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From the Editorial Board

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Russia has the largest mineral resource potential and is one of the world's leading producers of minerals. At the same time, the investment attractiveness of the country's mineral resource base is relatively low due to the unfavorable geographical and economic location of many mineral deposits, the relatively low quality of mineral raw materials, and their weak competitiveness in the current economic conditions. There is no long-term state strategy in the field of subsoil exploration, reproduction of mineral resource base and technical re-equipment of enterprises for extraction and primary processing of minerals. These negative factors in the near future may lead to significant difficulties in the functioning of the mineral and raw materials complex and to a slowdown in economic development. Conducting an effective policy in the sphere of rational use of mineral and raw material base requires taking into account the consequences of globalization of the world economy, the projected growth of consumption of mineral and raw material resources in the 21st century and is the most important condition for structural reorganization and modernization of the economy and consistent increase in the welfare of the population. Rational use of natural resources should be understood as an effective, targeted use of natural resources, carried out in compliance with public interests, taking into account ecological links in the natural environment and in conjunction with the protection of nature as the basis of life and human activity. Environmental protection at the present stage is an element of an independent, very specific production activity, which should be based on the corresponding economic and legal regulatory framework. The primary role in creating the basis for rational nature management is assigned to state planning and regulation. Among the strategic goals of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management are the following: Consistent solution of the problems of development of the economic complex of the state, which takes into full account the ecological and natural-geographical conditions of specific territories; Achievement in each specific territory of the quality of the living environment that meets the system of assessments of genetic health of the population; Restoration and preservation of biosphere equilibrium, genetic fund of fauna; Rational use of all natural-resource potential of the country. Within the framework of the solution of the set problems, scientific teams of Russian universities have united their scientific knowledge and works in the proposed volume.

How to cite: Board E. From the Editorial Board // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 7-7.

State Policy of Russia in the Field of Mineral Raw Materials and Legislative Support of Mining Relations

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The mineral and raw materials complex of the Russian Federation is the basis of the country's economy at present and will retain its importance for the next 25-30 years. The purpose of the research activity is to create and develop the system of state regulation of subsoil use in the conditions of transition of the Russian economy to a balanced development. The research analyzes the current position of the mineral and raw materials complex of Russia in the structure of state regulation of the process of subsoil use, and also studies foreign experience in the field of mining management and the current system of laws relating to natural resources. As a result of the conducted research the concept of an effective system of regulation of the mineral and raw materials complex was developed. Recommendations concerning the improvement of the state policy in the field of subsoil utilization have been developed.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S. State Policy of Russia in the Field of Mineral Raw Materials and Legislative Support of Mining Relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 8-10.

Using methods of hydrological and environmental expert examination for differentiation of water tax rates

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Changes in water and tax legislation have necessitated the need to make additions to the compliance of positions of the system of accounting and assessment of water objects and resources. Accordingly, there was a need to develop market elements of regulating relations in the water use system (water tax, rent payment) while maintaining the lease principles of water resources assessment. Hydrological and ecological expertise is the main tool to implement a differentiated approach to assessing the quality of water bodies and resources. Development of the strategy of water bodies categorization according to the criterion of ecological well-being of aquatic ecosystems makes it possible to obtain corrective coefficients to water tax gates.

How to cite: Dmitriev V.V., Trushkevskii V.L., Nevskaya M.A., Listratenko Y.V. Using methods of hydrological and environmental expert examination for differentiation of water tax rates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 11-14.

Features of the construction of scientifically grounded methodology for compiling fuel and energy balances of Russian territories (regional aspects)

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The concept of the developed model (algorithm) for the formation of rational balances of supply and demand of Russian regions is given. The research is aimed at ensuring rational and efficient exploitation of energy resources in Russia. In the formation of supply-demand balances of the region, the possibility of using local fuels is taken into account. The present model has been developed and preliminarily tested on the example of the Leningrad Oblast and the Komi Republic.

How to cite: Kovalev O.V., Azimov R.A., Shuvalov Y.V., Tkhorikov I.Y. Features of the construction of scientifically grounded methodology for compiling fuel and energy balances of Russian territories (regional aspects) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 15-18.

Unified indicator of estimation of economic efficiency of investment projects and activity of enterprises

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The UNIDO methodology for the evaluation of investment projects has been improved. A new parameter of economic efficiency (effectiveness) was proposed, which allows not only to uniformly assess the efficiency of investment and efficiency of financial activities of enterprises of the mining complex, but also to quantitatively assess the investment attractiveness of land deposits development. The new parameter became the starting point for the development of a series of methodological recommendations that represent the basis of the system of business planning for the development of land deposits, including methodological recommendations on the assessment of the cost of deposits, on the assessment of investment attractiveness of deposits, on the preparation of investment proposals, on the development and examination of business plans of investment projects, on the assessment of financial activities of enterprises.

How to cite: Kurgi E.E. Unified indicator of estimation of economic efficiency of investment projects and activity of enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 19-21.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Methodology of definition of optimum depth of processing of mineral wastes arising at development of deposits of strategically important mineral raw materials

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The comparative analysis of available technologies for handling generated waste made it possible to develop a fundamentally new, more effective technology based on the principle of technogenic reproduction of resources introduced by us. When developing such technology a number of regularities related to the existing competitiveness of the Russian mineral resource base of polymetals were revealed; a mathematical model of the processes of technogenic reproduction of mineral raw materials; factors determining the rational degree of mineral waste processing; determination of the values of threshold values of the degree of their integrated processing and assessment of its efficiency.

How to cite: Vorobev A.E. Methodology of definition of optimum depth of processing of mineral wastes arising at development of deposits of strategically important mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 22-24.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Modeling of thermohydrodynamic and chemical processes in geothermal reservoirs

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Data on fluid chemistry and rock mineralogy are evaluated for a number of geothermal fields located in the volcanic arc of Japan and Kamchatka (Russia). Common chemical characteristics are identified and used to define scenarios for detailed numerical simulations of coupled thermohydrodynamic-chemical (THC) processes. The following scenarios of upward flow of parental geothermal fluid were investigated: single-phase conditions, 260°C at the bottom, two-phase conditions 300C at the bottom, heat pipe conditions, 260°C at the bottom. According to the results of THC modeling for the single-phase upward flow scenario, the main secondary minerals in the productive zone are wairakite, quartz, K-feldspar and chlorite. THC modeling of the two-phase upward flow scenario shows quartz, K-feldspar (microcline), wairakite and calcite as the major secondary minerals in the productive zone in the model. THC modeling of heat pipe conditions shows no significant secondary mineral deposition. Secondary mineral deposition can lead to significant porosity reduction over a century time period under mass-flow conditions, and complete fracture sealing will occur within sufficient time under both single-phase and two-phase upward flow scenarios.

