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Vol 191
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The analysis of approaches and principles оf the preauction estimation of mineral deposits

O. A. Marinina
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Principles and approaches of an estimation of mineral deposits at a licensing stage are stated, the method of an estimation of sites of bowels on the basis of the profitable approach taking into account various factors is proved, the way of the account of risks through the rate of discounting depending on a stage of a level of scrutiny of a deposit is offered.

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  1. Лобанов Н.Я. Экономика природопользования при разведке, добыче и обогащении полезных ископаемых: Учеб. пособие / СПб, 2009. 99 с.
  2. Филатов С.А. Оценка рыночной стоимости геологической информации по участку нераспределенного фонда недр // Вестник недропользователя. 2010. № 17.

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