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N. G. Kaitmazov
N. G. Kaitmazov
Mining and Metallurgical Experimental Research Center of the Polar Division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel
Mining and Metallurgical Experimental Research Center of the Polar Division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel


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Development of technology of enrichment of disseminated and cuprous ores

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The main valuable component of disseminated ores of Norilsk-1 deposit is precious PGMs, gold and silver. In recent years, the disseminated ore beneficiation technology used at the Norilsk Concentrator of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel has undergone changes to improve the recovery of precious metals. A direct selective flotation scheme was developed for cuprous ores. In addition, research was conducted, fundamentally new technologies were developed, and processing of some accumulated, previously stockpiled technogenic sources was started.

How to cite: Alekseeva L.I., Kaitmazov N.G., Baskaev P.M., Ismagilov R.I., Yatsenko A.A., Blagodatin Y.V., Matvienko Z.I. Development of technology of enrichment of disseminated and cuprous ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 16-17.
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Improvement of the Technology of Selective Separation of Copper-Nickel Concentrates

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Based on the results of research of high-grade matte microstructures, a new technical solution for the dehumidification of commercial nickel concentrate was proposed. In the process of laboratory and industrial tests it was determined that the metallized magnetic fraction of high-grade matte can be a positive factor in flotation of rough nickel concentrate.

How to cite: Alekseev L.I., Ershov S.F., Kaitmazov N.G., Bekker V.G., Matvienko Z.I., Yurev A.I., Dzhusoev F.Z. Improvement of the Technology of Selective Separation of Copper-Nickel Concentrates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 18-19.