How to cite: Kiryukhin A.V. Modeling of thermohydrodynamic and chemical processes in geothermal reservoirs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 25-27.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Research of stability of pyrite of crystalline shales of Lebedinsky deposit and its influence on processes of hardening of binder

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Iron-ore schists of KMA iron-ore deposits differ from the rocks used in the building materials industry by structural and textural features and the presence of iron sulfide in various contents. The author studied physical and chemical processes of iron sulfide oxidation depending on technological factors and possible processes of interaction of oxidation products with lime hydrate.

How to cite: Kokunko V.K. Research of stability of pyrite of crystalline shales of Lebedinsky deposit and its influence on processes of hardening of binder // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 28-30.
Appraisal, integrated development of deposits and deep processing of strategically important raw materials
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Physico-chemical bases of deep processing of poor rare-earth raw materials

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The purpose of this research is to develop a new method of extraction and separation of rare earth metals, which will be effective in hydrometallurgical processes, i.e. in the processing of eudialyte concentrate. The task of the research is the experimental determination of distribution and separation coefficients in solvent extraction of rare earth metals from aqueous solutions with organic extractants, as well as the calculation of the extraction mechanism and thermodynamic constants on the basis of experimental data.

How to cite: Chirkst D.E., Litvinova T.E., Cheremisina O.V., Starshinova V.S. Physico-chemical bases of deep processing of poor rare-earth raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 31-33.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of technology of technogenic wastes processing at smelting of qualitative stainless steels

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Temperature dependences of physical and chemical properties of liquid stainless steel have been investigated. The existence of critical temperatures, heating above which leads to irreversible changes in the structural state of the melt, has been substantiated. The influence of the amount of technogenic wastes on the physicochemical properties of liquid steels has been determined. A physical model of the structure of liquid stainless steels has been proposed.

How to cite: Baryshev E.E. Development of technology of technogenic wastes processing at smelting of qualitative stainless steels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 34-35.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of small-sized modules of the closed water consumption, local purification of wastewater from heavy metal compounds and selective sorbents for them

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Protection of the aquatic environment from harmful substances is one of the urgent problems of our time. Water bodies of large industrial centers of the country are constantly polluted by dumps containing compounds, ions of copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, for which a number of methods are used. To purify wastewater from harmful substances, among which sorbent processes have gained great importance. In this case, not only ion-exchange resins are used, but also fiber materials with a much higher specific active surface area.

How to cite: Bezdudnyi F.F., Burinskii S.V. Development of small-sized modules of the closed water consumption, local purification of wastewater from heavy metal compounds and selective sorbents for them // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 36-36.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Environmental-economic model of mining enterprise of repeated underground mining of ore mass

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The present work substantiates the method of mathematical modeling of metal migration assessment during the exploitation of primary and secondary deposits. The coefficient of environmental load was developed, which represents the dependence of metal migration into the environment on toxicity and time.

How to cite: Bryukhovetskii O.S., Sekisov A.G. Environmental-economic model of mining enterprise of repeated underground mining of ore mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 37-39.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Complex installation of oil-containing runoff and bottom sediments purification with the use of low-boiling extractants

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An original energy-saving technology of oily wastewater and sludge treatment is proposed. The technology is based on the use of water-insoluble and low-boiling ex-tractive mixtures for active dissolution of oil products.

How to cite: Veksler G.B., Volchek A.M., Sharovar I.I., Ivanov D.A. Complex installation of oil-containing runoff and bottom sediments purification with the use of low-boiling extractants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 40-41.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Installation for purification of contaminated soils

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The method of two-stage thermal influence on the contaminated soil and the problems related to the development of installations for cleaning natural soils contaminated during the production of various kinds of work with oil are considered. On the basis of analysis of various schemes of installations, the scheme, main elements and parameters of model installation of small capacity are offered.

How to cite: Dubenets S.A., Zinchuk A.A., Lipaev A.A. Installation for purification of contaminated soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 42-44.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of mobile installation for processing of petrochemical wastes into liquid fuel

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Development of the design of a mobile unit for processing petrochemical waste into liquid fuel is a continuation of the work on the development of a pilot plant with a capacity of 5000 tons/year for processing acid resins into liquid fuel and coke. According to the results of research of thin-layer cracking process of petrochemical wastes on the test bench of NNGU the technological scheme and layout of the mobile unit were developed. In accordance with the types of petrochemical wastes the units of different capacity and purpose were proposed.

How to cite: Zorin A.D., Karataev E.N., Zanozina V.F. Development of mobile installation for processing of petrochemical wastes into liquid fuel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 45-46.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Resource-saving environmentally safe technologies of oil shale formation mining at the Leningradskaya mine

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The main parameters on which the schemes of oil shale development under water-bearing sediments depend have been established. Resource-saving and environmentally friendly oil shale mining schemes were developed specifically for the Leningradskaya mine.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Ovcharenko G.V. Resource-saving environmentally safe technologies of oil shale formation mining at the Leningradskaya mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 47-51.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Investigation of kinetics of liquid phase oxidation of toxic compounds (a number of herbicides)

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Research was carried out with herbicide imitates - carboxylic acids. The research showed that the method of liquid-phase oxidation is effective for herbicide utilization and can be used as a method of neutralization of these toxic wastes. The balance of expended and received heat on the whole path of water from the entrance to the plant to the exit from it is calculated. A schematic diagram of the unit is proposed.

How to cite: Karastelev B.Y., Dobrzhanskii V.G., Dmitrieva E.E. Investigation of kinetics of liquid phase oxidation of toxic compounds (a number of herbicides) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 52-54.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Research of complex electrocementation purification of solutions during processing of zinc-containing technogenic wastes

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The results of research of a new electrocementation method of purification of sulfate solutions in the processing of zinc-containing technogenic wastes of non-ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry enterprises are presented.

How to cite: Karelov S.V., Mamyachenkov S.V., Anisimova O.S., Kirpikov A.S. Research of complex electrocementation purification of solutions during processing of zinc-containing technogenic wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 55-57.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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To the Problem of Use of Typomorphic Characteristics at Selection of Rational Areas of Technogenic Raw Material Utilization

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The principles of choice of rational areas of natural and technogenic raw materials use in building materials industry taking into account their typomorphism are formulated.The use of data on typomorphic features of raw materials allows to improve technological parameters, to optimize the synthesis process, to reduce energy intensity of production, to regulate product properties at the stage of selection of raw material components and development of mixture composition.

How to cite: Lesovik V.S., Strokova V.V. To the Problem of Use of Typomorphic Characteristics at Selection of Rational Areas of Technogenic Raw Material Utilization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 58-60.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Metal Cutting by Shock Waves

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The results of experimental studies of shock-wave cutting of steel sheets are considered. Comparative characterization of efficiency of different methods of metal cutting by explosion is given.

