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Vol 165
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Carbonyl penonickel is a promising material for battery industry

V. F. Kozyrev1
yu. N. Lisakov2
About authors
  • 1 — OAO Gipronickel Institute
  • 2 — OAO Gipronickel Institute
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The process of carbonyl nickel foam production was developed by engineers of Gipronickel Institute. The technology has the following characteristics: high chemical purity, porosity-95%, various pore diameters (180-200, 300-350 and 450-500 microns), specified surface density and thickness 1-3 mm. Samples of foamed nickel were tested at various Russian battery companies. The test results clearly showed the superiority of batteries based on foamed nickel developed at OAO Gipronickel Institute over batteries using electrolytic foamed nickel. On the basis of the data obtained in the course of various studies, design work was initiated to create an industrial plant for domestic production of carbonyl phenonickel.

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