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Vol 191

Vol 190
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Economy of rent relations in modern russian industrial use of subsoil

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In article the basic economic problems connected with creation of new rent relations in modern industrial use of subsoil are considered. The economic essence of the mineral rent, its kinds and a procedure of payments is stated. Sources, conditions and process of formation of the mineral rent, principles and methods of operating and recommended system of the taxation of extractive industry are shown. Recommendations about socially focused directions of use of the mineral rent are given.

How to cite: Kimelman S.A. Economy of rent relations in modern russian industrial use of subsoil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 9.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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New in geological-economic estimation оf the group raw materials object of the region

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The article describes the general provisions of an express geo-economic evaluation of primary objects. The basic criteria on selection of deposits in a complex of raw objects, among which individual indicators and group characteristics are offered. Shows the sequence of the selection fields, where at each stage is a detailed analysis of individual objects within a group of adjacent businesses.

How to cite: Anisimova A.B. New in geological-economic estimation оf the group raw materials object of the region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 30.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Legal regulation of rights of property оn the geological information

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The problems of normative legal regulations of the explorations and the renewal of mineral resource base are considered. Approaches to determine the types and rights of property on the geological information are analyzed. It is proposed measures of the legal regulations in order to improve the current situation.

How to cite: Belyakov V.G., Fedchenko A.A. Legal regulation of rights of property оn the geological information // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 34.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Economic estimation of natural resources as condition of development of market relations in nature management sphere

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In article the question on an estimation of natural resources which should not only be estimated by their cost is considered. It is necessary to estimate resources from the point of view of efficiency of a social production as a whole. The variant of estimation of cost of resources from the point of view of effect which is reached as a result of inclusion of the given natural resources in an economic turn is offered, methodological bases of an economic estimation of natural resources are developed.

How to cite: Volovich V.N. Economic estimation of natural resources as condition of development of market relations in nature management sphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 38.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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The new mechanism of formation of the price for industrial gas in the russian home market: an estimation of consequences

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The objective of this paper consists of analysing pricing structure on natural gas in Russia market Russia, to reveal problems and the prospects connected with transitive (by 2011) on new system of pricing on natural gas in the Russian Federation based on a principle of the equal Profitableness. To analyse influence of a new pricing policy on natural gas on domestic manufacturers, besides, to promote the given reason discussion of questions of formation of the prices in international trade in gas which is a key to understanding of some the events occurring in the international power markets now.

How to cite: Zelenova E.S. The new mechanism of formation of the price for industrial gas in the russian home market: an estimation of consequences // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 43.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Ambivalent essence of nature management licensing system: economic-lawful aspects

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Licensing of subsoil use represents realisation, both private and public law since accumulates signs of that and another. Wide practical application of licensing of subsoil use restrains presence of complex legal and economic mechanisms of its realisation. Working out and perfection of such mechanism is an actual problem and demands consideration of conceptual bases of the decision of the developed problem.

How to cite: Kayumov D.R. Ambivalent essence of nature management licensing system: economic-lawful aspects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 47.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Conceptual aspects of comparability between russian and foreign systems in estimating the mineral resources

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Globalization of the world economy has started first of all within the mineral resources market which is dominated many years by transnational corporations. Expansion of mining areas through national borders, of partnership between domestic and foreign companies is accompanied by development of national and international standards for reporting of mineral resources and available ore reserves. There are, among the most authoritative codes, the Australasian JORC Code and the Model Code of Combined committee CRIRSCO. In Russia (USSR) the Classification of explored reserves has been approved by the State for the First Five-Year Plan – for purpose of the completely centralized record keeping of the country mineral resources. Since, during its «socialist evolution» this record system strengthened in Russia such principles of estimating explored ore reserves and expected resources which make difficult the adaptation of our Classification to standards and categories accepted in most of other countries. The step in this direction was made by drawing up the project of «Guidelines on Alignment of Russian minerals reporting standards and the CRIRSCO Template». As a consultation draft for comments, the document has been prepared by the group of experts incorporating leading professional researchers of FGU «GKZ», CRIRSCO, mining companies. It seems, this approach process will need the time and corrections of many factors in geological exploration practice, in the State system of record keeping for reserves and resources.

