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T. N. Greiver
T. N. Greiver
OAO Gipronickel Institute
OAO Gipronickel Institute
St. Petersburg


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Study of chromite platinum-metal massifs of Russia

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This type of deposits is the main exploration target for Pt, Ir, Os, Ru. Inferred resources of platinum group elements (PGM) from Ray-Iz are estimated at several tons. Methods of separation of rich concentrates of platinum metals by mechanical enrichment have been studied. Hydrometallurgical technology of PGM concentrates extraction from chromite ores is recommended. The expediency of PGM precipitation during processing of chromite materials at chemical plants even at low PGM content is shown. The prospectivity of chromite ores of the Polar Urals as a source of PGMs is substantiated.

How to cite: Petrov G.V., Greiver T.N., Tikhonov O.N., Belenkii A.M., Boduen A.Y. Study of chromite platinum-metal massifs of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 4 169. p. 173-177.
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Study of methods of separation of platinum group metals and rare chalcogenes from solutions of complex composition

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The method of cementation from sulfate solutions containing non-ferrous and noble metals, selenium and tellurium has been studied, which allows, depending on the task, to obtain both collective and selective concentrates of noble metals and rare chalcogenes.

How to cite: Glazunova G.V., Lastochknia M.A., Vergizova T.V., Greiver T.N. Study of methods of separation of platinum group metals and rare chalcogenes from solutions of complex composition // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 66-67.
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Особенности цементации и электроосаждения теллура и селена из водных растворов различного состава

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Несмотря на многолетнее практическое применение приемов кон­тактного восстановления и электровыделения селена и теллура, основ­ная часть исследований выполнена на соединениях четырехвалентных селена и теллура ....

How to cite: Greiver T.N. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1975. Vol. № 3 55. p. 43.