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Vol 166
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Experience of application of quali-metric expertise to assess the state of carbonate rocks and patterns of their destruction in urban environment

O. V. Frank-Kamenetskaya1
N. F. Lepeshkina2
V. M. Marugin3
D. Yu. Vlasov4
A. A. Kinzel5
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  • 1 — St. Petersburg State University
  • 2 — St. Petersburg State University
  • 3 — St. Petersburg State University
  • 4 — St. Petersburg State University
  • 5 — St. Petersburg State University
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Qualimetric examination was applied for the first time to assess the current state of stone monuments and analyze the weathering patterns of carbonate rocks in the urban environment. An original multilevel model was used for this purpose. The condition of monuments was assessed on 200 marble and limestone monuments of the museum necropolis in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The intensity of various forms of weathering of carbonate rocks was quantitatively evaluated. The connection between physical, chemical and biological forms of carbonate rock weathering, as well as between the type of rock and the peculiarities of its destruction is shown. The obtained results are used for planning restoration and anti-damage works.

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  1. Квалиметрическая экспертиза / Под ред. В.М.Маругина и Г.Г.Азгальдова. СПб: Русский регистр, 2002. Кн.1-3.
  2. Комплексный мониторинг состояния памятников из камня в городской среде / О.В.Франк-Каменецкая, Д.Ю.Власов, В.М.Маругин, А.А.Книзель, Н.Ф.Лепешкина // Записки Горного института. СПб, 2004. Т.159.
  3. Применение квалиметрической экспертизы при оценке состояния каменных памятников Санкт-Петербурга / О.В.Франк-Каменецкая, Д.Ю.Власов, В.М.Маругин, А.А.Книзель, Н.Ф.Лепешкина // Минералогия. Геммология. Искусство. СПб: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2003.

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