How to cite: Kozlov A.V., Stepanov V.A., Kobryakov D.V. Conceptual aspects of comparability between russian and foreign systems in estimating the mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 52.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Economic development in small and large transitive economy in the context of transition from the growth power focused to innovatively-focused type

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In article features of economic growth in the small countries of the world economy in an history-economic context are revealed, variants of economic development of the small countries owing to a various combination of territory, the population and resources are analysed, factors of economic growth are established, dynamics of economic development in small and large, resources-superfluous and resources-insufficient transitive economy is presented. Indicators of export of power resources and the power rent of some oil-producing countries are analysed.

How to cite: Kuznetsova N.P. Economic development in small and large transitive economy in the context of transition from the growth power focused to innovatively-focused type // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 60.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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The analysis of approaches and principles оf the preauction estimation of mineral deposits

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Principles and approaches of an estimation of mineral deposits at a licensing stage are stated, the method of an estimation of sites of bowels on the basis of the profitable approach taking into account various factors is proved, the way of the account of risks through the rate of discounting depending on a stage of a level of scrutiny of a deposit is offered.

How to cite: Marinina O.A. The analysis of approaches and principles оf the preauction estimation of mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 68.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Mineral deposits development and evaluation costs: classification of assets, stock-taking and use

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Analyzed is the order of recognizing and reflecting mineral reserves/resources geological exploration, evaluation and development costs established in the RF which are materially contributing to general expenses of mining enterprises. Systematized are the issues requiring further scientific investigations and methodical solution in the area of determination of the technique of accounting for prospecting, evaluation and development of mineral deposits. Based on the world experience a proposal has been put forth to refer these costs to intangible assets of mining production units. The methodical approaches for determination of value and booking of intangible assets data have been developed to be applied in economic activities of mining enterprises.

How to cite: Mautina A.A., Nazarova Z.M. Mineral deposits development and evaluation costs: classification of assets, stock-taking and use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 71.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Management natural-resource potential: institutionary aspekt

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Wildlife management relations more and more get character of the property relations the natural – resource potential becomes which object, therefore management in natural-resource potential should be considered as one of problems of regional and state development. In article are analysed institutionary preconditions of formation of methodology of management in natural-resource potential: institute of the property right to natural resources, formation of a category of natural objects of the real estate, set of independent participants of management of natural resources, various forms and ways of management of natural resources, necessity of the account of natural resources for system of national accounts. Results of the review of the Russian resource and civil legislation are resulted. 

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A. Management natural-resource potential: institutionary aspekt // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 77.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources In international financial reporting standards in international financial reporting standards

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The International Accounting Standards Board issued International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 «Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources». The standard applied to companies engaged in exploration for and evaluation of oil and gas and mineral resources. The article covers to problems of impairment of these assets.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources In international financial reporting standards in international financial reporting standards // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 82.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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The system of indicators concerning the potential, renewal and use of mineral resource base of Russia

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The problems of rational use of the huge mineral-resource potential of Russia are considered. The causes of insufficient exploration volumes in Russia are analyzed. It is proposed measures of the legal regulations in order to create junior geological companies in Russia and increase private investments to the exploration of deposits.

How to cite: Fedchenko A.A. The system of indicators concerning the potential, renewal and use of mineral resource base of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 86.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Analysis of problems of reproduction mineral-raw materials bases of Russia

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In last years in crude structure of spares on majority useful fossilized greatly increase share divorced and prepared of spares then share of evaluated spares resources fell. In system of measures on stimulation of reproducing the mineral resources greater importance have development and goal-directed use the economic mechanism of influence on production, which must create condition for increasing of direct material interest of labor groups of enterprises in ensuring the rational use, guard and reproducing the natural resources.

How to cite: Tsvetkova A.Y., Sokolov V.D. Analysis of problems of reproduction mineral-raw materials bases of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 90.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Cluster approach to development оf the diamond complex of Russia

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State to initiate the formation of clusters in the diamond complex Russia assumes priority financing of innovation the industry and the simultaneous strengthening of the economic system, mediating diamond complex infrastructure and geographically. But productivity growth due to innovative activity of one branch can lead to a slowdown in other sectors. Indirect support for clusters include the activities of public-private partnership to stimulate competition, demand creation and support of allied industries, export promotion, development of training programs and links to science, infrastructure support of the cluster, antitrust, insurance risks, etc.

