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Vol 165
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Influence of the biological component of recycled water on the technological indicators of flotation separation of concentrates on the example of OAO Apatit

A. Sh. Gershenkop1
G. A. Evdokimova2
Yu. E. Brylyakov3
About authors
  • 1 — Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2 — Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 3 — OAO Apatit
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The data on flotation of apatite from apatite-nepheline ore using recycled water are given. The influence of the main ions included in the composition of recycled water on the flotability of minerals contained in the processed ores at Apatit is considered. The deterioration of flotability of apatite and calcite depending on different concentrations of the main types of bacteria isolated from recycled water is shown. It is concluded that it is not necessary to take into account the bacteriological component of recycled water and the need for further research in the direction of eliminating the influence of this factor.

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