How to cite: Mikhailov N.P., Zoan C.V. Metal Cutting by Shock Waves // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 61-62.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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High-performance separating membranes and their application in processes of gas purification from solid impurities

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The process of separating membranes productivity growth during treatment with gas-discharge plasma ions has been investigated and a method of polymer and metal-ceramic membranes modification by plasma-chemical treatment has been developed. The method allows to obtain membranes with required pore sizes. Plasma treatment of a metal-ceramic membrane with vapors of heterorganic compounds leads to a decrease in the pore size in the surface layer up to 250Ǻ. The use of plasma-modified metal-ceramic and ceramic membranes in the processes of gas purification from solid impurities makes it possible to realize an effective phase separation.

How to cite: Mkrtychan V.R., Zubakha S.N. High-performance separating membranes and their application in processes of gas purification from solid impurities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 63-64.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Oxidative neutralization of alkaline sulfide effluents

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The process of liquid-phase oxidation of sulfide-containing wastewater by oxygen over porous graphite material "Sibunite" used as a catalyst and adsorbent has been studied. The purification process consists of two consecutive stages. The use of "Sibunite" as a catalyst in oxidation reactions and adsorbent for extraction of organic substances from wastewater allows to carry out oxidation of sulfide ions to sulfates at T=110-130°C (stage 1) and oxidation of organosulfur and organic components at T=200-240°C (stage 2) and completely solve the problem of neutralization of toxic substances contained in alkaline hydrogen sulfide wastewater.

How to cite: Noskov A.S., Dobrynkin N.M., Batygina M.V. Oxidative neutralization of alkaline sulfide effluents // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 65-67.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Management of ecological and economic risk of negative impact of wastes of mining and metallurgical production

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Russian and foreign models of environmental safety management at various industrial facilities are analyzed. It is established that either individual or social risks of human mortality are taken as hazard indicators, or expert assessment of potential risks is carried out without quantitative economic evaluation. Technogenic arrays are classified by degree of ecological hazard on the basis of modeled results of total costs of environmentally safe waste disposal depending on the degree of their ecological hazard. For each class of arrays the optimal strategy of ecological safety management is developed.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A. Management of ecological and economic risk of negative impact of wastes of mining and metallurgical production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 68-70.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Dynamic stresses and mass velocities in the layered roof of cleaning chambers at rock impacts

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The problem is posed and calculations of stresses and weight coefficients in laminar roof at rock fracture are carried out. The calculations showed that increasing the energy of rock fracture reduces the influence of diffraction processes. The condition of brittle fracture of rock roof under dynamic loading is obtained.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Karpenko V.V. Dynamic stresses and mass velocities in the layered roof of cleaning chambers at rock impacts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 71-73.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Nature protection technologies of utilization of municipal and industrial organic wastes at forest growing

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The problems related to the use of organic wastes in plant-growing are considered, and recommendations are given on their application in the cultivation of forest planting material, creation and operation of willow plantations on vine.

How to cite: Romanov E.M., Mukhortov D.I., Nureeva T.V., Ushurtsev A.V., Tregubov D.A., Kopylov K.A. Nature protection technologies of utilization of municipal and industrial organic wastes at forest growing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 74-76.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development and testing of nature protection technology of rational complex development of high-gas-bearing coal deposits with associated extraction and utilization of coal methane

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Works in this scientific direction were started in the main coal basins of the USSR about 40 years ago. The basic technology was the technology of hydrodissection of coal seams with subsequent extraction of water and gas. At the depth of occurrence of coal seams more than 500-600 m, the efficiency of this technology begins to decrease and there is a need to develop and use additional physical, physical-chemical, thermodynamic and other active effects on low-permeable, not unloaded from the mining pressure coal seams. The developed methods have no analogues in the world practice and are protected by patents.

How to cite: Slastunov S.V. Development and testing of nature protection technology of rational complex development of high-gas-bearing coal deposits with associated extraction and utilization of coal methane // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 77-79.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Destruction of rubber-technical articles under the action of sulfuric acid

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The article presents thermodynamic calculations of decomposition reactions of carbohydrates and their derivatives under the action of concentrated sulfuric acid. The conducted experiments showed the possibility of rubber decomposition with the formation of carbonaceous matter and sulfur dioxide, which is used to obtain sulfuric acid. The process of rubber utilization is presented on the website.

How to cite: Fedoseev I.V., Emelyanov M.M., Loginova A.Y., Solovev N.V., Gerasimova N.S. Destruction of rubber-technical articles under the action of sulfuric acid // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 80-81.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Complex of deep reagent-free purification of industrial waste water on the basis of physical and chemical methods

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A complex for deep reagent-free treatment of industrial wastewater using only physical and chemical methods has been developed. Removal of organic impurities is ensured by deep anodic oxidation, and deposition of the bulk of polyvalent metals in the form of oxyhydrates and basic carbonates - by alkalinization to the optimal pH value of wastewater by catholyte of electromembrane apparatus. Additional treatment of decontate is carried out by the method of continuous ion exchange with autoregeneration of filter load. For deep water pretreatment before discharge a filter-garanter with highly selective to polyvalent metal ions complexing ionite is provided. Tests on real wastewater of some industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg showed that the developed technology provides obtaining water with statutory normative indicators.

How to cite: Chugunov A.S., Pokhitonov A.Y., Rybkin S.S. Complex of deep reagent-free purification of industrial waste water on the basis of physical and chemical methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 82-84.
Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Development of ecologically effective ventilation technologies

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Today various enterprises, in particular, chemical, metallurgical and construction industries face an important environmental problem - prevention of environmental pollution by industrial emissions and their utilization, as well as maintenance of specified parameters of the air environment in production facilities. The research laboratory "Heat and power systems and installations" has developed new ecologically effective technologies of ventilation of industrial enterprises, providing removal and neutralization of harmful substances contained in the air of the working zone of production shops and maintenance of safe temperature and safe concentration of harmful substances in the air of production facilities.

How to cite: Sharapov V.I., Marchenko A.V. Development of ecologically effective ventilation technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 85-87.
Environmental monitoring
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Assessment of the possibility of geochemical self-recovery of agrolandscapes on the basis of monitoring

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Agrolandscapes make up the largest part of the world's man-made landscapes. Their soils are subjected to annual mechanical cultivation; fertilizers and toxic chemicals are applied. All this leads to specific contamination of soils with a number of chemical elements. All over the world, certain agro-landscapes are periodically withdrawn from agricultural turnover. In this regard, it is important to answer the question: whether geochemical "soil self-remediation" is possible in this case or not. If geochemical self-recovery is possible, it is desirable to know how long it can happen. We have developed a methodology of works on the basis of monitoring studies. On its basis this problem was considered for tea plantations of the Western Caucasus.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Ovcharov I.V., Sannikova A.B., Suvorinov A.V. Assessment of the possibility of geochemical self-recovery of agrolandscapes on the basis of monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 88-90.
Environmental monitoring
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Automated measuring complex on the basis of wavelength-tunable laser emitter for control of oil product film thickness on water surface

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The article is focused on the development of an automated laser measuring complex for dis-tance control of oil and petroleum product film thickness on the water surface (e.g., on a rough sea surface). The method of measuring the thickness of oil and petroleum product films on the water surface is described. A new multispectral laser method is based on the use of a discretely tunable laser source. The composition and structure of an automated laser measuring complex are described.

