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Vol 165
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Realization of Adaptive Fuzzy Control by Means of Concept Package

N. P. Demenkov
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  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University
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A simple and effective approach to generating fuzzy control rules automatically in accordance with the traditional linear control strategy is proposed. The fuzzy rules are generated automatically through fuzzy input variables, then the corresponding control action is generated by a simplified fuzzy logic inference scheme. By means of a special combination of PI and PD algorithms, the fuzzy PID control strategy is realized using two input variables, which significantly reduces the number of control rules without deteriorating the quality of regulation. The flexibility of regulation is expressed in the tuning of the phase plane of the solutions. The control parameters can be adjusted on-line.

Деменков Н.П. Реализация адаптивного нечеткого управления средствами пакета Concept // Записки Горного института. 2005. Т. 165. С. 75-76.
Demenkov N.P. Realization of Adaptive Fuzzy Control by Means of Concept Package // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 75-76.
Go to volume 165


  1. Деменков Н.П. Нечеткий логический регулятор в задачах управления / Н.П.Деменков, И.А.Мочалов // Промышленные АСУ и контроллеры. 1999. № 2. С.30-35.
  2. Деменков Н.И. Использование пакета Сопсер! для нечеткого управления работой парового котла // Промышленные АСУ и контроллеры. 1999. № 7. С.20-22.

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