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Vol 166
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Creation of technology for decontamination of radioactive sludge generated during production of gas, gas condensate and oil

E. I. Krapivskii
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  • Ukhta State Technical University
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On the territory of Russia, up to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of oil sludge are stored in sludge storages of oil producing and refining enterprises. In the absence of modern technologies for liquefaction and utilization of oil sludge, a significant number of storage facilities have turned from a means of preventing oil pollution into a threat of large-scale pollution of soil, underground and surface water bodies. The complexity of effective utilization and liquidation of oil sludge lies in their structure. They contain oil, water, emulsions, mechanical impurities - in different ratios, and simple settling, even with heating, does not give the effect of stratification of oil sludge components.

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  2. Крапивский Е.И. Технология санации радиоактивных шламов нефтяных и газовых месторождений с использованием радиометрического контроля и управления / Е.И.Крапивский, Ю.Г.Смирнов, В.Н.Рыжаков // Тезисы докладов на Международной геофизической конференции. СПб, 2000.
  3. Никифоров Ю.А. Радиоактивное загрязнение окружающей среды при нефтедобыче на примере Ставропольских месторождений // Российский геофизический журнал. 1994. № 3.
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