How to cite: Belov M.L., Berezin S.V., Gorodnichev V.A., Kozintsev V.I., Fedotov Y.V. Automated measuring complex on the basis of wavelength-tunable laser emitter for control of oil product film thickness on water surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 91-93.
Environmental monitoring
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Radar system of environmental monitoring of coastal aquatoria

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The radar system of environmental monitoring of coastal water areas of industrial zones is considered. The system consists of several coastal posts. Each station contains two radars of X and K bands. Information processing consists in accumulation and combination of data to emphasize spatial differences and temporal changes of radar images. The amplitude contrast and Doppler spectrum of reflections from clean and polluted water surfaces are used.

How to cite: Beskid P.P., Nilov M.A., Shishkin A.D. Radar system of environmental monitoring of coastal aquatoria // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 94-96.
Environmental monitoring
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Optical sensor based on metal phthalocyaninate films for determination of hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere

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The possibility of application of thin films of phthalocyanines in the design of an optical sensor intended for determination of microquantities of hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere is considered. It is shown that the use of such films allows to increase sensitivity and selectivity of sensor control. In particular, the use of copper phthalocyanine with a thickness of 50 nanometers allows to reliably determine at room temperature the presence in the air of 100ppb H 2 S and 1ppb NO 2 .

How to cite: Borisov A.G., Anisimov V.A., Chilikina T.D., Ivanova O.M., Krutovertsev S.A. Optical sensor based on metal phthalocyaninate films for determination of hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 97-99.
Environmental monitoring
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Modern problems of ecological control, monitoring and environmental quality management

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The state of the environment in St. Petersburg has been analyzed. The factors responsible for the deterioration of environmental quality have been identified. There is practically no unified regional system of environmental quality management, the level of environmental control and environmental monitoring is low. The system of new quality indicators based on the use of the system of environmental indicators and environmental quality indices is proposed. The main feature of the proposed system of indicators is a good compatibility of indicators with the requirements put forward by decision-making systems, namely the ease of interpretation and the possibility of making decisions on the basis of these indicators. Recommendations for the creation of regional environmental quality management system have been developed.

How to cite: Vorobev V.N., Karlin L.N., Potapov A.I., Muzalevskii A.A. Modern problems of ecological control, monitoring and environmental quality management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 100-103.
Environmental monitoring
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Determination of snow cover moisture content by measurements of ascending fluxes of lithospheric neutrons

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The aim of the research is to obtain experimental evidence of the existence of a connection between the density of natural neutron fluxes from the water equivalent of the snow cover. To achieve the above goal, experiments were carried out in which thermal and fast neutron detectors were placed in different locations in the snow cover and on the ground surface.

How to cite: Demin N.V., Bondarenko V.M. Determination of snow cover moisture content by measurements of ascending fluxes of lithospheric neutrons // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 104-106.
Environmental monitoring
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Development of principles of construction of complex system of operative monitoring of water objects and hydraulic structures

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The problems of composite methods of effective monitoring of water and hydraulic engineering objects are considered. Effective monitoring is intended for checking and forecasting their condition.

How to cite: Kalmykov A.A., Elfimov V.I., Porshnev S.V., Yakupov T.E. Development of principles of construction of complex system of operative monitoring of water objects and hydraulic structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 107-109.
Environmental monitoring
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Regional monitoring of natural emergencies on the basis of means of remote sensing of the Earth

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The technology of regional monitoring of the environment and the state of natural-technical complexes based on the use of data obtained by space observation means has been developed. The requirements to the composition and structure of algorithmic and software for preliminary and thematic image processing, as well as recommendations for the integration of geo-information systems and software complexes for remote sensing data processing are defined.

How to cite: Kobernichenko V.G., Ivanov O.Y., Zraenko S.M. Regional monitoring of natural emergencies on the basis of means of remote sensing of the Earth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 110-112.
Environmental monitoring
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Comparison of ecological parameters of quarry hoists

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For comparison of environmental performance of rock mass hoists, methods of calculating the volume of harmful emissions into the environment and comparative assessment of their environmental characteristics and economic efficiency are developed. According to the results of calculations recommendations are given and estimated data on the operation of the most promising designs of hoists in deep quarries are given.

How to cite: Kuleshov A.A., Koptev V.Y., Lankov P.Y., Pavlov V.N. Comparison of ecological parameters of quarry hoists // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 113-115.
Environmental monitoring
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Adaptive information-computer complex for monitoring of local eco-systems of forest

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The work was carried out with the aim of designing and creating an adaptive data processing complex for monitoring forest local ecosystems. Complex study of the ecosystem will expand our knowledge on this issue, will allow us to use the possibilities of ecosystems for human economic activity. An adaptive data processing complex for the study of ecosystem parameters is presented. High radial structure of the complex allows to increase the hardware part of the complex, the number of primary measured parameters. The information exchange between the blocks will be carried out in serial format via bidirectional communication line. Algorithms of measurement with normalization of primary transducer characteristics are used in the work of the complex of data processing by comparing them with standards stored in memory. This procedure allows to optimize the resulting error of each individual measurement.

How to cite: Lavrentev B.F. Adaptive information-computer complex for monitoring of local eco-systems of forest // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 116-118.
Environmental monitoring
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Technologies of reduction of ecological danger of technogenic formations of mountain-metallurgical genesis

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Measures aimed at ensuring environmental safety of technogenic formations are analyzed. Various solutions to the problem of reducing environmental risks for technogenic formations of different genesis, as well as for extensive and heterogeneous technogenic massifs are proposed. The classification of ways to reduce the ecological risk of technogenic massifs is given. The main groups of environmental protection and rehabilitation methods for the zone of influence of technogenic formations are singled out, for example, isolation of the array, decontamination of technogenic sediments, relocation of sediments. The most effective rehabilitation measures for technogenic massifs of different genesis, shape, volume and class of ecological hazard are established.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A. Technologies of reduction of ecological danger of technogenic formations of mountain-metallurgical genesis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 119-121.
Environmental monitoring
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Algorithm of functioning of the system of continuous monitoring of TPP emissions

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The main processes of information complex functioning are defined. The scheme of the main process realizing the specified processes is given. The scheme and processes of one of the lower levels are considered as an example.

