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Vol 166
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Methodology of definition of optimum depth of processing of mineral wastes arising at development of deposits of strategically important mineral raw materials

A. E. Vorobev
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  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
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The comparative analysis of available technologies for handling generated waste made it possible to develop a fundamentally new, more effective technology based on the principle of technogenic reproduction of resources introduced by us. When developing such technology a number of regularities related to the existing competitiveness of the Russian mineral resource base of polymetals were revealed; a mathematical model of the processes of technogenic reproduction of mineral raw materials; factors determining the rational degree of mineral waste processing; determination of the values of threshold values of the degree of their integrated processing and assessment of its efficiency.

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  1. Воробьев А.Е. Национальная минерально-сырьевая безопасность России: доктрина, принципы, критерии, обеспечение / А.Е.Воробьев, Г.А.Балыхин, В.И.Нифадьев / КРСУ. Бишкек, 2004.
  2. Воробьев А.Е. Кризис минерального сырья: как преодолеть? / А.Е.Воробьев, Т.В.Чекушина // Наука в России. 2003. № 4.
  3. Научно-методологические основы организации производства полиметаллов технологиями подземного выщелачивания / Под ред. А.Е. Воробьева. М., 2004.

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