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V. I. Vettegren
V. I. Vettegren
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University


Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Strength and durability of adhesive bonding of adhesives and compounds with granite, concrete and steels

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It is established that between the characteristic temperatures Tt and Tb the temperature-time dependence of the adhesive bond strength of adhesives and compounds with granite, concrete and steels is described by the Zhurkov equation. At T<T t the strength does not depend on temperature, the time dependence of the strength is described by the quantum analog of the Zhurkov equation. An empirical expression describing the temperature-time dependence of strength at T>T b is found. These results allowed us to propose a method for predicting the durability of adhesive bonds at any temperature based on the results of strength measurements in the interval T t <T<Table.

How to cite: Bashkarev A.Y., Vettegren V.I., Sytov V.A. Strength and durability of adhesive bonding of adhesives and compounds with granite, concrete and steels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 141-142.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of a technology for obtaining materials to eliminate cracks in large-scale objects

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Formulations of low viscosity unfilled compositions designed for sealing of welds and injecting into small cracks at low pressures, with two curing options: at temperatures of 15-30 and 4-15°С were developed. Formulations of filled compositions were created: for injection into small cracks, filling caverns and defects on flat surfaces and for filling large cracks and pores at high pressure. An active diluent was selected to regulate the viscosity of the filled materials. A mechanical device for measuring the adhesion strength of compositions in the temperature range from -70 to 150°C has been developed. It is established, that according to the value of adhesive strength the developed adhesives can be used for repair of steel constructions, and compounds - for "healing" of cracks in concrete and granite bases.

How to cite: Bashkarev A.Y., Sytov V.A., Vettegren V.I., Lebedev A.A., Kulik V.B. Development of a technology for obtaining materials to eliminate cracks in large-scale objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 145-146.