How to cite: Roslyakov P.V., Ionkin I.L., Zakirov I.A., Morokhovets Y.E. Algorithm of functioning of the system of continuous monitoring of TPP emissions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 122-125.
Environmental monitoring
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Automated database "Information system of CO2-monitoring of metallurgical production"

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The problem of global climate warming entered the orbit of world politics in the second half of the last century. Many scientists attribute the increase in CO 2 concentration to the increase in commercial production and, first of all, to the increase in the amount of coal and fuel burned. In this paper, an automated database (ADB) "Intelligent system of CO 2 -monitoring of metallurgical production" is proposed to evaluate and compare the impact of metallurgical technologies on CO 2 emissions. The ABD allows to analyze the carbon and blowing CO 2 consumption at different enterprises on the basis of data on the consumption of carbon materials and to draw conclusions about the degree of progressiveness of the used metallurgical technologies.

How to cite: Simonyan L.M., Potapochkin A.N. Automated database "Information system of CO2-monitoring of metallurgical production" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 126-128.
Environmental monitoring
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Experience of application of quali-metric expertise to assess the state of carbonate rocks and patterns of their destruction in urban environment

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Qualimetric examination was applied for the first time to assess the current state of stone monuments and analyze the weathering patterns of carbonate rocks in the urban environment. An original multilevel model was used for this purpose. The condition of monuments was assessed on 200 marble and limestone monuments of the museum necropolis in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The intensity of various forms of weathering of carbonate rocks was quantitatively evaluated. The connection between physical, chemical and biological forms of carbonate rock weathering, as well as between the type of rock and the peculiarities of its destruction is shown. The obtained results are used for planning restoration and anti-damage works.

How to cite: Frank-Kamenetskaya O.V., Lepeshkina N.F., Marugin V.M., Vlasov D.Y., Kinzel A.A. Experience of application of quali-metric expertise to assess the state of carbonate rocks and patterns of their destruction in urban environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 129-131.
Environmental monitoring
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Improvement of regional information-analytical system of social eco-logo-hygienic monitoring and environmental safety

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The information-analytical system of socio-eco-hygienic monitoring and environmental safety has been developed for atmospheric quality management and forecasting of eco-dependent morbidity of the population. A software product and a software package for effective atmosphere monitoring are created, methods of selecting methods and means of engineering protection of the atmosphere are proposed.

How to cite: Frolov A.V. Improvement of regional information-analytical system of social eco-logo-hygienic monitoring and environmental safety // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 132-134.
Environmental monitoring
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About organization of geo-ecological safety on objects of oil and gas complex, exposed to nuclear influence

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As a result of nuclear explosions, a large amount of uncontrolled radioactive waste was formed in the subsurface of oil and gas fields. The main channels of migration of radioactive waste into water-bearing complexes and to the day surface are presented and it is shown that the cavities formed as a result of nuclear explosions are highly permeable. Nuclear explosions carried out in salts have broken the tightness of the cover of gas condensate deposits. Measures to organize geo-ecological safety of nuclear facilities are proposed.

How to cite: Shakhidzhanov Y.S., Kiryukhina N.N. About organization of geo-ecological safety on objects of oil and gas complex, exposed to nuclear influence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 135-137.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Mechanical concept of earthquake forecasting

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The work is aimed at developing theoretical foundations and mathematical models for calculating stress concentration in a lithospheric plate, taking into account a wide range of impacts on the plate, as well as its characteristics and parameters that can affect the accuracy of calculations.

How to cite: Babeshko V.A. Mechanical concept of earthquake forecasting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 138-140.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Strength and durability of adhesive bonding of adhesives and compounds with granite, concrete and steels

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It is established that between the characteristic temperatures Tt and Tb the temperature-time dependence of the adhesive bond strength of adhesives and compounds with granite, concrete and steels is described by the Zhurkov equation. At T<T t the strength does not depend on temperature, the time dependence of the strength is described by the quantum analog of the Zhurkov equation. An empirical expression describing the temperature-time dependence of strength at T>T b is found. These results allowed us to propose a method for predicting the durability of adhesive bonds at any temperature based on the results of strength measurements in the interval T t <T<Table.

How to cite: Bashkarev A.Y., Vettegren V.I., Sytov V.A. Strength and durability of adhesive bonding of adhesives and compounds with granite, concrete and steels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 141-142.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of stress concentrators design at directional splitting of gypsum rocks with the help of non-explosive destructive mixtures

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The problem of selecting the most effective device for creating concentrating stresses on the borehole contour when using non-explosive destructive mixtures (NDM), allowing to create a main crack between contour boreholes in a row and to save the roof of the chamber from groundwater breakthrough into the excavated space, is considered. Laboratory studies carried out on samples of gypsum powder monolith and natural gypsum blocks of an underground mine confirmed the theoretical data on the effectiveness of using twin metal inserts for directional fracturing of gypsum rocks using NDM.

How to cite: Borovkov Y.A., Ismailov T.T., Ganzhargal S. Development of stress concentrators design at directional splitting of gypsum rocks with the help of non-explosive destructive mixtures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 143-145.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of the concept of information support of oil production sites and the structure of the database for the purpose of forecasting of emergency situations

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Oil and gas production is hazardous due to the fact that the main production processes take place under high pressure, and field equipment operates in aggressive environments. It is difficult to collect metric and attributive data in the Far North, so in some cases it is necessary to develop new approaches to information support of oil and gas bearing territories. The authors have developed a concept of solving this problem, given specific recommendations for the creation of a unified GIS of oil development, the use of remote sensing materials. The structure of a specialized database (DB "Forecast") has been developed for mentioning the process of forecasting accidents on trunk pipelines and creating a series of forecast maps of accidents. The system access to the forecast database is carried out from the GIS "Panorama" program environment. The developments make it possible to improve the quality of engineering and environmental monitoring, reduce the risk of accidents in oil and gas production areas.

How to cite: Zhurkin I.G., Bakai G.G., Dubkova V.M., Nikishin A.N., Shaitura S.V. Development of the concept of information support of oil production sites and the structure of the database for the purpose of forecasting of emergency situations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 146-147.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Oceanic and continental rifts of North-East Asia and the areas of their juxtaposition (seismotectonic analysis)

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Geological and geophysical studies of northeastern Yakutia and the coast of the Laptev Sea to determine seismotectonic patterns of this poorly studied region show that within the plate boundary running from Greenland to Alaska, a rare situation is observed when oceanic rifts, extending as a transition zone into the system of Cenozoic basins, crossed the entire eastern Yakutia from the coast of the Laptev Sea to the Sea of Okhotsk and developed until the Upper Pleistocene as the Mominsky rift system. In modern times, the Momin basin system is developing in the mode of transpression, which is associated with the movement of the Eurasian and North American plates towards each other. This is due to the location of the rotation pole of these plates, shifted from the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk towards the Laptev Sea.

