivity of mechanical grinding are given.

How to cite: Rakaev A.I., Shumilov P.A., Maksimov V.I., Besedovskii S.G. About the role of grinding medium in preparation of matte for flotation separation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 149-153.
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Methods of Nickel Powder Production

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The existing solid-phase methods of nickel powder production are described, their critical analysis is carried out and ways of improvement are indicated, allowing to obtain a significant economic effect. The results of tests of low ash solid reducing agent allowing to reduce slag output at anode electro-smelting are given. The method of nickel cinder reduction in tube furnaces is stated, which allows to obtain an active fraction of nickel powder with cementation activity over 80%, which opens up the possibility of its use for purification of nickel electrolyte from copper.

How to cite: Seregin P.S., Besedovskii S.G. Methods of Nickel Powder Production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 154-156.
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Distribution of zinc in semi-products of Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company

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The results of the study of zinc behavior during nickel production from high-grade matte are presented. Zinc is one of the most unfavorable impurities for refining nickel production, as its removal from the scheme is extremely difficult. The distribution of zinc in semi-products of production is studied, the sources of input are found and the natural ways of withdrawal of the impurity are indicated. In addition, additional ways to remove zinc from the Kola Company's technological scheme were proposed.

How to cite: Seregin P.S., Korotkova O.V., Dvorkin B.A., Zhilinchkin S.I. Distribution of zinc in semi-products of Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 157-159.
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Improvement of copper concentrate roasting furnace design using physical modeling method

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The data on physical modeling of fluidized bed furnaces for roasting of copper concentrate from matte separation are presented. On the basis of observance of similarity criteria, a physical model of fluidized bed furnace is constructed to study the properties of fluidized bed and the influence of various factors on its properties. The influence of introducing a fluidizing agent into the blowing box on the non-uniformity of fluidization of the material in the furnace has been studied.

How to cite: Seregin P.S., Rumyantsev D.V., Maksimov D.B. Improvement of copper concentrate roasting furnace design using physical modeling method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 160-162.
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Modern state and problems of development of aluminum industry of Russia

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The state-of-the-art of the aluminum industry in Russia is shown. The ways of raw material base development, creation of complex waste-free technologies of aluminum production are proposed.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M. Modern state and problems of development of aluminum industry of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 163-169.
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Determination of optimal electrolyte composition for electrolytic refining of copper

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A series of experiments of electro-refining of copper in electrolytes of different composition have been carried out in laboratory and industrial conditions. Statistical processing of ex-perimental data revealed a regression dependence of sulfuric acid concentration on copper and nickel concentrations in the electrolyte, determining its optimal composition. The obtained formula allows to maintain in the process of electrolytic refining of copper the optimal level of acid concentration at any concentrations of copper and nickel, providing the minimum possible specific power consumption for the production of electrolytic copper of the highest grade (M00k).

How to cite: Skrida O.I., Ladin N.A., Dylko G.N. Determination of optimal electrolyte composition for electrolytic refining of copper // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 170-171.
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Shungites of Karelia for ecologically clean technologies

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Karelian shungites are unique carbon-containing rocks. Prospects of their application in technologies of drinking water treatment and waste water purification, for energy saving in metallurgical processes, as environmentally friendly rubber fillers and for creation of building materials protecting from anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation are considered.

How to cite: Skorobogatov G.A., Kalinin Y.K., Kalinin A.I. Shungites of Karelia for ecologically clean technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 172-174.
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Graduates of the Mining Institute at the service of St.-Petersburg Monet Court

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The biographies of five graduates of the Mining Institute in the 19th-20th centuries are considered: N.P. Vollendorf, A.G. Redko, A.F. Hartman, V.P. Smirnov and P.V. Latyshev. All of them worked at the St. Petersburg Mint, improving their theoretical and practical skills and left a noticeable trace in the annals of the factory. Three of them were the heads of the Mint

How to cite: Smirnov M.I. Graduates of the Mining Institute at the service of St.-Petersburg Monet Court // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 175-178.
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Use of technical standards at rationing of emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere of production

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Based on specific emission values, the technologies used by the world's largest copper and nickel producers were compared. The main reasons for high emissions of sulphur dioxide and metal-containing dust from metallurgical operations of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel are highlighted.