How to cite: Belov A.K., Vasiltsov V.S. Cluster approach to development оf the diamond complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 93.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The cadastre of secondary mineral resources аs toolkit of their system estimation

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In our time there are great problems of the fullest account and system estimate of secondary mineral resources. The cadastre is a method of the account and estimation, which answers of modern administrative and economic conditions most of all. The analysis of the existing cadastres of natural resources demonstrates, that they do not answer new administrative and economical ratioes reshaped in Russia. Compiling the cadastre of natural resources by a territorial principle is necessary. The account of natural resources in such cadastre should conduct on plants and uniform classification units accepted for each aspect of a natural resource. The cadastre of secondary mineral resources is the constituent of general cadastre. 

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. The cadastre of secondary mineral resources аs toolkit of their system estimation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 98.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Problems and perspectives of oil-gas complex products export delivery development

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The article is devoted to the modern tendencies of oil-gas complex products delivery development on the foreign markets. Export volumes of oil, gas and petroleum refinery products are analyzed. The factors influencing on the dynamics of such deliveries are considered. The assessment of possible achievement of forecasting export indicators of oil and gas complex products is given. 

How to cite: Vasilev Y.N. Problems and perspectives of oil-gas complex products export delivery development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 102.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Mineral and raw materials potensial of north-west and the problems of it’s rational using

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A brief scope of recent tendencies in supplying and consuming of strategic mineral raw materials by the Russian industry is presented, and a perspective for a re-estimation of the North-West Russia resource potential in concern of the Complete Utilization of Georesources Concept are outlined and grounded.

How to cite: Vinogradov A.N., Glushchenko Y.G., Larichkin F.D., Fadeev A.M. Mineral and raw materials potensial of north-west and the problems of it’s rational using // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 107.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Scale economy and optimal quantity of firms in the mining industry of Russia

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The structure of Russian mining industry, moulded during economic transformations, possesses a number of negative characteristics which has its influence on the other economy. The aim of the article is to specify a criterion for quantity and scale of firms in the mining industry. 

How to cite: Vinokurov S.S. Scale economy and optimal quantity of firms in the mining industry of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 113.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Using of innovative technologies for achieving efficiency and enegry saving – the road to country energy security

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The article discusses the problem of energy security of countries in terms of achieving efficiency and energy saving, as well as measures of the state apparatus aimed at fulfilling the tasks.

How to cite: Kuligin P.A. Using of innovative technologies for achieving efficiency and enegry saving – the road to country energy security // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 121.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Ekologic and economic substantiation of nature protection activity of the mining enterprises

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Problems of natural resources rational use and the environment protection at extraction and processing of minerals and nature resources potential are considered. Estimation of economic consequences of technogenic influence on the environment serves for nature use system effectiveness determination, nature use strategy and nature protection activity directions substantiation. Achievement of normative demands and ecological cleanness with minimum waste of recourses serves as criterion of nature protection activity effectiveness at mining enterprises.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y. Ekologic and economic substantiation of nature protection activity of the mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 125.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Features of oil and gas valuation a method оf real options

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Now a valuation of hydrocarbons in Russia is made by the income approach. The Discounted Cash Flow model (DCF) assumes that all initial indicators are strictly determined. Then there are many problems connected with high degree of uncertainty in estimations of stocks and high variability of the prices in the world markets of hydrocarbons. The problem can be decided if to use a method of real options. Then the above-stated sources of uncertainty are considered not from an item of occurrence of problems with accuracy of cost estimates, and as a principal cause on which the real option has value.

How to cite: Mazurina E.V. Features of oil and gas valuation a method оf real options // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 128.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Mineral-resources sector: rudiment or the element of the «clever economy»?

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The article deals with the problems of the modernization renewal of the Russian mining sector. There are revealed the key barriers, preventing the mineral-resources sector from transition to the innovative growth trajectory. The key conclusions of the Russian mining sector future in the new global frameworks system are defined. 

How to cite: Maltsev A.A. Mineral-resources sector: rudiment or the element of the «clever economy»? // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 134.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Economic efficiency assessment of gas potential of hydro-carbon mining centers in Eastern Siberia

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Factors of premises for forming of hydro-carbon mining centers on the territory of Eastern Siberia are determined. The ways of forming and developing of these centers are suggested. Economic efficiency of gas resources of Eastern Siberia of hydro-carbon mining centers is defined. The potential gas mining forecast for the period up to 2030 is given.

