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Vol 166
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Adaptive information-computer complex for monitoring of local eco-systems of forest

B. F. Lavrentev
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  • Mari State Technical University
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The work was carried out with the aim of designing and creating an adaptive data processing complex for monitoring forest local ecosystems. Complex study of the ecosystem will expand our knowledge on this issue, will allow us to use the possibilities of ecosystems for human economic activity. An adaptive data processing complex for the study of ecosystem parameters is presented. High radial structure of the complex allows to increase the hardware part of the complex, the number of primary measured parameters. The information exchange between the blocks will be carried out in serial format via bidirectional communication line. Algorithms of measurement with normalization of primary transducer characteristics are used in the work of the complex of data processing by comparing them with standards stored in memory. This procedure allows to optimize the resulting error of each individual measurement.

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  1. Центр мониторинга экосистем / Б.Ф.Лаврентьев, И.В.Петухов, Л.А.Стешина, Г.В.Бусыгин // 8-е Вавиловские чтения / МарГТУ. Иошкар-Ола, 2004.
  2. Лаврентьев Б.Ф. Автоматическая станция для прогнозирования агротехнических процессов в лесном и сельском хозяйстве // Труды МарГТУ. Иошкар-Ола, 1998. Вып.5.

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