How to cite: Imaev V.S., Imaeva L.P., Kozmin B.M., Sleptsov S.V. Oceanic and continental rifts of North-East Asia and the areas of their juxtaposition (seismotectonic analysis) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 148-149.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Risk assessment of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes

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The increasing number of disasters and associated material and human losses requires the development of new approaches and methods of risk assessment. A general system of flood risk assessment based on spatial and temporal hydrological parameters of potential flood zones and general principles of cartographic execution of these zones has been developed. An original scheme of risk modeling based on air and water quality indicators and indices is considered.

How to cite: Karlin L.N., Eremina T.R., Muzalevskii A.A., Tumanovskaya S.M. Risk assessment of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 150-152.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Risk indices of environmentally hazardous objects and rational strategies of risk management

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The paper considers a model-oriented decision support system for environmental risk management implemented as a multilevel software system. The paper focuses on the models of risk coefficients and indices for potentially hazardous objects, and also considers some general approaches to environmental protection planning based on mathematical modeling.

How to cite: Nikonov O.I., Medvedev A.N., Medvedeva M.A. Risk indices of environmentally hazardous objects and rational strategies of risk management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 153-155.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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New method of estimation of limit values of building sway at influence on them of seismic and air shock waves

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The subject of the research was the state of safety of buildings of engineering structures and the environment, located in the zone of influence of mining operations, under the influence of seismic and shock air waves from the production of blasting operations. In the research work full-scale measurements of arguments of seismic and shock air waves in the requirements of production of mass explosions and lump crushing at different blasting schemes both on mining and geological and meteorological requirements were carried out. Optimal requirements to the organization and production of blasting operations are proposed.

How to cite: Paramonov G.P., Artemov V.A., Kholodilov A.N., Vinogradov E.Y. New method of estimation of limit values of building sway at influence on them of seismic and air shock waves // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 156-159.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Information technologies in risk management of emergency situations

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The scientific and methodological bases of building a regional information and analytical system of extreme situations risk management have been developed, which is realized in the form of a computer system containing electronic databases on potentially dangerous objects and extreme situations, automated workplaces, applied software for forecasting and assessment of possible (probable) consequences of extreme situations on the basis of geoinformation technologies.

How to cite: Tyagunov G.V., Kobernichenko V.G., Yaroshenko Y.G. Information technologies in risk management of emergency situations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 160-162.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Physico-chemical bases of creation of sorption technologies for high-salt liquid radioactive waste management

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A theoretical model for the synthesis of nanosized sorbents in porous media of ion-exchange xerogels has been developed, which takes into account the occurrence of one or more parallel reactions of insoluble substances formation. The model describes the diffusive transfer of inter-active substances in the porous medium of xerogel and the formation of insoluble substances both in the pores of the xerogel and on the outer surface of the porous matrix. Model calculations of barium sulfate formation in the pores of amorphous porous barium silicate have been carried out. The conditions of the process of insoluble barium sulfate formation in porous xerogel medium have been determined. The results of calculations agree well with estimates made on the basis of equilibrium thermodynamics data.

How to cite: Avramenko V.A. Physico-chemical bases of creation of sorption technologies for high-salt liquid radioactive waste management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 163-165.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Porous materials on the basis of microspheres of power ashes and their use for conditioning of liquid radioactive waste

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By means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and thermodynamic analysis methods a detailed study of composition, morphology and properties of ash microspheres obtained at combustion of three coals (Irsha-Borodinsky, Kuznetsky and Ekibastuzsky) has been carried out. The ranges of composition of microspheres suitable for solidification of liquid radioactive waste in the form of iron-phosphate (36-94 wt.% Fe2O3) and aluminosilicate (2-20 wt.% Fe2O3) ceramics have been determined. The possibility of obtaining new materials on the basis of coal dust cenospheres and their application for immobilization of liquid radioactive waste has been shown.

How to cite: Anshits N.N., Vereshchagina T.A., Vereshchagin S.N., Zykova I.D., Rabchevskii E.V., Anshits A.G. Porous materials on the basis of microspheres of power ashes and their use for conditioning of liquid radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 166-168.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Development of technologies for production of sorbents for radionuclide extraction from spent nuclear fuel and methods of radiochemical analysis and decontamination of liquid radioactive waste

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New grades of inorganic sorbents based on natural materials and artificial materials (thermoxide sorbents) suitable for extraction of Cs-137 from liquid radioactive waste have been developed. The technology of selective extraction of Mo-99 from spent nuclear fuel for scientific and medical purposes using inorganic sorbents, previously developed by the Department of Radiochemistry of UGTU, has been optimized. Ag-sorbents based on thermoxide-5 carrier were developed and optimal conditions of I-131 extraction by these sorbents from aqueous solutions were determined. The technology of Mo-99 production was supplemented with a new stage of I-131 extraction from alkaline concentrate Mo-99 after desorption operation.

How to cite: Betenekov N.D., Voronina A.V., Denisov E.I., Zelenskaya M.L., Kudymov E.S., Nogovitsina E.V., Chopko N.N. Development of technologies for production of sorbents for radionuclide extraction from spent nuclear fuel and methods of radiochemical analysis and decontamination of liquid radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 169-171.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Technology and equipment for pipe cleaning from salt deposits

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Cleaning pipes from salt deposits is a complex environmental problem. On the basis of experimental and industrial tests it has been established that electrohyde-ro-pulse technology provides effective removal of salt deposits from the inner surface of pipes and significantly reduces radiation emission from pipes.

How to cite: Glushchenkov V.A., Karpukhin V.F., Yusupov R.Y., Ovchinnikov Y.M., Chernov A.V. Technology and equipment for pipe cleaning from salt deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 172-174.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Application of plastic track detectors for determination of fissile materials in liquid radioactive waste of NPP

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Methods for determining the amount of fissile materials in containers with liquid radioactive waste have been developed. The concentration of the sum of fissile materials (uranium-235 and plutonium-239) was determined by the method of plastic track detectors. This method is adapted to highly saline waters and bottom sediments. The contribution of plutonium-239 to the sum of fissile materials was determined by the radiochemical method. The methods were used to solve nuclear safety problems during decommissioning of NPPs.

How to cite: Dyakov A.A., Perekhozheva T.N., Ivanov V.Y. Application of plastic track detectors for determination of fissile materials in liquid radioactive waste of NPP // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 175-178.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Dismantling of process equipment of nuclear power facilities using explosion energy

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Designs of explosive devices, schemes and technology of explosive dismantling of process equipment of nuclear power facilities being decommissioned are proposed.

How to cite: Kalashnikov V.V., Laptev N.I., Demoretskii D.A. Dismantling of process equipment of nuclear power facilities using explosion energy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 179-180.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Creation of technology for decontamination of radioactive sludge generated during production of gas, gas condensate and oil

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On the territory of Russia, up to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of oil sludge are stored in sludge storages of oil producing and refining enterprises. In the absence of modern technologies for liquefaction and utilization of oil sludge, a significant number of storage facilities have turned from a means of preventing oil pollution into a threat of large-scale pollution of soil, underground and surface water bodies. The complexity of effective utilization and liquidation of oil sludge lies in their structure. They contain oil, water, emulsions, mechanical impurities - in different ratios, and simple settling, even with heating, does not give the effect of stratification of oil sludge components.