How to cite: Metkin D.M. Economic efficiency assessment of gas potential of hydro-carbon mining centers in Eastern Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 139.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Condition and tendencies of the world diamond-mining industry development

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The diamond's extraction and diamond's production realization by the diamond-mining companies of the countries in the world is decreasing in the modern conditions. The forecast of world diamond's business development for short-term prospect is connected with working out of development's scenarios and variants. Modern tendencies in the diamond business are directed towards the optimistic scenario.

How to cite: Novozhilova E.V., Lyubek Y.V. Condition and tendencies of the world diamond-mining industry development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 145.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The estimation of the economic efficiency of the coal energy development taking into account the ecological factor

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The article discusses energy security of Russia by a business association of coal mining and power generation output in a single energy-and-coal complex, based on the use of water-coal fuel. 

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Martemyanova A.N. The estimation of the economic efficiency of the coal energy development taking into account the ecological factor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 152.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Problems and prospects of export оf the russian coal

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In article features of international trade are considered by coal. The characteristic of coal branch of the Russian Federation is resulted. The special attention is given a condition of export of the Russian coal at the present stage and to prospects of its increase. 

How to cite: Podoba Z.S. Problems and prospects of export оf the russian coal // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 158.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Valuation of mineral assets of a mining company оn the basis of the option approach

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Reliable estimation of assets valuations in mining companies play a significant role in ensuring capital accessibility as well as correct current and future company valuation. Valuation of assets can be fulfilled either by a costs or by a fair (market) value, and also should be based on the value-based approach that represents management flexibility consideration. By valuation of a mining company's assets and also assets of corporate companies which have mineral assets, it is necessary to consider mineral resources as assets and reveal their systemic and specific features. Mineral resources as assets and mining industry itself have strongly pronounced option characteristics, which determines significance of the option approach's correct application and quantitative assessment of management flexibility. Application of the real options method improves the methodology of a mining company's valuation and strategic management tools by means of an adequate allowance for risk, ensuring of flexibility and strategic decision consistency, opportunities of fast switching over and continuity of changes.

How to cite: Ponomarenko T.V., Sergeev I.B. Valuation of mineral assets of a mining company оn the basis of the option approach // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 164.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The factors defining the stability and sustainable development of mineral and raw materials enterprises and the factors’ influence оn the activity results evaluation

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Recently the development of competition and intensive demonopolization have become typical features of the new economic course in the Russian Federation. However at the same time in the main the large-scale industrial works, being the basic resource for the majority of Russian cities, are typical of the mining industry. It is the formation of the mining-industrial complexes that permits more precisely and appropriately to use the raw resources of the worked deposit, to increase the efficiency of production, to convert the waste products of the basic production into the commodity output, and to decrease the cost price of the protecting environment measures. Lately while evaluating the activity of the industrial works, the majority of economists use the conception of «the Sustainable Development», or «the Stability». The sustainable development of the mineral and raw materials enterprises is of the utmost importance nowadays as it may influence the social-economical development of the whole country. With the various level of influence on every enterprise of the equal level of external influence, the evaluation of the stability of the enterprises group in the mining-industrial complex is the urgent problem for the industrial works of the complex.

How to cite: Pronin E.M., Vasilev V.E., Tsvetkov V.Y. The factors defining the stability and sustainable development of mineral and raw materials enterprises and the factors’ influence оn the activity results evaluation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 176.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Estimation of influence of mobile telecommunications and the mining industry on economic growth of Russia: the econometrical analysis

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This paper is devoted to influence of mobile telecommunication on mining and therefore on economical growth in Russian Federation. The research is made with the help of econometric models and methods. As a result the author make a conclusion that such influence takes place and economical growth is affected by cooperation of two spheres of economy: telecommunication and mining.