How to cite: Smolin M.A. Use of technical standards at rationing of emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere of production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 179-181.
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Synthesis and research of cobalt and nickel oxides state in porous glass

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Cobalt (II) and nickel (II) oxides in porous glass were obtained by repeated cycles of impregnation with aqueous solutions of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) nitrates followed by dehydration and thermal decomposition of the salt. The results of electrical conductivity measurements, supplemented by correlation of the volume occupied by oxides with the carrier surface, reflect the formation of cobalt oxide and nickel-oxide monolayers on the glass pore walls.

How to cite: Solomatina O.Y. Synthesis and research of cobalt and nickel oxides state in porous glass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 182-183.
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Methods and effects of regulation of protective properties of coatings on steel surface using nanomaterials

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Corrosion of steel 3 and steel 3 with different coatings in air atmosphere containing impurities of HCl, SO2, KCl (0,04-0,20 mg/m3 , humidity 70-100%) in model conditions by gravimetric method has been investigated. The symbatic dependence between water-repellent properties of coatings and their protective properties has been established. The possibility of fine regulation and increase of protective properties of coatings by using nanofilms of oncationic tensides, base of silicone-organic compounds and nanostructured hydrophobic Si-C-containing fillers in the composition of coatings is shown.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Pleskunov I.V., Kuleshov E.N., Pleskunov V.N., Kibalko A.A. Methods and effects of regulation of protective properties of coatings on steel surface using nanomaterials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 184-187.
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Optimization of shock fracture of materials with cracks

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The problem of optimization of impulse fracture of materials with a crack is investigated. Expressions of threshold characteristics of shock loading are obtained. The influence of the crack length on the value and duration of the minimum fracture pulse is investigated.

How to cite: Taraban V.V., Petrov Y.V. Optimization of shock fracture of materials with cracks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 188-190.
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Activation of action of cationic reagent-assemblers

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Application of cationic collectors - aliphatic amines and alkylmorpholines - has provided the world development of flotation technology for processing of water-soluble minerals. The results of research on the development of new reagents (foaming agents and depressors), which improve the performance of cationic flotation of ores and reduce the consumption of the collector, are presented. The directions of improvement of technological and logical schemes of potash ore processing are considered.

How to cite: Titkov S.N. Activation of action of cationic reagent-assemblers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 191-195.
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Development of accelerated methods for determination of surfactant concentration for optimization of colloidal mode of copper electro-refining

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A volt-amperometric rapid method for the determination of thiourea and glue concentration in sulfuric acid electrolytes for copper refining using a simple cell and a conventional stabilized DC source was developed. The technique has been tested on a laboratory and industrial scale.

How to cite: Torgashev A.G., Volkov L.V., Solovev E.M. Development of accelerated methods for determination of surfactant concentration for optimization of colloidal mode of copper electro-refining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 196-197.
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Some regularities of processing of sulfide copper-nickel concentrates with increased content of magnesium oxide by oxidative smelting

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The results of research of oxidative smelting technology of ore concentrate from Pechenganickel Combine with increased content of magnesium oxide are presented. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions and at the enlarged plant with top oxygen blowing for matte of different composition. The process of depletion of the obtained slags was investigated. The results of slag research by X-ray microanalysis are presented.

How to cite: Fedorov M.S., Tsymbulov L.B., Tsemekhman L.S. Some regularities of processing of sulfide copper-nickel concentrates with increased content of magnesium oxide by oxidative smelting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 198-200.
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Investigation of crystallization patterns of high copper/nickel ratio matte with increased copper/nickel ratio

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The results of research of oxidative smelting technology of ore concentrate from Pechenganickel Combine with increased content of magnesium oxide are presented. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions and at the enlarged plant with top oxygen blowing for matte of different composition. The process of depletion of the obtained slags was investigated. The results of slag research by X-ray microanalysis are presented.

How to cite: Fokeeva I.G., Tsymbulov L.B., Ertseva L.N. Investigation of crystallization patterns of high copper/nickel ratio matte with increased copper/nickel ratio // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 201-202.
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Involvement of technogenic raw materials in autoclave oxidizing technology of pyrrhotite concentrates processing

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Crystallization patterns of high-copper matte with copper to nickel ratio (0.7-2.3):1, cooled in a regime close to the industrial one, have been studied. It is established that high-copper matte (Cu:Ni>1.6:1) is characterized by a different order of crystallization of structural components than traditional copper-nickel matte with a predominant share of nickel. The necessity of choosing a different cooling mode for cuprous matte is shown.