How to cite: Krapivskii E.I. Creation of technology for decontamination of radioactive sludge generated during production of gas, gas condensate and oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 181-183.
Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Radioactive waste management as the most important problem of nuclear energy

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Radioactive waste (RW) management is attracting more and more attention of specialists, as it poses a constant danger to human life and health for many years. According to expert estimates, the total amount of radioactive waste and spent fuel accumulated on the territory of the Russian Federation alone is more than 400mnm2 of liquid waste, more than 200mnm2 of solid waste and 8700 tons of spent fuel awaiting final disposal.

How to cite: Persinen A.A. Radioactive waste management as the most important problem of nuclear energy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 184-185.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Estimation of residual prospects of Alexandria ore district by remote sensing materials

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The possibilities of using space sounding materials to assess the residual prospects of the Alexandria district with the colliery mineralization are considered. The data on its genesis and structural forms of control were used as a basis. The materials were processed by various methods, informative features were identified, and prognostic and prospecting models were formed, which made it possible to assess the prospects of the area.

How to cite: Serokurov Y.N. Estimation of residual prospects of Alexandria ore district by remote sensing materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 186-188.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Geological-genetic models of formation of gold and silver deposits of Verkhoyansk fold-overthrust belt

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The geological and genetic models of noble metal deposits of the Verkhoyansk fold-overthrust belt formed in different geodynamic conditions are considered. The main stages of deposit formation are outlined based on the geological-structural and mineralogical-geochemical data.

How to cite: Fridovskii V.Y., Gamyanin G.N. Geological-genetic models of formation of gold and silver deposits of Verkhoyansk fold-overthrust belt // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 189-191.
Forecasting of geological prospecting works taking into account reproduction of mineral resources
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Features of development of onboard video-spectral equipment of ultra-violet range for the purposes of forecasting and forecasting

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The concept of a prospective ultraviolet spectrometer for airborne and satellite surveillance is presented. Two integrated systems including front lens and spectrometer optics are developed. The coordinated front lens and collimator configurations have significant advantages over conventional schemes.

How to cite: Chikov K.N., Gud V.V., Krasavtsev V.M. Features of development of onboard video-spectral equipment of ultra-violet range for the purposes of forecasting and forecasting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 192-194.
Human Ecology
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Laws and technologies of information influence of electromagnetic fields on biological structures

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The dependence of biological effects on frequency (37-53 GHz) and power density (1-5mW/cm2) of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) at different spatial distributions of intensity due to diffraction and interference of radiation on multilayer biostructures has been established. It has been established that certain modes of EMR exposure on food products lead to a significant increase in the shelf life of products, without deterioration of their consumer properties, and in some cases with improvement of consumer properties. Among foodstuffs were studied: meat with and without vacuum packing, milk, mushrooms, tangerines and others.

How to cite: Kalashnikov N.P. Laws and technologies of information influence of electromagnetic fields on biological structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 195-197.
Human Ecology
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Direction of activity of interuniversity scientific-educational center on problems of human ecology on the basis of Tomsk State University

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The Interuniversity Research and Education Center for Human Ecology was established on the basis of Tomsk State University. The Center's activity is based on the conceptual model of human ecology as a complex interdisciplinary knowledge, including not only the laws of human adaptation to environmental conditions and non-destructive development of nature, but also the parameters of environmental orientation of consciousness. The main activity of the Center is carried out in three directions: a) development of inter-disciplinary research in the field of human ecology and habitat, including physical, genetic, physiological, legal, sociological aspects and implementation of research results in international, federal and sectoral programs, industry and educational process; b) organization and development of the activity of the "Regional Center for Collective Use in Ecology, Genetics and Environmental Protection", providing interdisciplinary research and training of highly qualified personnel for universities of Siberia; c) development of new forms and technologies of education, their scientific and methodological support and formation of the system of open environmental education in the region on the basis of the university.

How to cite: Maier G.V. Direction of activity of interuniversity scientific-educational center on problems of human ecology on the basis of Tomsk State University // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 198-200.
Human Ecology
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Analysis of influence of green plantations structure on population health

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The most common diseases, such as influenza, acute viral infections (ARVI), acute bronchitis, and some bacterial infections (tuberculosis and pneumonia) were chosen as criteria for health indicators, as they can be sampled in large enough volumes. In addition, respiratory diseases may reflect the role of green spaces in health changes. The results obtained do not provide a definite answer as to whether there are any pronounced trends. In some cases, the relationship between the area of green spaces and respiratory morbidity in children was the opposite of the expected one. Factors such as the social composition of the population and air pollution also seem to play a significant role. In the future, it is necessary to increase the sample size and the number of parameters studied, especially with regard to plantations.

How to cite: Selikhovkin A.V., Selikhovkin I.A., Popovichev B.G. Analysis of influence of green plantations structure on population health // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 201-204.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Use of catalytic processes for gasification of organic materials

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The paper presents the results of studies of catalytic gasification (pyrolysis) of peat and peat-mineral compounds. The increase in the heat of combustion of gas with increasing concentration of hydrocarbons has been experimentally proved. The use of aluminosilicate-mineral materials under or near peat deposits as catalytic systems has been substantiated.

How to cite: Afanasev A.E., Misnikov O.S., Sulman E.M., Alferov V.V. Use of catalytic processes for gasification of organic materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 205-209.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Laboratory study of the pilot plant realizing new ecologically clean techno-technology of processing of industrial and household solid mixed waste containing toxic substances

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Laboratory experiments using a pilot plant were carried out to substantiate the parameters of processing of mixed solid waste containing toxic substances by innovative environmentally friendly technology (melting in a cold boiler of an induction-arc furnace).

How to cite: Baranov D.A. Laboratory study of the pilot plant realizing new ecologically clean techno-technology of processing of industrial and household solid mixed waste containing toxic substances // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 210-212.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Biological utilization of wastes

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This project develops a biological waste utilizer (BWU) with integrated use of biomass energy, solar energy and phase transition heat accumulators. The BBU has developed a technology of pesticide destruction using a screen with TiO 2 .

How to cite: Berengarten M.G., Amadziev A.M., Vainshtein S.I., Parkhadanov M.M., Rubina E.S. Biological utilization of wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 213-214.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Hardware and technological complex for deep processing of secondary resources (low-concentrated liquid wastes containing nonferrous metal ions)

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The object of research is galvanic production waste in the form of low-concentrated solutions containing nonferrous metal ions. The aim of the work is to develop a hardware and technological complex for deep processing of secondary resources using advanced technologies (membrane, electroflotation, electrochemical). Experimental studies of electroflotation extraction of Ni 2+ , Zn 2+ , Cu 2+ ions in a flowing electroflotation apparatus with an electro pH corrector were carried out. Optimal conditions of extraction were determined. The mathematical model of the process is created. Two main directions of use of flotation concentrates of individual hydroxides of copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium are proposed.