How to cite: Sergienko A.S. Estimation of influence of mobile telecommunications and the mining industry on economic growth of Russia: the econometrical analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 183.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The modern state and perspectives of underground coal mining development in Kuzbass

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The analysis of the modern state and perspectives of development of underground coal mining in Kuznetsky coal basin has been carried out. Problems of underground mining of coal seams have been determined. The factors which significantly effect the efficiency of coal mines have been reviewed. The conclusion on necessity of improvement of mining methods for coal seams in complex geological conditions have been made.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A. The modern state and perspectives of underground coal mining development in Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 188.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Effect of ownership transformations in the russian economy on formation of a national model of public corporation management

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Restructuring of the Russian economy in the early 1990-ies by objective processes of transformation of pre-existing patterns of ownership and the search for adequate for this new market relations forms of public corporation management. The financial crisis in August 1998 and the global financial crisis in 2009 made their significant adjustments to the optimization into the system of public corporation management in our country. A characteristic feature of the situation in our country system of public corporation management can be called a combination in one person of the owner and manager, as well as the extensive use of self-dealing.

How to cite: Tertyshnyi S.A. Effect of ownership transformations in the russian economy on formation of a national model of public corporation management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 191.
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Strategic priorities for sustainable development оf service market at shelf field’s development

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This article shows economic approaches for creation the service market for oil & gas industry as necessary condition for successful development of hydrocarbon fields, taking into account foreign experience of natural resources development. Authors show different aspects of an effective industrial policy carried out in the operated region’s oil & gas complex, with decisions taken for sustainable development of service market and wide range of social and economic problems at various stages of the field development. The article also covers questions related to the interaction between state and oil & gas business and the creation of effective strategies for management of hydrocarbon resource developments.

How to cite: Fadeev A.M., Larichkin F.D. Strategic priorities for sustainable development оf service market at shelf field’s development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 197.
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Determination the optimal period of projects in terms of continuous cash flow

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The article deals with problems of determining the optimal period of projects in the investment chain. The main emphasis is on methods of generating cash flows and the subsequent decision to launch projects and sequences of projects in terms of continuous time.

How to cite: Kholodkova V.V. Determination the optimal period of projects in terms of continuous cash flow // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 205.
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Condition, problems and prospects of innovation development of the mineral complex of the north and arctic regions of Russia

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A wide circle of questions has been considered regarding analysis of problems and prospects of innovation development of the mineral complex, methodological principles of the strategy of transition of Northern regions and the Arctic to the new paradigm of innovative economic development.

How to cite: Tsukerman V.A. Condition, problems and prospects of innovation development of the mineral complex of the north and arctic regions of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 212.
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Principles and prerequisites of forming oil and gas cluster in development of Shtokman gas-condensate field

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The main prerequisites for creation oil and gas suppliers cluster are enumerated in given article. Comparison of organization structure of territorial-industrial complexes, developed in soviet period of planned economy, with clusters, which are developing in market economy, is fulfilled. The example of Norway which oil and gas suppliers compete efficiently even on the global markets is given. It was established that successful development of oil and gas suppliers cluster in Murmansk region will let to reach multi-effects and to consolidate interaction between business and State.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E., Sultani A.N. Principles and prerequisites of forming oil and gas cluster in development of Shtokman gas-condensate field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 218.
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Environmental insurance problems for mining industry

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This article argues about the problems of ecological risks insurance and possible solutions for them. The situation is generally highlighted from the mining companies’ point of view.

How to cite: Shakhpazov K.A. Environmental insurance problems for mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 223.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Research of the influence of macroeconomic factors on efficiency of activity of the coal companies for realization fundamental positions of the energy development strategy of the Russian Federation

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The financial condition of the coal industry is analyzed in the paper, the main provisions of the energy development strategy are described, the influence of macroeconomic factors on the efficiency of the export activities of mining companies is determined. Based on the established correlation between coal prices, the dollar rate and world oil prices a probabilistic forecast of profitability of export sales of coal is given.

How to cite: Shulgina O.V. Research of the influence of macroeconomic factors on efficiency of activity of the coal companies for realization fundamental positions of the energy development strategy of the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 227.

Forming of plan scenarios of oil and gas enterprise according to the external and internal factors

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Planning in modern conditions should provide changes which occur in internal and external environments of the enterprise that then effectively to predict the further activity. In article the theoretical mechanism of construction of scenarios of planning of activity of the oil and gas extraction enterprise is offered.

How to cite: Burenina I.V. Forming of plan scenarios of oil and gas enterprise according to the external and internal factors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 232.

