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O. V. Slemneva
O. V. Slemneva
Saint Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance
Saint Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance



Management of the capital of the enterprises of mineral-raw complex in the conditions of uncertainty

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Market conditions dictate necessity of complex management of the capital of the enterprises of mineral-raw complex. Along with traditional methods of internal risk-management taking into account specific raw risks, the system of external insurance develops. Modernisation of a mineral-raw complex demands considerable internal and external investments and is interfaced to various risks and uncertainty of a situation. The Mineral-raw-material base of the extracting and processing enterprises, is simultaneously and the managing environment, it both object and a risk factor.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Slemneva O.V. Management of the capital of the enterprises of mineral-raw complex in the conditions of uncertainty // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 236.