How to cite: Kolesnikov V.A., Ilin V.I. Hardware and technological complex for deep processing of secondary resources (low-concentrated liquid wastes containing nonferrous metal ions) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 215-217.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Universal electrochemical analyzer of quality and safety indicators of environmental objects for the purposes of ecological monitoring

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A universal electrochemical analyzer for environmental monitoring has been developed. The analyzer is designed for efficient automated determination and control of quality and safety indicators of environmental objects of current regulatory standards, such as concentrations of toxic metals, organic toxins, impurities. The analyzer provides simultaneous performance of a number of electrochemical techniques for electroanalytical experiments. A new scheme of the universal measuring system has been developed, original algorithms of instrumental processing of electrochemical sensor signals have been proposed and applied. The application area of the electrochemical analyzer is the bodies of state and industrial environmental control and product certification.

How to cite: Temerdashev Z.A., Litvinov S.A., Zhukevich G.L. Universal electrochemical analyzer of quality and safety indicators of environmental objects for the purposes of ecological monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 218-219.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Development of low-energy-consuming hardware-technological complex for deep processing of metal-containing industrial and household wastes in relation to the conditions of small-tonnage production

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A laboratory sample of apparatus and technological complex for regeneration of sulfuric-acid solutions for leaching of heavy metals from wastes has been developed. The developed method will allow selective separation of heavy metals and creation of closed cycles for technological solutions.

How to cite: Tishkov K.N. Development of low-energy-consuming hardware-technological complex for deep processing of metal-containing industrial and household wastes in relation to the conditions of small-tonnage production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 220-222.
Equipment and technological complexes for deep processing of natural and secondary resources
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Installation of automatic sorting-mixing of metal-containing wastes

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A prototype of a magnetic pulse separator was developed. The technology of automatic extraction of non-ferrous metal from smelting contaminated scrap metal with simultaneous separation by density (sorting aluminum and its alloys from copper and copper-zinc alloys) has been developed. The proposed separation method for processing of industrial and household waste contaminated with non-ferrous metal (e.g., old refrigerators, washing machines, automobile and truck transport, household waste with the contents of beer cans, etc.) can be used.

How to cite: Shneerson G.A., Krivosheev S.I., Nenashev A.P. Installation of automatic sorting-mixing of metal-containing wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 223-225.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Technology of production of heat-insulating materials from wood sawdust

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Modern market conditions and high requirements to living conditions and quality of low-rise buildings under construction indicate the need to create a new environmentally friendly, cheap, non-combustible lagging. In this connection, the article considers the actual problem of using woodworking and sawmill waste for manufacturing a new type of lagging.

How to cite: Zaprudnov V.I. Technology of production of heat-insulating materials from wood sawdust // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 226-227.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Development of compositions and technologies of building materials production on the basis of wood processing wastes

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The problem of obtaining environmentally friendly building materials on the basis of wood processing waste is very actual. Creation of high technologies in the production of wood composite materials with a wide raw material base is possible only with the use of the latest achievements of physics, chemistry and microbiology. Processing of wood raw materials allowed to obtain construction materials meeting the requirements of the standard, even on the basis of widespread waste wood processing - sawdust. Pilot samples of biologically activated concrete based on sawdust were obtained and their basic physical and mechanical properties were determined. The project of technological scheme for the production of biologically activated concrete based on sawdust and the variant of using this material as an insulator of a laminated panel have been developed.

How to cite: Mironov V.A. Development of compositions and technologies of building materials production on the basis of wood processing wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 228-230.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Selection of rational compositions of fuel and energy raw materials for heat energy production by boiler-houses of the Leningrad Region

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As a result of the conducted research in assessing the possibility of using carbonaceous waste from the woodworking industry of the Leningrad region for heat energy production, harmonious compositions of energy raw materials and methods of their processing were determined. The most rational, as calculations have shown, is the use of large-tonnage woodworking waste for these purposes. At the same time, the most effective ways of processing raw materials and variants of rational location of woodworking enterprises in the Leningrad region depending on the distance to the consumer and prices for alternative energy carriers were proposed.

How to cite: Nifontov Y.A., Shuvalov Y.V., Nifontova T.I., Nikulin A.N. Selection of rational compositions of fuel and energy raw materials for heat energy production by boiler-houses of the Leningrad Region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 231-233.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Production of clay, wood, wood and wood products

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On the basis of previously conducted marketing researches of products from wood-silver of non-traditional species the variants of schemes of technological processes for production of glued load-bearing structures are developed. The technology of creating protective and decorative coatings for products made of aspen and larch wood is substantiated.

How to cite: Onegin V.I., Chubinskii A.N. Production of clay, wood, wood and wood products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 234-235.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Rational use of low-value, low-quality wood in conditions of sustainable forest management

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Every year forestry enterprises generate significant amounts of wood waste, the issues of disposal and utilization of which present great difficulties. In addition, the increase in the area of soft-leaved species in the composition of the allotted harvesting fund, their unsatisfactory use in the production processes of wood raw materials processing create conditions for the accumulation of mature and overmature stands of low-value wood, a threat to the growth of economically valuable species of raw materials. The estimation of additional wood resources has been made, perspective directions of processing of low-value, low-quality wood and wood waste have been determined, technological schemes of their utilization by timber enterprises have been proposed, which will improve the ecological situation in the industry and the structure of wood biomass consumption.

How to cite: Patyakin V.I., Avdashkevich S.V., Birman A.R. Rational use of low-value, low-quality wood in conditions of sustainable forest management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 236-238.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Rheology of wood in the processes of its modification

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Within the framework of heterophase systems mechanics, a mathematical model of wood deformation process is proposed, which takes into account the influence of complex rheological properties and surface phenomena in thin layers of water on the change of its porous structure. The influence of moisture and temperature fields of the sample on the strength and quality of the obtained material was investigated using numerical methods.

How to cite: Sviridov L.T., Dornyak O.R. Rheology of wood in the processes of its modification // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 239-241.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Role of symbiotic representatives of mycobiota in the processes of reproduction of forest resources

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The problem of form diversity of tree species and biological productivity of individual intraspecific forms in connection with the processes of mycorrhizal formation is of considerable scientific and practical interest. It has been established that the activity of mycorrhizal formation significantly affects the processes of oak regeneration. In turn, the activity of mycorrhizal formation is significantly affected by forest conditions, anthropogenic loads on forests and phytopathogenic organisms.

How to cite: Churakov B.P. Role of symbiotic representatives of mycobiota in the processes of reproduction of forest resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 242-245.