Management of the capital of the enterprises of mineral-raw complex in the conditions of uncertainty

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Market conditions dictate necessity of complex management of the capital of the enterprises of mineral-raw complex. Along with traditional methods of internal risk-management taking into account specific raw risks, the system of external insurance develops. Modernisation of a mineral-raw complex demands considerable internal and external investments and is interfaced to various risks and uncertainty of a situation. The Mineral-raw-material base of the extracting and processing enterprises, is simultaneously and the managing environment, it both object and a risk factor.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Slemneva O.V. Management of the capital of the enterprises of mineral-raw complex in the conditions of uncertainty // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 236.

Construction of the model contracttenders fordelivery nonmetallic building materials for road construction

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The principles of and methods for building models of contract tenders for the supply of non-metallic construction materials for road construction by the criterion of optimality of the customer, implemented with a minimum expenditure of the funds and ensure the economic development of the road sector.

How to cite: Voronov N.G. Construction of the model contracttenders fordelivery nonmetallic building materials for road construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 241.

Economic problems of exploration maintenance by high-tech geophysical equipment

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The situation existing in the sphere of the supply of state-of-the-art geophysical equipment, as well as geophysical data processing and interpretation software to the Russian exploration industry is analyzed. Russian consumers face a number of problems associated with the effective application of foreign technologies. At this conditions, it is important to take a number of measures at the state level to restore the required level of own production of up-to-date geophysical equipment in Russia.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Economic problems of exploration maintenance by high-tech geophysical equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 246.

The mining company as system of social and economic interests managing subjects

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A complex strategy of development of the mining enterprise is impossible without social aspect, because the mining enterprises for a number of territories are the only employers. So a subject of strategic management is the production relations and economic interests of the managing subjects. If we want the system of interests to be coordinated, it is necessary to create conditions when different interests of managing subjects would be coincided with the company purposes.

How to cite: Kirsanova N.Y. The mining company as system of social and economic interests managing subjects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 251.

The financial strategy of the mining enterprise development in the conditions of uncertainty and risk

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Financial strategy of the mining enterprise in the conditions of uncertainty and risk allows to prove sufficiency of financial assets for realization of investment strategy; to estimate solvency and financial stability of the enterprise through the rating indicators and indicators; to prove the limits of rational volume's increase according to the investment strategy. 

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. The financial strategy of the mining enterprise development in the conditions of uncertainty and risk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 257.

The application of internet-сonferencing as a method of improving the effectiveness of management of mining production

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The application of Internet-conferences systems to improve the management of mining production is considered. The developed system named SAVii is described.

How to cite: Makhovikov A.B. The application of internet-сonferencing as a method of improving the effectiveness of management of mining production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 262.

Systematism of human resources performance measures in mining organisation

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The innovative development of the national economy largely depends on the state and development of human capital which is the base of forming of employment potential and human resources of regions, industries, organizations. The article presents the results of a study of staffing problems in mining regions (on the example of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Kemerovo regions). The system of indicators for the integrated assessment of human resources of mining organizations is developed in accordance with the specific industry human problems; the comprehensive assessment of the human resources of «Severo-Onega Bauxite Rabbet» INK is given and measures for its improvement are proposed.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Tremasova I.S. Systematism of human resources performance measures in mining organisation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 267.

Integration processes in the fuel and energy complex of Russia

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Forecast data and development factors of Russian fuel and energy complex for the period till 2030 are given in the article. Also the integration processes accompanying reformation of power branch are characterized. Territorial generation companies are considered as the main players on the wholesale power market created during branch re-structuring. Management scheme of production recourse is presented for them.

How to cite: Nikolaeva A.Y., Skobelina V.P. Integration processes in the fuel and energy complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 274.

Estimation of mining and chemical enterprises' strategic competitiveness by value-based management

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The concept of a company's market value management based on correlation between the systems of financial and strategic management forms the system of integrated indicators of the enterprise activity efficiency. It is shown that a company's market value can act as an indicator of its strategic competitiveness. Essence, factors and principles of company's market value management are defined. The author's classification of methods and models of mining enterprises' value estimation is offered. The methodic approach to mining and chemical enterprises' value estimation is based and applied, the join-stock companies' «Sylvinite», «Uralkali», «Apatit» value estimations were obtained on the basis of the modified Edwards-Bell-Ohlson model.

