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V. G. Dobrzhanskii
V. G. Dobrzhanskii
Far Eastern State Technical University
Far Eastern State Technical University


Environmental technologies, recycling and disposal of technogenic formations
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Investigation of kinetics of liquid phase oxidation of toxic compounds (a number of herbicides)

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Research was carried out with herbicide imitates - carboxylic acids. The research showed that the method of liquid-phase oxidation is effective for herbicide utilization and can be used as a method of neutralization of these toxic wastes. The balance of expended and received heat on the whole path of water from the entrance to the plant to the exit from it is calculated. A schematic diagram of the unit is proposed.

How to cite: Karastelev B.Y., Dobrzhanskii V.G., Dmitrieva E.E. Investigation of kinetics of liquid phase oxidation of toxic compounds (a number of herbicides) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 52-54.