Assessment of technogenic impact of hazardous objects of oil and gas complex on components of natural environment
About authors
- 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
- 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
The main sources of environmental disturbance and pollution in the areas of operation of hazardous facilities of the oil and gas complex were identified and classified. The peculiarities of negative impact were studied at all stages of operations: during field exploration; during field development; during oil and gas production; during processing of gas and oil products.
- Гриценко А.И. Экология. Нефть и газ / А.И.Гриценко, Г.С.Акопова, В.М.Максимов. М., 1997. 598 с.
- По книге: Недра России / Под ред. Н.В.Межеловского, А.А.Смыслова. СПб-М., 2002. 662 с.
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