How to cite: Ponomarenko T.V., Kosovtseva T.R. Estimation of mining and chemical enterprises’ strategic competitiveness by value-based management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 279.

The economic model of the choice of effective directions for gold mining company

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The article developed the economic-mathematical model of the choice of effective lines of development and determine the share of own funds invested in projects of development gold mining company.

How to cite: Revazov M.A., Galieva N.V., Tolmachev A.G. The economic model of the choice of effective directions for gold mining company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 288.

Oilfield services companies and their innovative development

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In article the characteristic of leading world oil and gas service companies Shclumberger, Halliburton, Transocean, Weatherford International, Baker Hughes is given, their basic areas of activity are allocated. The basic attention is given their innovative development. The direction of innovative development of Russian enterprise «Sevmorgeo» is defined. It is shown, investment income of oil and gas service does not concede to business on extraction of hydrocarbons.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Shkatov M.Y., Siraev A.M. Oilfield services companies and their innovative development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 293.

Working out of the mechanism of management by industrial resources of the territorial generating company

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The main aspects of management mechanism development for production resources of territorial generation company are highlighted in the given paper. The territorial generation company characteristic, as a subject of electric power market is given. Basic principles of the mechanism development, object and basic scheme of production resources management are resulted.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Nikolaeva A.Y. Working out of the mechanism of management by industrial resources of the territorial generating company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 302.

Scientific and technical potential in the structure of the total economic potential

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Scientific and technical potential is the main part of the Russian economic potential. It will ensure the access to the world market, and consequently a total breakthrough in the economic development of the country. We give a special attention to the methods and procedures of the scientific and technical potential effectiveness. 

How to cite: Fedoseev S.V., Tumar O.S. Scientific and technical potential in the structure of the total economic potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 309.

Analysis of economic effectiveness of technologies associated petroleum gas utilization (in conditions of Tomsk region)

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Data of utilization of associated petroleum gas according to information of 41 license dale, which exploiting in Tomsk region are analyzed. Analysis of world and domestic experience of associated petroleum gas utilization is carried out. The main direction of rise utilization’s level and criteria of choice associated petroleum gas use are considered. Most economic effectiveness variant of Associated petroleum gas utilization is proposed.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E., Zharova T.Y. Analysis of economic effectiveness of technologies associated petroleum gas utilization (in conditions of Tomsk region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 316.
To 45th anniversary of faculty of economics of Saint-Petersburg state mining institute
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The economic department of the mining institute: past, present, future

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The Economic Department of the Mining Institute is 45 years old from the year of its foundation. The main stages of the department development have been considered in this article. Qualifications and fields of training for future specialists have been defined here. The set of disciplines, skills and knowledge, which all graduators have to posses, has been shown. The general trends of the scientific research of department’s scientists and their contribution to the progressing of the domestic economy have been given in the article.

How to cite: Iseeva L.I., Turovskaya L.G. The economic department of the mining institute: past, present, future // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 322.
To 45th anniversary of faculty of economics of Saint-Petersburg state mining institute
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Formation stages of department of informatics and computer technologies and its contribution to efficiency increase of mining production

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Formation and transformation stages of computer science and computer technologies department of mining institute are considered. The characteristic of educational and research work at the department and its contribution to the task of efficiency increasing of mining production is showed. The tasks of department at the present stage are defined.

How to cite: Golovenchits N.Y., Makhovikov A.B., Prudinskii G.A. Formation stages of department of informatics and computer technologies and its contribution to efficiency increase of mining production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 329.
To 45th anniversary of faculty of economics of Saint-Petersburg state mining institute
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Role and value of IT-competence of teachers

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Тhere are revolutionary changes in techniques of Нuman-Machine Interaction: technologies of work, means of storage and distribution of the information and knowledge are modified. The Internet, social networks, blogs, virtual books and libraries, digital audio-video-photos, cellular telephones, means of an instant exchange of messages, pocket computers create for the modern student weight of possibilities for an information exchange, and also impression – that only a decade ago we were in absolute information vacuum. It is easy to notice that discussing this theme, time to measure by decades more typically. Time is accelerated. The effective utilization of the broadest spectrum of the possibilities realized on the basis of means IT, communicates today with formation IТ – the competence of all participants of educational process.

How to cite: Sattarova N.I., Prudinskii G.A. Role and value of IT-competence of teachers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 334.