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E. V. Rabchevskii
E. V. Rabchevskii
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University


Radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel management
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Porous materials on the basis of microspheres of power ashes and their use for conditioning of liquid radioactive waste

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By means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and thermodynamic analysis methods a detailed study of composition, morphology and properties of ash microspheres obtained at combustion of three coals (Irsha-Borodinsky, Kuznetsky and Ekibastuzsky) has been carried out. The ranges of composition of microspheres suitable for solidification of liquid radioactive waste in the form of iron-phosphate (36-94 wt.% Fe2O3) and aluminosilicate (2-20 wt.% Fe2O3) ceramics have been determined. The possibility of obtaining new materials on the basis of coal dust cenospheres and their application for immobilization of liquid radioactive waste has been shown.

How to cite: Anshits N.N., Vereshchagina T.A., Vereshchagin S.N., Zykova I.D., Rabchevskii E.V., Anshits A.G. Porous materials on the basis of microspheres of power ashes and their use for conditioning of liquid radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 166-168.