How to cite: Khramtsova I.N., Shestakova R.D., Petrov A.F., Asanova I.I., Kropachev G.A., Dmitriev I.V., Volyanskii I.V., Panfilova L.V. Involvement of technogenic raw materials in autoclave oxidizing technology of pyrrhotite concentrates processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 203-206.
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High-pulse method of opening of refractory gold-containing products

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In 2001-2002, the Talnakh Concentrator (Talnakh Concentrator) of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel implemented a number of measures aimed at improving the ore concentration technology at the Talnakh and Oktyabrskoye deposits in order to improve the quality of nickel and copper concentrates. A side effect of the implementation was a significant reduction in the amount of pyrrhotite concentrate (PC) supplied for processing to the hydrometallurgical production (HMP) of the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant (NMZ). In 2003, a method of improving the autoclave-oxidation technology for processing PC with high pyrrhotite content was introduced into industrial production, which provides for the involvement of intermediate products of ore enrichment at Talnakh Concentrator into the HMP of NMP. This allowed to increase the output of non-ferrous and precious metals from "off-balance" raw materials while optimizing the utilization of the existing capacities of the NMP; to increase the stability of the oxidative leaching process of high-sulfur coarse-dispersed PCs and to improve the technological performance of the Talnakh Concentrator and the NMP. The actual economic effect obtained during 5 months of the development utilization amounted to 176 mln rub.

How to cite: Chanturiya V.A., Bunin I.Z. High-pulse method of opening of refractory gold-containing products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 207-209.
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Principles of construction and examples of realization of intellectual simulators for ore-thermal production

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Possibilities of high-pulse processing of thin-deposited mineral complexes are shown, which allows to obtain stable increase of extraction of valuable components (gold by 30-80%, silver на 20-50%) at reduction of energy consumption and decrease in the cost price of finished products during enrichment of refractory gold-bearing ores and enrichment products. The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of mechanisms of non-thermal impact of powerful electromagnetic pulses with short (nanosecond) front and duration at electric field strength of 107V/m on natural mineral media of complex material composition are presented.

How to cite: Chistyakova T.B., Ershova O.V. Principles of construction and examples of realization of intellectual simulators for ore-thermal production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 210-212.
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Scientific bases of construction of the automated control systems of technological process of ore dressing of non-ferrous metals

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Scientific bases of construction of automated technological process control systems are given. The necessity of considering mining and metallurgical processing and metallurgical processes at large enterprises as automated technological complexes is substantiated. The basis for the creation of automated process control systems is a system approach to the production process with the allocation and combination of regulation, control and information aspects within its framework.

How to cite: Shenderovich E.M. Scientific bases of construction of the automated control systems of technological process of ore dressing of non-ferrous metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 213-214.
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Development of modes of thickening of products of Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant using different flocculants

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The issues of development of intellectual simulators for ore-thermal production of effective control techniques in SCADA-systems environments are considered. There are developed simulators designed to provide operational and technical personnel with skills of management of phosphorus and calcium carbide production processes. The proposed methodology allows to develop training systems and conduct effective training of students and production personnel.

How to cite: Shestakova R.D., Petrova A.F., Asanova I.I., Sushkova I.G. Development of modes of thickening of products of Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant using different flocculants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 215-217.
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Autoclave leaching of substandard ore sulfide concentrates of heavy non-ferrous metals

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Scientific bases of construction of automated control systems of technological processes are given. The necessity of considering mining and metallurgical processing and metallurgical processes at large enterprises as automated technological complexes is substantiated. The basis for the creation of automated process control systems is a system approach to the production process with the allocation and combination of regulation, control and information aspects within its framework.

How to cite: Shneerson Y.M., Kalashnikova M.I. Autoclave leaching of substandard ore sulfide concentrates of heavy non-ferrous metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 218-220.
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Industrial tests of different types of surfactants in the process of electrorefining of blister nickel anodes

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In this paper the research of new samples of flocculants produced by "Kemira", "Basf" and "SNF FLOERGER" is considered, their technological efficiency is evaluated in comparison with previously tested flocculants: Magnaflok 336, Magnaflok 338, Magnaflok 351 ("Ciba") and Praestol 2530 ("Stockhausen").

How to cite: Yurev A.I., Bolshakova L.A., Malysheva A.G., Osmanova S.R. Industrial tests of different types of surfactants in the process of electrorefining of blister nickel anodes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 221-222.