Precipitation of heavy non-ferrous metals from sulfate solutions by sulfur-containing precipitants
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- OAO Gipronickel Institute
Research on precipitation of heavy non-ferrous metals from sulfate solutions by sulfur-containing precipitants of different composition has been carried out. It is shown that, depending on the composition of the precipitant and process parameters, non-ferrous metals are precipitated from solutions in the form of compounds of different forms with different content of one or another component.
- Лаптев Ю.В. Сера и сульфидообразование в гидрометаллургических процессах / Ю.В.Лаптев, А.Л.Сиркис, Г.Р.Колонин. Новосибирск: Наука, 1987. 257 с.
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